Anonymous ID: 770700 June 16, 2023, 10:11 a.m. No.19017246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7253 >>7344 >>7451 >>7530 >>7636 >>7758 >>7873 >>7901

16 Jun, 2023 16:10

Germany has no more money for EU – finance minister

With its budget drained by Ukraine, the bloc is reportedly asking its members to contribute more


Germany cannot afford to pay more money into the EU budget, Finance Minister Christian Lindner told the newspaper Die Welt on Friday. AlthoughGermany is the bloc’s largest contributor, it has been forced to make cutbacks as its economy contracts.


"In view of thenecessary cuts in our national budget, we are currently unable to make any additional contributions to the budget of the European Union," Linder told reporters in Brussels, adding that other member states have come to the same realization.


Lindner explained that theEU has maxed outits long-term budget through 2027,largely as a result of the bloc’s lavish aid packages to Ukraine. According to the latest figures from Brussels, the EU has given Kiev €72 billion ($79 billion) in economic, military, and humanitarian aid since Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began last February.


Despite this unprecedented outflow draining its coffers, theEuropean Commission is reportedly readying an additional €72 billion financial aid package to keep the Ukrainianeconomy limping along to 2027. According to Lindner, the commission will release a report next week asking member states for more money to cover the bill.


Germany is the EU’s largest net contributor, giving €21.4 billion ($23.4 billion)to the bloc’s budget in 2021. Its next-door neighbor, Poland, is the largest net drain on the budget, receiving €12.9 billion ($14.2 billion) in 2021.


Once regarded as Europe’s industrial powerhouse and the EU’s most resilient economy,Germany is currently experiencing deindustrializationas a consequence of its decision to cut itself off from cheap Russian gas and transition to more expensive green energy. The German economy fell into recession in the first three months of this year, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government is planning to reveal around €20 billion ($21.8 billion) in budget cuts later this month.


However, a vote on the budget may be delayed, as Scholz and Lindner’s coalition partners in the Green partyargue for tax hikes instead of spending cuts.


(Lets see how the German people respond to this!)

Anonymous ID: 770700 June 16, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.19017264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7451 >>7530 >>7636 >>7758 >>7873 >>7901

16 Jun, 2023 12:17

Ten Ukrainian assaults repelled in single day – Moscow

Kiev lost up to 400 soldiers while attempting to breach the front line in several areas, according to the Russian Defense Ministry


Ukraine has lost hundreds of troopsin a series of unsuccessful attacks on two sections of the front line in thelast 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Friday.


In a statement, the ministry said Kiev’s forces had gone on the offensive in two directions, with battles taking placenear the so-called Vremevsky ledgein the southern section of the front, and west of the Russian city of Donetsk.


In the first area, the most intense fighting took place near the settlements of Rovnopol and Urozhaynoye, with Russian troopsrepelling five Ukrainian attacks. As a result,Kiev lost more than 200 service members, five tanks, seven armored personnel vehicles, and other hardware, according to officials in Moscow.


Russian troopsrepelled another five attacksnear the settlements of Pervomayskoye, Petrovskoye and Staromichailovka, all located west and north-west of Donetsk, the ministry added. It estimatedUkrainian losses in the area at up to 215 service members, three armored and five other vehicles, as well as two artillery pieces.


Ukraine launched a large-scale counteroffensive on June 4, after the West and Kiev had talked up the operation for several months. According to Moscow,the attacks have thus far failed to gain any ground and have resulted in considerable lossesfor Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed Kiev’s forces are “taking heavycasualties” which outnumber Russia’s by a factor of ten.


Commenting on the counteroffensive, Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky admittedon Thursday thatRussian troops were putting up “very tough resistance.” His remarks tallied with an earlier CNN report, which cited two senior US officials as saying that Ukraine has encountered heavier pushback than expected from Moscow’s forces.


(If US officials said that, they are stupid or they don’t exist)

Anonymous ID: 770700 June 16, 2023, 10:16 a.m. No.19017276   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kekkity, Kek, Kek, Kek

16 Jun, 2023 12:33

German expert sounds alarm over RT’s outreach

Political scientist Florian Toepfl urgedBerlin to more boldly regulate what he described as “foreign propaganda media


Several million Germans visit RT’s websiteat least once a month despite it being blocked in the country, political scientist Florian Toepfl has warned. He called on the German government to clamp down more actively on what he described as “foreign propaganda media.”


