Anonymous ID: b5dbf0 June 18, 2023, 12:23 p.m. No.19028352   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>19028014, >>19028015 ICYMI: Jay Bratt is the senior DOJ official who ran the illegal raid on Trump to take his declassified and damning Crossfire Hurricane presidential records.


“Lawyer for Trump valet in Mar-a-Lago documents case alleges misconduct”Exclusive: The lawyer said in lettThe lawyer for Donald Trump’s valet, under scrutiny in the Mar-a-Lago documents investigation, has submitted court papers describing a meeting at which a top federal prosecutor brought up his application to be a judge when they tried to gain the valet’s cooperation last year, according to three people familiar with the matter.”


“The allegation, described in a letter filed under seal with the chief US judge in Washington, James Boasberg, could affect the investigation just as prosecutors are considering whether to bring charges.”


This is the problem with what Woodward reported: If the DOJ is doing that to him as a lawyer and his client, what are they doing to other allies (or employees) of Trump and their attorneys?


There’s no doubt other witnesses would not want to be destroyed for a lifetime by DOJ, and maybe they are pressured into lying against Trump. Even if they are loyal to Trump the pressure could be too much.


Boasberg should check to see if this is a pattern with other witnesses and their attorneys. If so he should terminate the government attorneys and/or terminate the grand jury. Further there’s no way a grand jury in DC or anywhere would be non biased if the witnesses are lying their asses off due to the pressure from Bratt. Plus DC Grand Juries hate Trump.


Other attorneys of witnesses need to report violations by the DOJ if similar events happened. If there’s s pattern of illegal activity the whole grand jury needs to be dismissed as its tainted now; along with all the DOJ attorneys that are proven to have broken the law.


Bratt is notorious for Trump hatred but also violating the law, why to hell do these assholes never get disbarred? Rhetorical question of course!

Anonymous ID: b5dbf0 June 18, 2023, 12:30 p.m. No.19028385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8407


Thats ass backwards, the military went woke and they blame it on conservatives because they can’t recruit men and women trained on complex equipment and who may be required to kill in a battle.


It’s the military’s fault by introducing something that doesn't even belong there and this blame shifting is getting old.


The only way for the military to understand they are destroying our countries protection by their woke politics, is by losing an actual war, and even then they won’t acknowledge the problem.

Anonymous ID: b5dbf0 June 18, 2023, 1:31 p.m. No.19028605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8876 >>8906 >>8936

18 Jun, 2023 14:52

Ukraine sustains massive single-day losses – Russian MOD

Kiev's forces have lost over 1,000 soldiers and 20 tanks in a single day across the frontlines, the Russian Defense Ministry claims


Ukrainian military forces have sustained heavy casualties across the frontlines during thelast 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry has said. Russia’s Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions have seen the most intense fighting, with Kiev losingmore than 800 soldiersin those regions.


“Over the past day, enemy losses in the Southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions amounted to more than 800 Ukrainian servicemen,20 tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles, [and] 15 armored fighting vehicles,”the military stated on Sunday during a daily media briefing. The ministry did not elaborate on whether its figures for casualties includes those killed and injured or fatalities exclusively.


As well as these setbacks in personnel and equipment, Ukrainian troops alsolost two US-made M777 howitzersand several Soviet-made artillery systems, the military added.


The immediate vicinity of Donetsk city has also seen intense fighting, with Ukrainian forces losingover 200 soldiers on this axis, according to the ministry. The Russian military has destroyed multiple soft and armored vehicles on the outskirts of Donetsk, it also said, as well astwo major ammunition stockpilesto the northwest of the city.


The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has intensified after Kiev launched itslong-heralded counteroffensivein early June. Thus far, the Ukrainian military has failed to make any major gains, sustaining heavy losses in the process and losing large amounts of Western-supplied hardware. According to the estimates of Moscow’s military,some 7,500 Ukrainian soldiershave been killed or wounded amid the counteroffensive effort.

Anonymous ID: b5dbf0 June 18, 2023, 1:39 p.m. No.19028640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8876 >>8906 >>8936

18 Jun, 2023 12:40

Kremlin promises punishment for threats to kill Russians

Western politicians should know that by supporting Kiev they’re aiding “de-facto murderers,” spokesperson Dmitry Peskov says


Any persons threatening to kill Russians are enemies who should be and will be punished for doing so, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov has warned.


