Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 1:06 p.m. No.19017948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8089 >>8410 >>8590 >>8674

5 hours ago

Paul Dans: We Need To ‘Flood The Zone’ With MAGA ‘Special Operators’ On Day 1 Of Trump Admin. He works at the Heritage Foundation and they have stated Project 2025 to Flood the Trump Admin with MAGA

Good listen. He said theHeritage Foundation learned the word “based”from listening to War Room


5:17 minutes

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 1:25 p.m. No.19018055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8112 >>8338 >>8410 >>8590 >>8674

Trump Appointee Paul Dans Walks Through Personnel Subversion In First Trump Admin. Project 2025 fill the US gov with Maga. He and John McEntee came up with plan, with Heritage

3:28 minutes


Paul Dans worked under Carlson at HUD. He was then sent to OPM.OPM Office of Personal Management that is the Central Processing Unit of the Deep Stateit’s the entire HR of the US government. The reason why the DS works is because all the hard wiring, the personnel laws, the security and independence these people get, are built out of that organization.


Anons this is a clarion callfor anons and MAGA that consider what you can do to work in the next Trump Administration. I’ll post any directions he lists in the next couple of short videos.

Trump has to have his people, put of the 4,000 he could have appointed only about 2,000 were

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 1:34 p.m. No.19018112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8144 >>8410 >>8590 >>8674


Paul Dans Explains How Far Left Took Over Administrative State. How the DS is fed into OPM and the Federal Government. 98% leftists in the government as long term employees. Project 2025: fill the federal government with MAGA


3:23 minutes


This is what the President is up against, he can appoint only 4,000 of the 2.2 million federal workers plus you have

16 million federal contractors

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 1:39 p.m. No.19018144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8178


5 hours ago

Paul Dans: Here’s How To Work In The Next Trump Administration. Calling on war room, anons and MAGA to get into the federal government & work for Trump, through Project 2025


This is a war for the Republic. Its the Fourth Turning. We have a tough and cunning enemy.


5:59 minutes

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 1:45 p.m. No.19018178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8186 >>8233 >>8255 >>8410 >>8590 >>8674


Paul Dans: Here’s How To Work In The Next Trump Administration. Calling on war room, anons and MAGA to get into the federal government & work for Trump Admin through Project 2025. Website is where you find out to work for the Trump Admin in 2025

• Free online courses

• Get into the database for a job

• Lots of other info


Free Book: The Plan to Deconstruct the Administrative State


Activate anons, send out to all your friends

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 2 p.m. No.19018233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8410 >>8450 >>8590 >>8674


Anons if I was younger I would do this today, the website info below.

Project2025 to work in the Trump admin



Building now for a conservative victory through policy, personnel, and training.

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It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left,we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on Day One of the next conservative Administration.

This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative Administration.


More About Project 2025



Former PPO Director John McEntee Joins Project 2025;Personnel Database Launches

Project 2025 -


Project 2025 Publishes Comprehensive Policy Guide, ‘Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise’

project 2025 in the news, fox news

IN THE NEWS/APR 19, 2023

Heritage Recommends DOJ, FBI Overhaul for Next GOP President to End ‘Radical Liberal Agenda’

Project 2025 in the News Fox News

IN THE NEWS/APR 18, 2023


Conservative Org Prepares Aggressive Plan for DHS Overhaul if Republicans Win White House in 2024

IN THE NEWS/APR 18, 2023

This Department Was at the Center of COVID-19 Overreach. Here’s What a Conservative President Should Do With It

IN THE NEWS/APR 17, 2023

The 4-Point Game Plan for a Conservative President to Dismantle the Deep State That Undermined Trump project 2025 in the news -

IN THE NEWS/APR 17, 2023


A First Look at Project 2025’s recommendations for the Department of Education

project 2025 in the news - bannon war room

IN THE NEWS/MAR 29, 2023

Project 2025 Director Paul Dans joins Bannon’s War Room

project 2025 in the news - jacob kersey program logo

IN THE NEWS/MAR 11, 2023

Project 2025 Director Paul Dans joins The Jacob Kersey Program at CPAC



Policy Agenda

Building on the legacy of Mandate for Leadership, this comprehensive policy guide for the incoming presidential Administration will offer specific proposals for every major issue facing the country, pulling from the expertise of the entire conservative movement.


Read the Policy Agenda

Personnel Database

The most comprehensive policy agenda will have only limited impact without the right people in place to implement it. The project will cast a net across the country toidentify conservatives from all walks of life to serve in the next conservative Administration.


Interested in Applying?


To turn this talent pool into effective conservative administrators, the project will bring together experts who have served in prior Administrations and can share their knowledge through workshops, seminars, online videos, and mentorship.