Speaking at the Media Future Forum 2023 in Frankfurt on Tuesday, Toepfl argued that the German authorities shouldview the Kremlin as an “unscrupulous actor” that seeks to undermine the stability of German democracy. (Germans propaganda is not working so they are freakin out)


To illustrate his point, the professor of political communications cited his own research showing that3% of the German populationvisits RT’s website at least once per month.


While most of these people recognize the Russian media outlet as state-affiliated, there are plenty moreGerman ‘alternative media’ outlets that appear legitimate, the expert stressed.


According to Toepfl, half of such German outlets have “organizational, media or personal connection to Russia.”


In light of this, the Germangovernment should protect the public from undesired influenceby further tightening the screws on outlets deemed to be propaganda peddlers, the political scientist suggested.


Ralf Stettner, a cybersecurity expert from the Interior Ministry of Germany’s Hesse region, shared Toepfl’s concern, claiming that the country is facingan actor “that is attacking with high [level of] expertise and patience.” (so the truth scares the shit out of them. And people know Ukraine is losing)


Meanwhile, last month, the EU’s vice president for values and transparency, Vera Jourova, sounded the alarm over claims that pro-Russian narratives were increasingly gaining traction across the bloc. This has resulted inmore and more Europeans seeing eye-to-eye with Moscowregarding its conflict with Ukraine, the official said.


Speaking to Germany’s Bild media outlet, she called on EU member states toallocate more moneyfor “strategic communications and the fight againstdisinformation.”


According to Jourova, Brussels hasunderestimated the “influence of Russianpropaganda,” which the Kremlin has invested “billions” into.


AmongMoscow’s prime targets is the German population, the EU official alleged.

Anonymous ID: 770700 June 16, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.19017340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7530 >>7636 >>7758 >>7873 >>7901

16 Jun, 2023 16:32

Poland covets western Ukraine – Putin

Warsaw is gradually moving towards this goal, the Russian president said


Poland has its own ambitions in the Ukraine conflict and is seeking to claim parts of the country’s territory, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a discussion at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday.


“The Poles have their own goals,they sleep and dreamof seeing the return ofwestern Ukraine, and, apparently, they are gradually moving towards this,” the Russian leader told participants of the forum, noting that Poland has still not forgotten thegenocideof its peopleby Ukrainian ultranationalistsduring World War II.


The president’s comments come after several Russian officials have suggested thatWarsaw is secretly planning to annex partsof western Ukraine, primarily the so-called‘Eastern Borderlands’,which were controlled by Poland between the two world wars and include four regions of modern Ukraine: Lviv, Volyn, Ivano-Frankovsk, and Ternopol.


Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who now serves as the deputy chairman of the National Security Council, claimed back in January that Poland’s decision to sendWestern main battle tanksto Ukraine was asecret ployto partition the country.


Last year, the director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin, suggested that Polish President AndrzejDudahad already instructed the “relevant services”to come up with a justifiable basis to claim those territories.


He also stated that he had received intelligence suggesting that Warsaw is consideringsubmitting restitution demands to Kievfor the 1943 Volhynia massacres, which saw over 100,000 Poles killed by the Nazi-allied Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists led byStepan Bandera. Kiev currently considers the Nazi collaborator a national hero.


Warsaw, however, has repeatedly denied claims that it plans to take over Ukrainian territory, dismissing it as a Russian disinformation operation. Nevertheless, Duda has expressed hope that a time will come when bothPoland and Ukraine will live “together on this land, building and rebuilding our common happiness and common strength that will allow us to resist every danger.”


In early March of 2022, Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky stated that “effectively, we no longer have a border with Poland, with a friendly Poland,” referring to how welcoming Warsaw had been to Ukrainian refugees.

Anonymous ID: 770700 June 16, 2023, 10:48 a.m. No.19017405   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>19017053 @realDonaldTrump John Kelly pretended to be a “tough guy,” but was actually weak and ineffective, born with a VERY small “brain.”


Whats that saying: “they’ve got us surrounded, the poor bastards”

Anonymous ID: 770700 June 16, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.19017469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US News whores itself out again

16 Jun, 2023 17:09

South Africa calls out Reuters’ air-raid ‘misinformation’

Sirens reportedly blared as a delegation from Pretoria arrived in Kiev, but a spokesman for President Ramaphosa said everything was peaceful


South African presidential spokesman Vincent Magwenya has accusedReuters of peddling lies, after the news agency claimed that a Russian missile strike sent his delegation running for a bunker in Kiev. It was not the first time Ukrainian authorities sounded air raid sirens when foreign leaders arrived in the city.