On Sunday, Peskov was asked by channel Rossyia 1 to comment on the words of Mikhail Podoliak, a top adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who said last week that Kiev’s long-awaited counteroffensivewould be “the most brutal advance with the maximum killing of Russians on this route.”


“That’s what our enemies say, and we have to fight them.You can’t threaten the Russians with murder. Russians should punish [them] for this, and we will do so,” the Kremlin spokesperson pointed out.


He noted that Podoliak was “not a pioneer” in this regard, as the chief of the Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Kirill Budanov and members of the country’s Security Council have also “repeatedly talked about their desire to kill as many Russians as possible.”


According to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, the headquarters of GUR in Kiev had been hit by Russian missiles in late May. The Defense Ministry said thesuccessful strike targeted “decision-making centers” in Ukraine “where terrorist attacks on Russian soilwere being planned under the guidance of specialists from Western intelligence agencies.”


Peskov also said that he wanted the statements about killing Russian citizens made by Podoliak and other Ukrainian officials to be evaluated by Kiev’s foreign backers.


“The members of parliament in those countries,they should understand to whom they are sending their aid – to de-facto murderers;people who declare their intention to kill,” he explained.


(Kiev’s rhetoric is completely unwise and garish, if they truly think Russia is evil, why continue to poke them. Kiev is only accelerating their demise; especially since the West is getting close to cutting them off.)

Anonymous ID: b5dbf0 June 18, 2023, 1:44 p.m. No.19028659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8876 >>8906 >>8936

18 Jun, 2023 13:33

Chelsea sale money hasn’t been given to Ukraine – media

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich sold the Premier League club to a US-based consortium last year


Former Chelsea ownerRoman Abramovich is refusing to sign offon a deal which would see proceeds from his May 2022 sale of the Premier League giants beingfunneled towards Ukrainian victimsof Moscow’s conflict with Kiev, according to a Saturday report in the Daily Mail.


Abramovich, who funded a trophy-laden revolution at Stamford Bridge following his initial purchase of the London-based football club in 2003, sold Chelsea to a consortium fronted byUS businessman Todd Boehlylast year in a deal estimated to be worth $5.4 billion.


Sections of the proceeds, thought to amount toaround $3 billion, were earmarked by Abramovich to be “transferred to a charitable foundation for the needs of the victims on both sides of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine,” the billionaire’s press office said last year.


But a report this weekend has indicated that Abramovich hasyet to sign off on the transfer of fundsto Ukrainian and Russian humanitarian efforts – due to UK rules whichprohibit money from being sent internationally to Moscow.


“We want to make sure that the money that is released goes exclusively to the recipients it is aimed at,” UK Secretary of State James Cleverly said last week. “I need full reassurance that is the case.” Cleverly added that he could not guarantee a solution would be found before ministers' summer holidays begin next month. They resume work in September.


Another UK government source said via the Daily Mail that “we hope money will start arriving in Ukraine before harsh winterconditions set in again towards the end of the year, but there are currently no guarantees that will happen.”


The $3 billion at the source of the rowremains frozen in a UK bankaccount operated by Fordstram, a company with ties to Abramovich, as it awaits Foreign Office approval to be sent overseas.


The sale of Chelsea to the Boehly consortium was fast-tracked last year due to sanctions imposed on Abramovich by the UK government due to his supposed ties to the Kremlin, following the launch of Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: b5dbf0 June 18, 2023, 1:57 p.m. No.19028709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8876 >>8906 >>8936

18 Jun, 2023 16:03

Kosovo situation most difficult in 24 years – Vucic

The Serbian president has accused the breakaway region’s leaders of waging a hybrid war on Belgrade, with the West turning a blind eye


Tensions in the breakaway province of Kosovo are at their worst in almost a quarter of a century, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has warned. He accused theWest of condoning the latest crackdown on Serbs, unleashed by ethnic Albanians in the self-proclaimed republic.


Speaking on Sunday, Vucic said: “Ahybrid waris being waged against Serbia, andWestern countries allow the shooting and mistreatment of Serbs.”


The official went on to describe the situation in the region as the “most complex in the last 24 years,” with ethnic Serbs “under severe attack.”


Vucic pledged to do his best to “keep the peace,” while warning that Belgrade “will not allow further harassment and endangering the lives of the Serbian people.”


The Serbian head of state demanded that theauthorities in Pristina release “innocent Serbs”taken into custody recently, and withdraw their special forces from the predominantly Serbian-populated areas of northern Kosovo. Vucic also urged Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to recall the ethnic Albanian mayors, whom the local Serbian community claims were installed as a result of bogus elections in several municipalities.


