andthenanonbeallikedoyouebenreadthedropshillclownbitchbecauseyoumighthaveachancethatway andthiswouldbealotmorefuckingfunpussy!
it would be more fun for this anonshill though!
at least make em read the drops!
and the bible!
kill shills with jabs!
cant even a good workout!
dont try to distract and make anon all sads!
will cut you!
you want pain recorded in real time, archived offline for later keks?
why dont you just skate awayโฆBoy?
while you still canโฆ
before you know it
you will get all mad and show your traitor
happens everytime
a higher lo[y]alty
like you are invisible!
anonymous air!
yeah you better put that RITZ onโฆ
anon would pray
The Oath that [You] never tookโฆ
it was a simple choice