Anonymous ID: bb9590 June 17, 2023, 8:36 p.m. No.19025440   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5480 >>5521



where the oldfags at?


Sign Codes Exposed The Truth Behind The Mystery – TACMARS


Tacmars’ are used to encode the following:


Directions to closest military installations

Directions to closest triage or quarantine facilities

Facilities with Internet access, for the following purposes: Communications Identification and/or background search of individuals

Directions to closest detention facilities


The Department of Transportation has been lying and is deeply involved in covert military operations nationwide. “Highly reflective” markers of different variety began appearing on the backs of road signs across America with the explanation forwarded that the D.O.T. were “dating” road signs for sinage replacement and warranty purposes. “Free Indeed Research” has challenged this claim and has proven these road sign dating operations a “FAKE”! These markers are in reality, universal military directional code devices,TACMARS, verified by military personnel who have seen them being used by multi-national U.N. “PEACEKEEPERS”, to target vital sites, facilities and resources to be confiscated and used during a National Emergency. More startling information has been disclosed that the “fronts” of the road signs contain embedded codes as well and that our entire sign system has been cleverly altered and is shifting from a word based system to a “European” style complex of pictorials, images, color codes, and a variety of “ARROW” configurations!The following photos are samples of the codings deciphered by researchers through over 4 years of painstaking study of the markers and their configurations, target sites, and photo analysis. Our conclusive report of this phenomenon appears to be the final stages of a complex military plan called “OPERATION GARDEN PLOT” also known as, “UNITED STATES CIVIL DISTURBANCE PLAN 55-2”. This unclassified military plan involves the handling of civil disturbances through massive relocations of the populace via airlifts, mass transit, and rail to “SAFE ZONES” away from affected areas under MARTIAL LAW. As you view this website, may you be alerted to the dangers that may soon be unfolding. This kind of coding has been observed in many war-torn nations overseas and is linked to UN/NATO military.