Vucic also rejected a proposal made by top EU diplomat Josep Borrell to hold a meeting between him and Kurti. According to the Serbian head of state, his country has already made too many concessions, and he is not prepared to discuss any more.


He also took a swipe at Western powers, which, according to Vucic, have never really taken Serbia seriously and have been supporting the Kosovo government.


On Wednesday, the Serbian president accused Kosovo authorities oftrying to provoke a war, after the breakaway province closed the border to all Serbian vehicles and detained several prominent Serbs.


Kurti took the measures a day after Serbian security forces detained three Kosovo police officers. While Pristina insisted they had been abducted from Kosovo, Belgrade argued that the trio had crossed into Serbian territory.


TheEuropean Commission, too,warned Kosovo of “financial and political consequences” unless Kurti’s government made a meaningful effort to de-escalate the situation.


Violence flared up after Pristina held municipal elections in the north of the region, with the vast majority of the predominantly Serbian local population boycotting them.


Nevertheless, Kosovar authorities attempted to install the four ethnic Albanian mayors, who claimed victory in the vote, by force.


While Brussels initially recognized the controversial results, it then called for a fresh vote and the withdrawal of Kosovo riot police from the area.


(Rick Grennel & Lee Smith published an article with a detailed version of him working with Kosovo and Serbia and they were ready to sign s peace deal,but Jack Smith from the Hague got wind if it and destroyed the dealby arresting the head of Kosovo. Smith was tipped off by a State Dept employee. The same Jack Smith SP on Trump.)

Anonymous ID: b5dbf0 June 18, 2023, 2:05 p.m. No.19028750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8758 >>8876 >>8906 >>8936

18 Jun, 2023 14:52

Ukraine’s top general ‘could be abroad’ – Putin

The head of the Ukrainian armed forces has been out of the public eye since early May


The commander-in-chief of Kiev’s armed forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, whose whereabouts have been the subject of speculation in recent weeks, could be outside Ukraine, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has suggested.


On Sunday, the Rossiya 1 broadcaster published a clip of Putin speaking about the fate of Ukraine’s top general during his meeting with Russian military correspondents and bloggers at the Kremlin earlier this week.


"Where is he, Zalushny? I know. I think I know," the Russian president told the reporters. He advised them to ask Zalushny himself about this, but warned that "one would need to switch to a foreign language to do so."


"I think he’s abroad," Putin clarified, but added that he "might be wrong" about it.


Speculation about Zaluzhny’s whereabouts emerged after he missed a high-profile NATO meeting on May 10. According to the chairman of the US bloc’s military committee, Rob Bauer, Kiev told Brussels that theUkrainian commander-in-chief could not attendin person or via video-linkdue to the "complex operational situation" in the conflict with Russia. (Obvious bullshit)


Last month, Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency reported, citing a security source,that Zaluzhny had been gravely woundedin a Russian missile strike near the city of Kherson in early May. Doctors expect the 49-year-old to survive, but he will no longer be able to conduct his duties as commander, the source claimed.


The Ukrainian Defense Ministryhas denied the reportas disinformation by Russia, saying that Zaluzhny remained at his workplace. However, since then, only one video of the commander-in-chief has appeared online, which couldn’t be independently verified. Earlier this month, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky also published a photo featuring Zaluzhny, which according to him, had been taken at an extraordinary meeting of Ukraine’s Security Council on June 6.


Last week, the BBC said that it had asked "Gen. Zaluzhny for an interview. He declined our request."


The Ukrainian commander, whom the Western media havebranded the ‘Iron General,’ had been among the most noticeable figures on the Ukrainian side throughout the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. He has given lengthy interviews to outlets such as The Economist and Time, which listed him among the 100 most influential people in the world in 2022.


There isalso uncertaintyabout thefate of Kirill Budanov, the head of the Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR), who promised in an interview to "keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of the earth."He also claimed responsibility for supposedly assassinating "many" Russian public figures, but declined to provide any names.


Budanov hasn’t made any public appearances since late May, when, according to Putin, the headquarters of the GUR in Kiev were struck by Russian missiles.


(Col. MacGregor with Napolitano think the general is dead. But it seems he may have been transported to a foreign hospital according to the Russian insinuations. Kiev’s lies are pretty pathetic.)

