Anonymous ID: d7dbbc June 16, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.19017704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7710 >>7730 >>7731 >>7758 >>7873 >>7901

Anna Paulina Luna says GOP will make another attempt to censure Adam Schiff

Luna says that she has come to an agreement with the 20 Republicans who voted against her first bill.

June 16, 2023


Florida GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna said on Thursday there would be a second attempt to censure California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff after the first try failed.


The House voted on Wednesday to kill Luna's first bill that would have censured Schiff. The vote was 225 to 196, with seven members voting present. Twenty Republicans voted alongside the Democrats to table the resolution.


Luna says that she has come to an agreement with the 20 Republicans who voted against her bill.


"We came to terms and negotiations and the language that will censure and refer him to an ethics investigation because of the fact that he knowingly used his position as the chairman of House Intelligence to lie to the American people, to lie to his fellow colleagues, and also too, violated the rights, the civil liberties of individuals like Carter Page," Luna said during an interview with Fox Business.