Training Opportunities

180-Day Playbook

The time is short, and conservatives need a plan. The project will create a playbook of actions to be taken in the first 180 days of the new Administration to bring quick relief to Americans suffering from the Left’s devastating policies.


More About the Playbook


Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 2:06 p.m. No.19018270   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I knew that about his tax returns, Q team and Generals were back years and years to vet him. They knew what would happen. Plus its not like Trump has anything to do with filing his tax returns with a multi billion dollar company and net worth. The DS knew this it was just more trash on the heap of lies

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 2:21 p.m. No.19018338   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Baker I hate to ask this but will you make note of this and the next 3-4 posts on Project2025on how to apply to work in the 2025 Trump

Admin and federal gov. There are lots os anons, family and friends that can do this.

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 2:35 p.m. No.19018425   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Are you going to try now? John McEntee, Paul Dans and the Heritage Foundation planned and strategized this and its released in time. Did you get your masters?


I wish I was younger, I’d do it in a heartbeat

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 2:42 p.m. No.19018469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8480 >>8590 >>8674

16 Jun, 2023 21:21

‘Pentagon Papers’ whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg dies at 92

A tireless campaigner against nuclear weapons, Ellsberg was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year


Daniel Ellsberg, a former US military analyst who revealed a years-long campaign byWashington to hide the true scale of the Vietnam War, has died. Ellsberg passed away after a short battle with pancreatic cancer, but continued his anti-war activism until his final days.


Ellsberg died at his home in Kensington, California, on Friday, according to a statement from his family. Ellsberg died painlessly, surrounded by his entire family, his son Robert said.


Back in March, Ellsberg announced that he had been diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer, and had been given between three and six months to live. Ellsberg refused to undergo chemotherapy, and in a final statement to the press and his supporters, warned that “the current risk of nuclear war, over Ukraine, is as great as the world has ever seen.”


Ellsberg condemned both the US and Russia for maintaining “first-use” nuclear doctrines, and called nuclear war plans and drills by both sides “immoral and insane.”


“Dan Ellsberg was a true American hero,”journalist Glenn Greenwald wrote on Twitter, pointing out that he “knowingly risked life in prison to show his fellow citizens that the US government was lying about the war in Vietnam.” Former CIA agent and fellow whistleblower John Kiriakou described Ellsberg as a “giant of modern American history, of transparency, truth, and human rights,” adding “we need more Americans like him.”


Before he was an anti-nuclear campaigner, Ellsberg was a military analyst with the RAND Corporation and a committed Cold Warrior. In 1969, while participating in a government-ordered study on the runup to the Vietnam War, Ellsberg copied thousands of classified documents detailing the US’ deepening involvement in the conflict long before it openly entered in 1964.


The papers, which were published in part by the New York Times, also showed how multiple US administrations lied to the American public about battlefield losses in Vietnam, while enlarging the scope of the war without public discussion.


Ellsberg was prosecuted for espionage by the Nixon administration, but the charges against him were dropped following a mistrial in 1972. Members of Nixon’s White House Special Investigations Unit illegally wiretapped Ellsberg, before going on to commit the Watergate break-in that ultimately resulted in Nixon’s resignation that same year.


“When I spoke with Dan one month ago – who knew well how few grains of sand remained in his glass – he assessed the risk of a nuclear exchange to be escalating beyond 10%,” NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden wrote on Twitter. “He had hoped to dedicate his final hours to reducing it, for all those he would leave behind. A hero to the end.

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 2:51 p.m. No.19018516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8538 >>8590 >>8674

16 Jun, 2023 21:29

Highlights from Putin’s policy speech at SPIEF

The West will ultimately want to discuss the security guarantees it had once rejected, the Russian president has said


Russian President Vladimir Putin made an appearance at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday, delivering a lengthy speech and taking part in a Q&A session. Aside from economic topics, the president made multiple statements on international policy affairs, which primarily revolved around the ongoing conflict with Ukraine and a broader standoff against the collective West.


1.Ukrainian counteroffensive yielding heavy losses – and no gains


Russia’s president provided an update on the ongoing long-heralded Ukrainian counteroffensive, which began tentatively in early June. To date,Kiev’s forces have lost some 186 tanks and 418 armored vehiclesof other types, according to Putin.

“Their losses are very heavy – about more than one in ten compared to the Russian army. That is a fact. In terms of hardware, the loss of this equipment is growing every day,” he said, adding thatKiev has thus far failed to achieve its goals, wasting its strategic reservesin the push against Russia’s forces.

