Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 2:34 p.m. No.19023506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3510 >>3514 >>3522 >>3526 >>3533 >>3607 >>3814

PN>>19023269 (You) Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals


What are they gonna do about all the memes on the internet?collect while you can, or until the court crashes and burns this illegal program. Just imagine what other programs they have

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 2:38 p.m. No.19023526   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Question anons: shortly after this meme flood, Milley got married to someone he met a short while knowing her.Is this Pentagon program revenge on making him get a beard?

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 2:43 p.m. No.19023547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3552 >>3573


What are we going to tell our grandchildren about the great meme war now, or is this just a battle in the war? I suspect when that article gets out all over the place the universe will be flooded with more memes. Austin, Milley, Kirby etc.

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 2:49 p.m. No.19023569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3819


Thats why Congress needs to start a trust fund for whistleblowers, their lives are destroyed by government. Its rare that any of the corrupt ever go to jail, thats the problem with government

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 2:53 p.m. No.19023580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3606


Whats shocking is when you watch WWII movies you’d never believe it devolved into a group session of fucking feelings and sensitivities.


I agree another front if the meme war.


When people say we’ll never win a war now, I suspect its true, although there are still excellent officers and soldiers in the lower ranks, but not for long

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 3:01 p.m. No.19023615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3642


It is s time saver, but the think it will blow over and people will come back. And the companies like the Dodgers were warned weeks in advance, they are just defiant in the face of customers. Although spirts have lost a dramatic amount of fans because of all the bullshit. Its a literal crime to politicize baseball.


I think they count on NGOs & advertisers paying them, and that will make up for the money. But the money eventually will run out.


The best part is they are a stock company losing billions because of perverse cultural programming brings shareholder class action lawsuits

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 3:21 p.m. No.19023743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3767 >>3921 >>3950 >>4075 >>4142


17 Jun, 2023 13:33


UK military considering ‘gender-neutral’ titles


Terms like ‘rifleman’ or ‘guardsman’ could be things of the past under a new UK military proposal


The UK’s armed forces are considering a proposal to remove gender-specific terms like rifleman or guardsman from the titles of its various ranks and toreplace these with less masculine ones, according to measures being appraised by British army chief Patrick Sanders.


The potential switch, which would uproot centuries of army tradition, comes amid a review into “terms and terminology” and has reportedly come under consideration aftersome female soldiersexpressed to Sanders that they felt excluded by male-dominated phraseology in the army. (Ban women that complain about pronouns that would solve the problem)


“The army is proud of its heritage and traditions, which have contributed to making it an effective fighting force over its long history,”an army spokesperson said in comments published by the Times on Friday. “Our people give the British Army a unique edge and we value every soldier equally.”


The change, if it takes effect, wouldalso apply to the British Navy, potentially making redundant such terms as ‘midshipman’ and ‘seaman.’ It remains unclear what, if any, are the proposed replacements might be for the current army and navy titles.


Despite the proposal having originated from within the ranks of female soldiers, itdoesn’t appearas though theresolutionbehind it isunanimous. One female member of the armed forces, a corporal in the Rifles regiment, said this week, according to the Daily Mail, that she had earned her title: “Don't’ you dare take my rank of rifleman, I’m proud of it.”(Good for this soldier)


Another soldier, an anonymous male, told the Times that he was unconcerned by how female soldiers may or may not want to be titled, describing theissue as “culture-war nonsense.”


The British Army has recently fallen short on targets of female representation within its ranks. Speaking in a recent interview, Sanders said that this has led to “precisely these conversations” about inclusivity. “If you want to tap into people’s potential, people have to feel they can be themselves.”(that’s stupid, they are soldiers not various independent beings, they have to work together and get over this shit)


The proposal, which remains under consideration by Sanders and with a final decision expected soon, follows similar measures undertaken by the Royal Air Force (RAF). Last year, theRAF removed the last of its gender-specific ranks by replacing ‘aircraftsman’ with ‘air specialist.’


(Whatever happened to the mighty Kingdom of England? Sad!)

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 3:24 p.m. No.19023766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3770 >>3787 >>3897

He’s Insane:All the steroids he took rotted his brain, and the vax destroyed the majority of his brain cells

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 3:42 p.m. No.19023870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

17 Jun, 2023 10:34

West pressured countries to skip SPIEF – Moscow

Countries were threatened with sanctions if they decided to attend the St. Petersburg forum, Russia’s Foreign Ministry claims


The US and its allies threatened countries who decided to send delegations to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has insisted.


Speaking to TASS news agency on the sidelines of the forum in Russia’s second-largest city on Saturday, Zakharova was asked whether the West had tried to pressure nations that intended to participate in the event.


There was immense pressure,” she replied, adding that “literally every country”was approached. “They wrote letters. Threats were made during the meetings,” she claimed.


