Anonymous ID: 40098c June 16, 2023, 6:51 p.m. No.19019802   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  1. This is how human beings, even if among the most prominent in vocalizing narrative that politically benefits/serves the radical left, are smeared and slandered by the very same 'owners' of this man, reducing/'deconstructing' into a mocking, name calling smear. "echo echo echo loudmouth loudmouth loudmouth". If Anon were to choose one word for a person covered by a filming 'production', it would not be a smear, and Anon disagrees with Sharpton, for one thing publicly smearing Q+ after being friends and non-publicly-critical for years before, for no good reason.

INCONSISTENT 'emotional'/'intellectual'/'public statements' about ANY one human being is a tragedy. How could it ever be 'cool' for anyone to publicly smear anyone, knowing that what they're saying is not a true 'description' of the smear target? When a person changes how they publicly speak about you, vastly different to how they spoke in private with you, you would know you are being subjected to a gigantic sized set of repeated inconsistent objects thrown into the world -narrative control -> logos, about what 'the world' believes is you?

If anyone, doesn't matter who they are, successfully started merely 'publicly' SHOWING the truth about the behavior of those indicting him, that at the highest levels of government power, with thrown at you knowing inconsistent information objects sourced from trillions and trillions of dollars year after year over and over?

When you correlate total money everywhere with the sources of disinformation, knowing deception, it's only normal human curiosity to ask whether the 'controllers' of the world's 'private' 'central' 'intelli-q-banks'

Mass mind control.

The source of this deception, now indicting human beings for merely having the documented informational object proof about their deception, using the highest levels of government to implement a 'ritual' by praxis, for the sake of controlling governments for the sake of power 'over' 'sheep' and 'cattle'.

Millions, Billions, deceived by knowing inconsistent 'enchanters' of information objects that occupied 90% of the totality of all 'public' information in the public 'bandwidth'…that number is lower now…wayyyy lower.

If anyone got to be POTUS and found a way to avoid physical assassination such that all the evil bastard liars who seem to have no moral repulsion towards using government 'prosecution' to 'silence' the truth about them, if all they have left is narrative assassination.

That alone is a miracle of humanity.

Most people are good.