Anonymous ID: ca12e9 June 17, 2023, 3:51 p.m. No.19023921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3927 >>3950



#23359 >>19023429@470ish

>>19023461 Next Trump Rally: June 29 – July 2, 2023 (stay tuned) - in Philly

>>19023469 New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years

>>19023474 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially announced the launch of “global digital health certification network”

>>19023507 James O'Keefe: A profound realization occurs to those who were blind but then see.

>>19023508 QClock June 16, 2023 Skunk Bay, Light, Relativity, Time & God

>>19023544 Sundance: Hotorwitz - Confidentail Pfizer doc shows the company observed 1.6mil adverse events

>>19023549 O'Keefe on whistleblowers

>>19023566 Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At Border

>>19023592 Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>19023596 Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals – Intercept

>>19023603 Doc provdes that COVIDs likely "Patient Zero" Ben Hu was receiving US tax $ from @NIH & @USAID (Via EcoHealth) for #GainOfFunction expts at Wuhan lab

>>19023608 Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children

>>19023613 Suicide & Homicide Rates Among Young Americans At Decade High

>>19023619 Military landing in suburban neighbors in Larksper California. Massive military movements being reported in multiple states, ANONS DIG

>>19023655, >>19023678, >>19023756 Tank group on the highway in Idaho falls, airplanes in San Diego

>>19023686 @elonmusk: When you pick up a snail and put it somewhere else

>>19023705 Sundance: DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation

Baker Change

>>19023743 UK military considering ‘gender-neutral’ titles

>>19023747, >>19023779 Planefag: KECK231 out of Macarthur Airport

>>19023850 Ex-Trump lawyer turned witness against him loses bid for release from probation

>>19023899 The first people to catch the novel coronavirus, were 3 researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China,


*If we're timely, I'll bake it…

Anonymous ID: ca12e9 June 17, 2023, 4:15 p.m. No.19024075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4086



Check 'em





>>19023429 Dough

>>19023461 Next Trump Rally: June 29 – July 2, 2023 (stay tuned) - in Philly

>>19023469 New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years

>>19023474 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially announced the launch of “global digital health certification network”

>>19023507 James O'Keefe: A profound realization occurs to those who were blind but then see.

>>19023508 QClock June 16, 2023 Skunk Bay, Light, Relativity, Time & God

>>19023544 Sundance: Hotorwitz - Confidentail Pfizer doc shows the company observed 1.6mil adverse events

>>19023549 O'Keefe on whistleblowers

>>19023566 Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At Border

>>19023592 Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>19023596 Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals – Intercept

>>19023603 Doc provdes that COVIDs likely "Patient Zero" Ben Hu was receiving US tax $ from @NIH & @USAID (Via EcoHealth) for #GainOfFunction expts at Wuhan lab

>>19023608 Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children

>>19023613 Suicide & Homicide Rates Among Young Americans At Decade High

>>19023619 Military landing in suburban neighbors in Larksper California. Massive military movements being reported in multiple states, ANONS DIG

>>19023655, >>19023678, >>19023756 Tank group on the highway in Idaho falls, airplanes in San Diego

>>19023686 @elonmusk: When you pick up a snail and put it somewhere else

>>19023705 Sundance: DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation

Baker Change

>>19023743 UK military considering ‘gender-neutral’ titles

>>19023747, >>19023779 Planefag: KECK231 out of Macarthur Airport

>>19023850 Ex-Trump lawyer turned witness against him loses bid for release from probation

>>19023899 The first people to catch the novel coronavirus, were 3 researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China,

>>19023819 Greenwald: The Greatness of Daniel Ellsberg

>>19023935, >>19023927 Feds Quietly Drop Charges against Democrat Donor SBF in Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Scam


>>19024030 The importance of blood donation: a message from creepy WHO Director General Tedros

>>19024045 Joe Rogan offers $100K to charity if vax peddler will debate RFK Jr. on his show.

>>19024055 US Naval Institute: "Bounce" the cat was mascot of USS Chicago in 1905.

>>19024066 Russia to open Jerusalem embassy branch


Anonymous ID: ca12e9 June 17, 2023, 4:22 p.m. No.19024122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4142


NEW 🚨 Finland’s new government cracks down on immigration


Finland‘s new coalition government, which includes the far-right Finns Party, on Friday announced plans to crack down on immigration with the far-right heading the interior ministry.


“I am delighted that together with our negotiating partners we have agreed on an immigration package that can rightly be called a paradigm shift,” Finns Party leader Riikka Purra told reporters alongside her government partners.


Purra, whose anti-immigration party came second in the April elections with their highest support ever, said that until now “Finland has been the only Nordic country with a looser immigration policy.”


“This changes now,” she added.


