>it should study
cuz you're a concernfag that follows orders
you're a concerfag that does nothing with the knowledge you have to help fellow man
not a cult
at all
go tell your sins to a guy that takes notes and sets you up later
catholics are some of the worst, easily lead, mental midgets on the planet.
they trust the teacher without even reading the text book.
cath lick: uh…ok
apply it to your own ass
fuck the cath lick church
fuck the pope
as well
your discernment
absolutely sucks
tim dolans ass
catholics cant even defend their religion
catholics are too stupid
or too proud
they're successful (imagine that in this world)
gain everything except salvation
anon was in 200+ vehichle pursuits
anon sees this video as actual
anon gives no fuck at all if you believe him or not
muh dick