Magwenya arrived in Kiev on Friday with President Cyril Ramaphosa, who along with five other African leaders met with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to promote a negotiated end to the conflict with Russia.According to Reuters, air raid sirens and explosions were heard in the city, and the group was whisked to a shelter underneath a hotel.


Ukrainian officials seized on the opportunity to accuse Russia of undermining the peace mission. “Russian missiles are a message to Africa: Russia wants more war, not peace,”Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba wrote on Twitter. “Whenever a high-ranking foreign delegation visits Ukraine, Russia greets it with a missile attack on our peaceful cities,” said Andrey Yermak, head of the Ukrainian presidential staff.


However, no sirens or explosions were actually heard, Magwenya said. “We didn't hear any explosions,” he tweeted. “Instead, we saw people going on about their day leisurely. Everything seems normal from what we have experienced thus far.”


It's very strange that we didn't hear or see an explosion. There's obviously some deliberate misinformation being spread here,” he told South Africa’s News24 outlet. “As we expected this mission was never going to be easy but some of the hurdles are deeply disturbing, like… this so-called explosion."


One day earlier, a plane carrying Ramaphosa’s security detail and a number of journalists was held at Warsaw’s Chopin Airport in Poland, with Polish authorities demanding the security personnel surrender their weapons. After a 26-hour standoff, passengers were finally allowed to disembark on Friday afternoon.


Throughout its military operation in Ukraine, Russia has attacked military and infrastructure targets around Kiev with missiles and drones. However, air raid sirens have also been turned on almost every time a high-profile Western leader visits Zelensky in the city, even at times when no missile strikes were taking place.


When sirens blared as US President Joe Biden arrived in Kiev in February, CNN reporter Alex Marquardt noted that no alarms had gone off for five days beforehand, with the alert only triggered when cameras were on Biden and Zelensky.

Anonymous ID: 770700 June 16, 2023, 11:20 a.m. No.19017518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7530 >>7636 >>7758 >>7873 >>7901

16 Jun, 2023 11:57

10,000+ Russian troops paid bonuses for destroying enemy hardware – MOD

Additional rewards for taking out German-made Leopard main battle tanks are in the pipeline, the Defense Ministry said


More than 10,000 Russian troops have received bonuses for destroying or capturing major enemy weapon systems during the military operation against Ukraine, the Defense Ministry has revealed.


Russian soldiers have beenpaid between50,000 and 300,000 rubles ($600 and $3,600) for personally taking out a tank, an artillery gun, a fighter jet, or other piece of military equipment, according to the statistics.


In 2022, 7,064 servicemen merited such remuneration fordestroying a total of 11,586pieces of Ukrainianmilitary equipment. In the first five months of this year, the figures were 3,193 and 4,415, respectively, the ministry said.


Thebiggest payoffs went to airmen and air defense operators for shooting down enemy jets and helicopters, and to soldiers for destroying Tochka-U and HIMARS rocket launchers. Ukrainian naval drones==, which have been used for attacks on Crimea, were valued by the military leadership at $2,400 apiece.


Half of that amount was paid out “for destroying each of the many hundreds of armor” belonging to Ukrainian forces, the statement said. The smallest bonuses were awarded for intercepting enemy rockets and some drones, as well as for taking out armored vehicles and artillery pieces.


The ministry is reviewing reports from the battlefield to decide onbonuses for destroying Leopard tanks and other NATO-produced hardware, it said. Kiev’s foreign backers have supplied dozens of pieces of such equipment in an attempt to strengthen Ukraine’s army ahead of its long-promised counteroffensive, which is now underway.


Some private Russian citizens have also offered bounties to frontline troops. In one recent example, entertainer Grigory Leps said he and several other like-minded people were pooling resources to pay out 1 million rubles ($13,000) for each Western tank destroyed by Russian soldiers.

Anonymous ID: 770700 June 16, 2023, 11:22 a.m. No.19017524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7873 >>7901

18 hours ago

Col. Derek Harvey: NeoCon Globalist Mike Turner & Adam Schiff And Fight For the Administrative State


17:44 minutes

Anonymous ID: 770700 June 16, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.19017778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7873 >>7901

Taxpayers Spending Millions On H. Biden’s Secret Service Security Details For Stripper Alimony Case.

Hunter shows up to the court house fin a motorcade of 4 secret service SUVS for the alimony case.Why does Hunter rank lots SS 24 hours a day?Its millions a year to protect him.

Garrette Ziegler is being deposed for hours I think by her attorney. Bergquam is the only media that showed up. AP showed up for short time.


5:13 minutes