Washington was the “leader” of these efforts, and was helped by other “NATO-centric countries,” the spokeswoman said.


The US and its allies told nations that were planning to attend SPIEF that they “would face consequences, that the next… package of sanctions is just around the cornerand that everyone should think twice before participating in events on the territory of Russia,” Zakharova said.


The West has been acting in a similar manner ahead of talks between Moscow and other capitals, or the signing of major business deals between Russian firms and foreign partners, she claimed.


“Every time, curators from the US, UK, the EU either head out in advance to relevant countries… topressure local officialsand business representatives, intimidate, paint scary pictures. Or they come afterwards in order totry to destroy the agreements that had been reached,” Zakharova said.


She claimed that such efforts routinely take place ahead of visits by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to the African continent.


According to Zakharova, the US and its allies target Russia’s international ties in all areas, including “culture, economy, business, politics, media cooperation.”


SPIEF, which has been held annually since 1997, welcomed some 17,000 guests from 130 countries this year, the organizers said. With Western nations dropping out of the event due to the conflict in Ukraine, most of the participants came from Asia, including China and India, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa. The United Arab Emirates is the guest of honor of this year’s forum, which closes on Saturday.


(This strategy is going to and is backfiring. Bidan has successfully created hate towards the US, so China can takeover. The largest countries in the world are working with Russia and each other now.)

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 4:13 p.m. No.19024066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4075 >>4142

16 Jun, 2023 18:28

Russia to open Jerusalem embassy branch

The announcement of the new office bolsters Israel’s efforts to legitimize the city internationally as its capital


Russia plans to establish a branch of its Israeli embassy in Jerusalem, the Foreign Ministry revealed on Friday. The new outpost, which an official statement described as a “==branch office of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Israel=,” cements Moscow’s claim to the land on which it is situated.


Located on the corner of King George and Ma’alot streets in downtown Jerusalem, the property – currently a parking lot – will feature a residence for Russian diplomats as well as a conference hall, the Foreign Ministry confirmed, describing the agreement it signed with Jerusalem last month as a “diplomatic achievement.”


“We believe that this step fully serves the interests of further strengthening friendly multifaceted relations between Russia and Israel, as well as goes in line with our country’s unchanging course towards a fair Middle East settlement,” the Russian Embassy said in a statement on Friday.


Russia claims ownership of dozens of properties in Jerusalem, some of which are mired in long-running legal disputes. While Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu had promised the best-known of these, the Alexander Courtyard, to Russia, his decision was overruled in court in 2022. The situation remains unresolved despite a personal request by Russian President Vladimir Putin to former PM Naftali Bennett last year.


Since theUS moved its Israeli embassyfrom the internationally-recognized capital Tel Aviv to the disputed city ofJerusalem in 2018, ahandful of countrieshave also transferred their embassies there, including Guatemala and Honduras, with several more promising to follow suit.


Hungary is said to be in the processof expanding its Jerusalem trade office to embassy status, which would make it the first EU country to do so, though the government has neither confirmed nor denied that claim by Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen.


While Israel has gone to great lengths to avoid being seen as choosing sides in the conflict in Ukraine, the country has voted with Kiev on UN resolutions and contributed humanitarian and defensive aid. Thus far, it has stopped short of supplying actual weapons systems to Ukraine, however.

Anonymous ID: 015870 June 17, 2023, 4:24 p.m. No.19024129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4142

The Patholigical Liar Drops Another Load of BSJoe Biden: Stabilizer Braces Make Pistols Shoot ‘Higher Caliber’ Bullets

AWR Hawkins17 Jun 2023


President Joe Biden boasted of his executive push for the new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) AR-pistol stabilizer brace rule andclaimed the braces make pistols shoot “higher caliber” bulletsduring the Safer Communities Summit Friday.


Biden talked at length about thegun control Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) helped him passin mid-summer 2022, then talked about his executive action against guns that the Democrats refer to as “ghost guns.”


Breitbart News noted that executive action on “ghost guns” resulted in an ATF rule thatreclassified “partially complete pistol frames” so that they are considered “firearms.”


Biden then talked about the ATF stabilizer brace rule, saying, “We’ve made it harder for people to buy stabilizer braces.Put a pistol on a brace, and it turns it into a gun.” (What to fuck is he saying?)


Moreover, he claimed, “[The brace] makes it where you can have a higher caliber bullet coming out of that gun.”


Actually, an AR-pistol is a gun in and of itself. Astabilizer brace is simply a piece of plastic that can be attached to the rear of the gun to help stabilize the pistol when target shooting. The braces were first developed tohelp wounded combat vetssteady a pistol, so they could continue to enjoy shooting sports despite their battlefield injuries.


A stabilizer brace does not impact or change the action or caliber of the AR-pistol.