2.Western military aid will not help Ukraine


The intensified military action has caused a rapid depletion of Ukraine’s own war materiel stockpile, Putin said, predicting that the country’s armed forces are set to become entirely dependent on foreign aid in the nearest future.“Well, you won’t be able to wage war for long like that. Our defense industry, however, is growing day by day,” he said.Any weaponry Kiev receives from the collective West will end up destroyed, Putin warned. “Tanks are burning. Among them are the Leopards. They burn. So will the F-16s. There is no doubt,” the president stated, referring to the potential deliveries of advanced US-made aircraft long-sought by Kiev.

3.NATO involvement in the conflict is deepening


The potentialdelivery of F-16 fighter jetswould get the US-led NATO bloc even more deeply involved into the conflict, Putin said. Moreover, the aircraft may end up stationed abroad, while only operating in Ukraine’s airspace during combat sorties.

In such an event, “we will need to look athow and where we can hit those assetsused in combat operations against us,” Putin said. “This is a serious danger of further dragging NATO into this armed conflict.”

4.West will want to talk to Russia on security guarantees


Moscow has never refused to engage in dialogue with the collective West, coming up with a comprehensive security deal proposal shortly before the ongoing hostilities started, Putin said. The West, however, rejected the dialogue – but it will ultimately be forced to abandon its confrontational stance.

“Regarding whether it is needed to conduct a dialogue with them or not,I repeat once again, we did not reject this dialogue,” Putin said. “It was them who decided to sever this dialogue with us. Well, they don’t want to talk… whatever.They will.”

5.Russian stance on nuclear weapons use explained


Russia’s president also cautioned against normalizing talk of nuclear weapons use, warning that “the very fact of discussing this topic already lowers the threshold for their use.” At the same time, Putin rejected the idea of engaging in any nuclear disarmament talks with the West.

“We possess more weaponry of such sort than the NATO countries. They know that and are always trying to persuade us to start negotiations on reduction. ‘Nuts’ to them, you know, as our people say,” he said. Kek!

Anonymous ID: 2bee53 June 16, 2023, 3:12 p.m. No.19018623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8643

16 Jun, 2023 20:39

‘The world will be different’ when the Ukraine conflict ends – Lavrov to RT

After the goals of the special military operation have been achieved, Russia will trust nobody else to guarantee its security, the foreign minister said


By the time the conflict in Ukraine is resolved,Kiev will respect the loss of its former territories, andWestern-led globalization will be dead, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RT Arabic on Friday.


Speaking on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Lavrov described the West’s proxy war with Russia as “a geopolitical conflict,” in which the US was attempting to eliminate a powerful competitor and “preserve its hegemonic position by all means.”


The attempt is futile, and we all know this,”Lavrov stated, adding that Ukraine and its backers will be forced toaccept new “concrete realities”before a ceasefire is reached.


Firstly, Kiev must accept that any potential peace agreement will need to take into account the loss of the Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye Regions, which voted to join the Russian Federation last year.Before sending its military into Ukraine, Moscow offered more generous terms, and Lavrov warned on Friday that “the longer they put off talks, the more difficult it will be for them to reach an agreement with us.”


Ukraine and its European backers have admitted that the 2014 and 2015Minsk agreements– under which Kiev promised to grant limited autonomy to Donetsk and Lugansk – were aruse to buy Ukrainetime to prepare for war with Russia.This situation will never be repeated, Lavrov told RT.


“Wewon’t be prepared to letsecurity guarantees be based on morepledges and promisesor even documents the West may offer us,” he said. “We must guarantee our national security on our own.”


“We fully understand that we canonly rely on ourselvesand build relations only with countries open to an equal and mutually beneficial partnership,” Lavrov continued. “This is not what we see in the West these days.”


Lastly, Lavrov declared the era in which theUS and its allies control the institutionsof globalization – primarily development banks and multilateral organizations –will come to a close.


Aside from hosting the SPIEF, which drew thousands of delegations from more than 100 countries this week, Russia plays a leading role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Greater Eurasian Partnership, as well as the expanding BRICS group. “Today, there is an understanding that growth processes need to be regionalized and this vision prevails,”Lavrov said. “All the countries of this vast continent should use their God- and nature-given advantages todevelop mutually beneficiallogistic, financial, and transport chains.”


The foreign minister added that Russia would “leave all doors open” for partnershipwith European countries who realize that their interests are better served by cooperation with Russia rather than by playing Washignton’s “ideological and geopolitical games.”


“The world will be different,” Russia’s top diplomat concluded. “And the processes we see unfolding today were whipped up by the West’s response to Russia’s Special Military Operation, when we accepted the challenge that they flung at us. These processes clearly show thatautonomy and independenceof any structures on the global arena that are related to the West are becoming the main trend today.”


(This is Russia’s “Fuck Around and Find Out” mandate and evidence they will WIN this war!)