Anonymous ID: 519c92 June 17, 2023, 9:14 a.m. No.19022184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2209 >>2243

Ron DeSantis Compares Himself to a Disciple of Jesus Christ


June 16, 2023 | Sundance |

Yeah, he really did that. Folks, I’m not sharing this to be snarky about Ron DeSantis per se’, this isn’t actually his messaging. It’s worth looking at this through the prism of who is operating the management, branding and communication effort. This level of ridiculousreligious pandering is stunningly identical to Ted Cruzin the early 2016 GOP nomination.


The DeSantiscampaignknows they need totarget evangelical and faith-basedvoters. Put a group of people who are not actually centered on the principles of faith in charge of a political campaign, tell them they need to appeal to faith-based voters, and this is exactly what you get.


The DeSantis campaign organizes what should be an interview with friendly allies in the Christian Broadcasting Network. [Full Interview Here] CBN’s David Brody then interviews Ron DeSantis asking himwhat historic figures he would associate himself with. DeSantis’s answer is so far beyond pandering cringe, it makes you seriously wonder who constructed this messaging for him [likely, Jeff Roe]. WATCH:


Grandma’s rules apply to me providing any further commentary on the issue, but wow – just wow.


That campaign must be under so much external pressure from the GOPe donors, it’s unreal to watch.


(He should have answered, Judas Iscariot!That would be the honest answer. This is funny, but not funny at all. Could you imagine the gasps from the audience at home?)

Anonymous ID: 519c92 June 17, 2023, 9:19 a.m. No.19022209   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This guy is so fucking disingenuous its frightening. You can see he memorized info from the bible shortly before, but his eyes betray his memory.


He’s really uncomfortable to look at! Serious heebee jeebees

Anonymous ID: 519c92 June 17, 2023, 9:58 a.m. No.19022353   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Harvard Harris GOP Poll, DeSantis Going the Wrong Way – President Trump Pushing 60% With GOP Voters


June 16, 2023 | Sundance |

The best laid plans of Sea Island Rats are falling apart, as theDeSantis operation cries desperatelyfor help from theU.S. Dept of Justice and Republican National Committee.


According to the latest Harvard-Harris poll of GOP voters {DATA HERE}, since he made his official launch, Ron DeSantis is losing ground. Not surprisingly this was exactly what we predicted would happen once the bloom came off the ruse.


Things don’t get any better for Ron DeSantis if all the candidates drop out and leave him and Trump in a head-to-head matchup.President Trump jumps to 67%, and Ron DeSantis holds at 33% with all of the GOPe support coalesced. The familiar 4:1 ratio surfaces again.