Anonymous ID: 9d3b94 June 18, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.19028428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8442 >>8471 >>8524

I posted the below over on the Japanese board…used googs translate…


If you look at polls from the time…it sounds like at least half of the US did not want to get into the war…(and we know how polls are used to influence).

So why does Japan attack Pearl Harbor? I know the story we got in school…but with my new world view…It doesn't make sense.

The bankers / elites were desperate to get the US into the war.

If Japan was part of the Axis why do it?

Japan did have a Rothschild central bank at the time…were the Japanese influenced to attack Pearl Harbor by the elites thinking it would be good for Japan in the long run but in reality they were serving the desires of the NWO?




Anonymous (You) 06/18/23 (Sun) 11:19:33c395e6 (1) No.19027828

File (hide): 06d509c4f0ac5b3⋯.jpg (31.05 KB,405x608,405:608,Merkel_image.jpg) (h) (u)


Greeting, I've posted to your board in the past…most recently after the Assassination of Shinzo Abe.


The responses I received to my questions were intelligent and enlightening.


So I have another question that has been bothering me and I hope you can help.


I'm older and from the US. I found Q over 5 years ago. This process of understanding


the world was hard for me to accept. My father attended a military academy and I went


to public schools and have a degree in EE.


Through this 5 year journey I have learned much about WW2 but mostly with respect to Germany and Europe.


This new understanding was difficult for me to accept…I love my country and to now know how we were manipulated


into believing we were fighting to help the world but in reality we were pawns of the NWO. I grew up with school,


books and movies all portraying Nazi Germany as evil…but now see the revolution in Germany that removed the bankers


and industrialist, created their own currency, instilled a love of country and family that all provided an environment


for the German people to thrive. And for this, Germany had to be destroyed.


But my understanding of Japan and it's role in all of this is lacking.


Things I think I know…


1) Axis powers, coalition headed by Germany, Italy, and Japan


2) Bank of Japan (Rothschild) The Bank of Japan Act of 1882


3) Japanese monarchy is the oldest continuous hereditary monarchy in the world


4) F.D. Roosevelt and W. Churchill (Both NWO controlled) knew of the attack on Pearl Harbor but let it happen to get the US into the war.


Were the Japanese people like the US people just pawns or were they nationalists like Germany trying to remove the NWO?


Why attack the US at Pearl Harbor?


Can you recommend books or documentaries that you find helpful in understanding all of this?


Thank You for your time…

Anonymous ID: 9d3b94 June 18, 2023, 12:57 p.m. No.19028471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8482 >>8592 >>8629



As stated…I've read multiple articles that say both Churchill and FDR knew about the attacks ahead of time but let it happen to get the US into the war.

So…was Japan an Axis power in name only and attacked to serve the elites? Or was the Japanese intelligence service compromised and fed faulty info to get them to attack?