Anonymous ID: b5dbf0 June 18, 2023, 2:34 p.m. No.19028863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8869 >>8906 >>8936

18 Jun, 2023 12:26

NATO chief doesn’t want ‘frozen conflict’ in Ukraine

Jens Stoltenberg described such a scenario as undesirable, warning against settling for a peace deal “dictated” by Russia


(Pretty obvious if they don’t want. Frozen conflict, nor for Russia’s requirement,NATO wants the war to continue indefinitely)


The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia should not be paused at the current stage, but rather a just solution must be found, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said. He also expressed confidence that Kiev would one day join the US-led military bloc, adding, however, that this was not an immediate priority.


In an interview with Germany’s Welt am Sonntag published on Sunday, Stoltenberg argued that,while “we all want this war to end,” only a “just” peace can endure. (NATO has not had so much activity in years, the love this war, there is no such thing as just peace!)


“Peace cannot mean freezing the conflict and accepting a deal that is dictated by Russia,” he asserted, adding that “only Ukraine can define the conditions that are acceptable.” (Meaning it will never end.)


Stoltenberg called for “credible” security guarantees for Kievonce the conflict is over, “so that Russia cannot rearm and attack again.”


Asked about the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO, Stoltenberg predicted that this would happen at some point in the future. However, he said the current priority is ensuring that “Ukraine prevails as a sovereign and independent state.”


He also revealed thatcurrent member states are planning to adopt an aid package for Kievduring the alliance’s upcoming summit in Vilnius next month. The goal is to help Ukraine bring its military in line with NATO standards over several years, he explained.


Last month, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told TASS news agency that Moscow was “in solidarity” with the West to the extent that the conflict in Ukraine cannot be frozen.


He said theonly option that Moscowis currently considering is “completing the special military operation,” which means securing Russia’s interests and achieving its goals.


Peskov alsoexpressed skepticism overthe possibility of peace talks between the two countries at this point.


“It is unlikely that we can talk about real negotiations with any of the representatives of the current Kiev authorities, because there [in Ukraine], any negotiations with the Russian Federation are simply prohibited now,” the Kremlin spokesperson explained.


In May, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said any peace talks could not aim to freeze the conflict in Ukraine.


Meanwhile, Politico,citing anonymous sources, reported that US President Joe Biden’s administration was considering putting the fighting on hold instead of pushing for Ukraine’s victory. Officials in Washington have reportedly envisaged a situation akin to that in existence between North and South Korea.


(MIC needs more death, no time to stop now!)

Anonymous ID: b5dbf0 June 18, 2023, 2:45 p.m. No.19028908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8936

18 Jun, 2023 21:33

EU promises to speed up weapons deliveries to Ukraine

The bloc expects the conflict to last “several months” more or even longer, its industry chief says


The European Union will speed up deliveries of weaponry and ammunition to Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict with Russia, EU Internal Markets Commissioner Thierry Breton has said.


Speaking to French daily Le Parisien on Saturday, the EU industry boss said the blocmust ramp up its productionto live up to its pledge to supply amillion high-caliber munitionsover the next 12 months.


“We are going to step up our efforts to deliver arms and ammunition – this is a war of high intensity in which they play a crucial role,”Breton stated.


Askedwhether future military aid to Ukrainedepends on the successof the ongoing counteroffensive effort against Russia, the official insistedEU support is not conditionaland will be provided to prop up Kiev for as long as necessary. (So they basically don’t care if Kiev fails, they loses 100s of 1000s of more men, billions in armaments are destroyed, the country is destroyed, as long as we can prop them up.)


“Our support is not conditional. What is imperative is forUkraine to recover its freedom and its territory. We are determined to provide it with all the support it needs,” he stressed. (If they lose the war they will get none of this. NWO at its best evil ever.)


Ukraine launched its long-heralded counteroffensive against Russia early this month, with fighting greatly intensifying along the frontlines. Thus far, however,Kiev has failed to achieve any meaningful resultswith its attack, suffering heavy losses in the process.


According to the Russian military, Ukrainian forces have lost over 7,500 soldiers, killed or injured amid the counteroffensive push.


The country’s forces also suffered heavy losses of Western-supplied equipment, with multiple German-made Leopard 2 tanks and US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles destroyed in recent weeks. According to the latest figures voiced by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ukraine lost nearly 200 tanks and more than 400 other armored vehicles during the counteroffensive.


(These people are literally insane!Do they remember what Russia sacrificed to win WWII?)