This is where Q comes from, in part:
17 is one of the most feared numbers by THE BOARD, because it was the 17th day of Aythyr (while the Sun was in Scorpio) when Osiris was killed in the 28th year of his (life/reign – accounts differ).
He was sealed into an ornate coffin and hurled into the Nile where it meets the sea.
This is why THE BOARD detests 17 and 28.
Q symbolizes the oppositions of Mars.
Go look at the line connecting the orbit of Earth to the orbit of Mars at 7/27/2018.
What is Mars the symbol of? WAR?
7/27 reflected across the 33rd parallel of the clock makes a Q.
Could the Q clock be the last calendar year of the Mystery Religion of Babylon, as understood by THE BOARD? The Maya predicted it would end in 2012, but there have been a large number of false flags where ancient societies predicted the end of the world.
Can anyone draw a decisive tail on a Q, or do they all look different?
Hey anons, how does the keystone fit into this?
Think about what a keystone is.
Think about what a keystone symbolizes.
What is the Keystone state?
What is the Keystone virus?
What is the Keystone pipeline?
What is the Keystone tracking program (computer virus)?
Does the Keystone have any other meanings that we aren't currently aware of?
What is the Eye of Providence?
Where does the Eye of Providence appear?
What numbers do the Eye of Providence symbolize?
What numbers does THE BOARD like?
American Historical Significance:
Department of ENERGY.
What did Trump call Jeb Bush?
Two presidential sons and fathers had identical names: George Bush and John Adams
Both sons are noted from their fathers by their middle initials: George W. Bush and John Q. Adams.
John Q Adams founded the Anti-Masonic party.
John Q Adams was a staunch abolitionist. He predicted that slavery would be the issue that the Civil War looked to be fought over. He wrote constantly throughout his life about the dangers of the Masons.
John Q Adams didn't give a shit about your party affiliation
John Q Adams was made president as a result of a technicality in the rules.
John Q Adams preceded Andrew Jackson, who POTUS has expressed reverence for.
John Q Adams is popularly considered to have the highest IQ of any US President.
Do you believe in coincidences?
Who was Hagel?
What'd he believe?
How's he relevant?