The government on Friday said it aimed to halve the number of refugees the Nordic country receives through the UN refugee agency from 1,050 a year to 500.


It also aims to establish separate social security benefit systems for immigrants and permanent residents which experts say potentially clash with the constitution.


Conditions for obtaining permanent residency and citizenship will also be tightened, Purra added, with new requirements on language skills and longer periods of residence.


Residence permits granted under international protection “will become temporary and their duration will be reduced to the EU minimum,” Purra said, adding that they will in future be “withdrawn if a person is on holiday in their country of origin”.


The government also plans to crack down on street gangs, aiming to increase penalties for gang activity and introduce new legislation that makes street gang activity a separate aggravating offence.


The gangs were a major election topic for the Finns Party, who highlighted neighbouring Sweden‘s challenges with gang shootings and bombings, laying the blame on immigrants.


In 2021, around 8.5 percent of Finland’s population, or 470,000 people, were of foreign origin.


Future Prime Minister Petteri Orpo appears to have had to concede on the immigration crackdown in order to secure support for his six-billion-euro austerity plan.


“We’ve had to make cuts and savings even where we felt bad. But at the same time we are making sure that tomorrow will be better,” Orpo said.


Finland’s debt-to-GDP ratio has risen from 64 percent in 2019 to 73 percent, which Orpo aims to address with significant cuts to spending.


“We cannot put our heads in the sand. There is no more money,” he said.


Unlike the other government parties, the eurosceptic Finns Party campaigned for a hard line on immigration, sparking conflicts in the arduous negotiations to form a government that lasted nearly two months following April’s general election.


The far-right clashed specifically with their future government ally Swedish People’s Party (RKP), which views immigrants as vital in combatting the country’s ageing population.


“I am sure that every party has had to accept things that it would not promote or that it would even oppose,” RKP leader Anna-Maja Henriksson said.


ETLA research institute in February said Finland would need to triple net immigration to address low birthrates and an ageing populace.


In the April elections, the Social Democrats led by outgoing Prime Minister Sanna Marin fell to third place with 43 seats, behind the National Coalition Party on 48 seats and the far right’s 46.


The four right-wing government parties hold 108 seats out of 200 in parliament.

Anonymous ID: ca12e9 June 17, 2023, 4:29 p.m. No.19024142   🗄️.is 🔗kun






>>19023429 Dough

>>19023461 Next Trump Rally: June 29 – July 2, 2023 (stay tuned) - in Philly

>>19023469 New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years

>>19023474 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially announced the launch of “global digital health certification network”

>>19023507 James O'Keefe: A profound realization occurs to those who were blind but then see.

>>19023508 QClock June 16, 2023 Skunk Bay, Light, Relativity, Time & God

>>19023544 Sundance: Hotorwitz - Confidentail Pfizer doc shows the company observed 1.6mil adverse events

>>19023549 O'Keefe on whistleblowers

>>19023566 Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At Border

>>19023592 Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>19023596 Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals – Intercept

>>19023603 Doc provdes that COVIDs likely "Patient Zero" Ben Hu was receiving US tax $ from @NIH & @USAID (Via EcoHealth) for #GainOfFunction expts at Wuhan lab

>>19023608 Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children

>>19023613 Suicide & Homicide Rates Among Young Americans At Decade High

>>19023619 Military landing in suburban neighbors in Larksper California. Massive military movements being reported in multiple states, ANONS DIG

>>19023655, >>19023678, >>19023756 Tank group on the highway in Idaho falls, airplanes in San Diego

>>19023686 @elonmusk: When you pick up a snail and put it somewhere else

>>19023705 Sundance: DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation

Baker Change

>>19023743 UK military considering ‘gender-neutral’ titles

>>19023747, >>19023779 Planefag: KECK231 out of Macarthur Airport

>>19023850 Ex-Trump lawyer turned witness against him loses bid for release from probation

>>19023899 The first people to catch the novel coronavirus, were 3 researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China,

>>19023819 Greenwald: The Greatness of Daniel Ellsberg

>>19023935, >>19023927 Feds Quietly Drop Charges against Democrat Donor SBF in Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Scam


>>19024030 The importance of blood donation: a message from creepy WHO Director General Tedros

>>19024045 Joe Rogan offers $100K to charity if vax peddler will debate RFK Jr. on his show.

>>19024055, >>19024079, >>19024064 US Naval Institute: "Bounce" the cat was mascot of USS Chicago in 1905 / "Dead Cat Bounce" & #1905

>>19024066 Russia to open Jerusalem embassy branch

>>19024122 🚨 Finland’s new government cracks down on immigration

>>19024129 Joe Biden: Stabilizer Braces Make Pistols Shoot ‘Higher Caliber’ Bullets



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