Anonymous ID: 320e01 June 16, 2023, 4:19 p.m. No.19018981   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The frameworks barely exist and "Q" would know "ethics" can be bought or blackmailed

My optimism is buoyed by our old friend, the Sun, and the arrival of flares with the potential to wreck AI completely

Anonymous ID: 320e01 June 16, 2023, 4:31 p.m. No.19019045   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Canada #44 >>19005970


Students Revolt Against “Pride” Month Spirit Day at Massachusetts School; Glare at Teachers, Tear Down Signs, Wear Red, White and Blue, Chant “U.S.A. Are My Pronouns!”

By Kristinn Taylor June 13, 2023


Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in the Boston suburb town Burlington, Massachusetts revolted against the school’s “Pride” month spirit day indoctrination on Friday June 2, glaring at teachers, tearing down posters and chanting “U.S.A. are my pronouns!” while wearing red, white and blue clothing and face paint. The protest was reported to be in part a response to the school ignoring Memorial Day two weeks ago while going all in on LGBTQI+ indoctrination.


The school had been decorated with “Pride” signs and stickers, including the “Progress Pride” flag. Students were encouraged to wear rainbow colored clothing. A sign with a quote from gay playwright Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire adorned with “Pride” flags hung on the walls was taken as criticizing straight (heterosexual) people: “What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it’s curved like a road through mountains.”


The protest came to light after a meeting was held Monday night to address the protest. The school principal said an anonymous snitch form had been established for students to report “hateful incidents.”


Excerpt from WHDH-TV report:


The incident happened on Friday when Principal Cari Perchase said “some students had independently organized a counter message to Pride Spirit Day.”


“This became evident in the lunchroom, where several groups of students wore red, white, blue, or black, including face paint,” Perchase wrote in a letter to families.


Perchase said stickers, banners and signs were also torn off walls and crumpled into water fountains.


“…groups of students were heard chanting, ‘U.S.A are my pronouns,’ and students glared intimidatingly at faculty members showing pride,” Perchase continued. “Students were shamed into removing their stickers or covering their clothing with rainbows.”


…Perchase said she received some feedback that the counter message was in response to the school not recognizing the observance of Memorial Day.


Perchase said the lack of recognition for Memorial Day was “an oversight” and said school officials apologized to students on Monday.

