Anonymous ID: 8f109c June 16, 2023, 1:22 p.m. No.19018041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8048 >>8052 >>8060 >>8064 >>8094 >>8113 >>8135 >>8167 >>8171 >>8217 >>8270 >>8410 >>8413 >>8520 >>8590 >>8674 >>8684



Twin Tower City ⭐⭐⭐ Retweeted

Bonfire Guy


Precedent Trump

Quote Tweet

Twin Tower City ⭐⭐⭐



Jun 12

Instead, President Trump baited and trolled his enemies into establishing new precedents that can later be used against them:


  1. Former Presidents can be impeached

  2. Former Presidents can be forced to reveal tax and business records

  3. Former Presidents lose executive privilege

  4. Former Presidents can be forced to release phone records and text messages

  5. Former Presidents can have their homes raided by FBI

  6. Former Presidents can be subpoenaed

  7. Former Presidents can be indicted and arrested


None of those happened to any president before Trump.


President Trump himself was the bait for each of those traps.


His enemies are so desperate to "Get Trump!" that they spent seven years throwing everything at him.


Seven years of constant witch hunts and hoaxes.


As each scam failed, they just manufactured a new one.


President Trump baited them each step of the way.


Example 1: Trump's tax returns, when finally released, were squeaky clean. But he acted like there was something to hide, tricking the Democrats into fighting him all the way to SCOTUS, where the new precedent has now been set.

Example 2: Impeached just means accused. So Democrats accused Trump of stuff, as they've been doing for years. But there was no evidence. Trump was exonerated twice in his first term. Pelosi presided over two failed impeachments. Her TDS backfired, and a new precedent was set.


Jun 12

Before any Deep State players could be impeached, forced to reveal tax/business records, stripped of executive privilege, forced to release phone records and text messages, be raided by the FBI, subpoenaed, indicted, and arrested…




2016 Hillary Will Get Trump!

2017 Tax Returns

2017 Comey

2018 Mueller

2019 Stormy

2019 Avenatti

2020 Impeachment 1

2021 Tish James

2021 Impeachment 2

2021 Garland

2022 Jan 6 Trial

2022 Taxes Again

2023 Stormy Again

2023 Alvin Bragg

2023 EJ Carroll

2023 Jack Smith Will Get Trump!


President Trump placed the Biden regime in the spotlight for this phase of The Great Awakening.


As Biden redpills the masses on the true authoritarian nature of the Democrat party, Trump is placing loyal patriots in key positions, and growing stronger and more popular each day


Sometimes you can't tell people the truth.


You must SHOW them.


Trump has shown people the corrupt agenda of the enemy.


All while he baited the enemy into establishing precedents that will soon be used against them.


Nothing can stop what is coming.


The best is yet to come.

Anonymous ID: 8f109c June 16, 2023, 1:23 p.m. No.19018048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8065



See new Tweets


Twin Tower City ⭐⭐⭐



Jun 12

THREAD: The Seal is Broken. Pandora's Box is Open.


If President Trump arrested senior Deep State players during his first term, he would have been vilified by the fake news media and Democrats.


They would have accused him of unprecedented persecution of his political opponents.



Anonymous ID: 8f109c June 16, 2023, 1:31 p.m. No.19018094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8130 >>8135 >>8167 >>8171 >>8176 >>8410 >>8590 >>8674



See new Tweets


Twin Tower City ⭐⭐⭐


THREAD: Why President Trump Pushed the "Vaccine"


President Trump used Operation Warp Speed to force the Cabal to deploy their bioweapon injections before they were fully prepared.


If he hadn't done this, the following would have happened:


He would have been labeled an enemy of the people by the Democrats and fake news media for not providing a "vaccine”.


They would have impeached him again.


City ⭐⭐⭐



Jun 14

We’d still be in lockdown with muzzle mandates.


The Cabal planned to lock us down for 10+ years.


The economy would have been destroyed.


Millions more would have died through food shortages and depression


After ten years, when millions had already died from lockdowns, the jabs would have been released and made mandatory.


It would have been forcibly injected at gunpoint into a depressed, sick, and demoralized population.


Instead, the Cabal was forced to release early under EUA.



Jun 14

The shots would have deadlier.


The Cabal wants to cull global population to 500M per Georgia Guidestones.


By releasing early, they lacked supply and cold storage to kill the planned number of people.


Instead, many people got placebo, or inactive mRNA due to improper storage.



Jun 14

Remember, Trump told us from the beginning that the virus came from a lab in China.


He explained what it was, and he ensured we were aware of the benefits of HCQ, Zinc, Ivermectin, and Regeneron.


He told us about these treatments months before the bioweapon shots were deployed.


Tower City ⭐⭐⭐



Jun 14

Hydroxychloroquine is a synthetic form of Quinine.


Quinine has been used to treat colds and flus since the 1800s.


HCQ and Quinine are a zinc ionophores. They help zinc enter cells, preventing viruses from replicating.


They work like a preventative 'vaccine' as well as a cure.



Jun 14

President Trump also placed people like Fauci, Birx, Gates, Biden, Soros, Schwab, and Big Pharma in the spotlight, exposing their corruption to the world.


It will be impossible for the Cabal to pull off another plandemic, as very few people trust these corrupt players now.


In summary, President Trump was placed in a difficult situation.


People were going to die whatever he did.


But his course of action ultimately saved billions of lives globally.


And when he is reelected, he will deliver retribution.


Nuremberg 2.0 is coming.


Another important point.


Almost half of the country remains pureblood.


Anyone heard of a pureblood with long COVID?


The sudden deaths, aggressive cancers, Guillain-Barre syndrome, strange blood clots etc. only seem to happen to people who got injected.


Anonymous ID: 8f109c June 16, 2023, 1:43 p.m. No.19018167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8171 >>8183




Thwarted a diabolical plan?


11 Feb 2019 | Posted by Member 30091762

Army Night Stalker MH-6 helicopters fly through downtown L.A. as part of an exercise by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment On Feb. 4, 2019. Nothing to see here, folks.


Video credit: @AlexStrezev



Wilshire helicopters at Tom Girardi related?

Anonymous ID: 8f109c June 16, 2023, 1:47 p.m. No.19018183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oldfags remember the exercise was at long beach

This was not announced

Long beach was the diversion where all media were and they lumped this in as exercise after the fact as they were unaware this went down.

