>Where Q Comes From Edition
We already know where Q comes from…
>Alice & Wonderland.
>Where Q Comes From Edition
We already know where Q comes from…
>Alice & Wonderland.
I would tend to agree Anon.
The Rabbit Hole can lead to dark places, or it can lead to Light.
It's all about perception.
Very interesting connections Anon, thank you.
I truly hope this winds up as a coincidence.
My apologies.
You were correct to call out my poor choices of words.
You can choose to focus on the dark.
You can choose to focus on the light.
Perception is a choice.
It doesn't change reality.
Darkness will always be darkness.
It's just your choice where you want to look.
>The problem is choice. - Neo
>What is the meaning (5:5) everytime I see it I wonder.
From my admittedly limited understanding, it references the stage being set. Eyes are on target. Eyes are watching.
>Where we watch one, we watch all.