Anonymous ID: 68666d June 17, 2023, 6:09 p.m. No.19024772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4779 >>4784

DC Comic Book About Gay Superhero Couple Features Sex Scenes, Child at Pride Parade


A DC comic book about a same-sex superhero couple features sex scenes and a child at a Pride parade.


The latest installment of “Midnighter and Apollo” is part of DC Pride 2023, a collection of comic books featuring gay and transgender stories, including the relationship between Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.


“Let the the whole world know — the bigots, the cowards, and the kids who need it… Show them that our love is real. Show them that it’s powerful. We’ll never back down, and we’re not afraid of fighting back,” DC Comics tweeted, quoting the new Midnighter and Apollo comic.

Anonymous ID: 68666d June 17, 2023, 6:11 p.m. No.19024791   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why LGBT Activists Love Satanic Imagery


The Los Angeles Dodgers honored the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of queer and trans “nuns,” at a home game Friday night. The SPI is famous for its sexualization of Christian imagery, including using a cross as a stripper pole and parodying the Holy Eucharist by drinking from a chalice filled with yogurt as a stand-in for human semen.


The group, whose motto is “Go and sin some more,” explained in a statement that they mock Catholicism in order to “expose the forces of bigotry, complacency, and guilt that chain the human spirit.” This gospel of self-indulgence is the exact opposite of the one real nuns follow in their lives of chastity, service and self-denial.


In May, news broke that Target had partnered with queer designer Erik Carnell, whose website included pins and shirts featuring a goat-headed deity with the slogan “Satan Respects Pronouns,” as well as merchandise calling for “transphobes” to be decapitated.


On Instagram, he wrote “Satan loves you and respects who you are.”


“LGBT+ people are so often referred to as being a product of Satan or going against God’s will, so fine. We’ll hang with Satan instead,” Carnell added.


In February, singer Sam Smith, who identifies as nonbinary, dressed as Satan to perform his song “Unholy” at the Grammy Awards. Just under a year earlier, gay rapper Lil Nas X starred in a music video in which he gave Satan a lap dance before snapping the devil’s neck and crowning himself king of hell.


This happens too often to be a coincidence. So what’s the connection between LGBT Pride and Satanism?


For Christians, there exists a divine order in the universe to which each person must strive to conform himself. Satan, once a high-ranking angel consumed with jealousy (and, yes, pride) over God’s special love for humankind, chose to reject this cosmic order. He whispered to Eve that God’s commands were arbitrary: not rooted in His inherent goodness, but in a desire for control.


God desires you to deny yourself for the sake of unity with a greater, divinely perfect Good; that is, God Himself. Satan wants you to follow your bliss and wouldn’t presume to lecture you about what is and isn’t good for you. Live your own truth and see where it takes you.