Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 12:16 p.m. No.19028336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8341 >>8826 >>8876 >>8906 >>8936

‘How Do We Make Certain This Doesn’t Happen Again?’: House Intel Chief Teases Upcoming John Durham Testimony


House Select Committee on Intelligence chair, Ohio Republican Rep. Mike Turner, shared his thoughts Sunday about the upcoming closed-door testimony from Special Counsel John Durham.


Turner appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” and was interviewed by Jake Tapper about his plans for the Intelligence Committee.


“On Tuesday, your committee is going to hear closed door testimony from Trump-appointed Special Counsel John Durham. His report concluded that the FBI should not have launched the full Trump-Russia investigation as it did. It would have been ok to do a preliminary one but not the full-bore one. What do you want to know from former Special Counsel Durham?” Tapper asked.


“So this is very troubling. This is going to be troubling for you, especially as you read that the Durham report after the years of which there were these accusations of Trump/Russia collusion, and that these accusations were absolutely false,” Turner replied.


“Every investigation that has occurred, including now the Durham report, is conclusively states that this was the result of people who had political bias who undertook an investigation based upon total Clinton campaign-funded research that was uncorroborated and turned out to be even untrue. And that’s where you have to be concerned,” Turner said.


When your government is lying to you, when your government is telling you thing that has happened that has not happened, that’s when our committee has to be involved and that’s when we have to look at what happened here, how do we make certain this doesn’t happen again,” Turner added.


Durham’s final report said the FBI used “uncorroborated intelligence” in its Crossfire Hurricane investigation of alleged collusion between former President Donald Trump and Russia ahead of the 2016 presidential election.


“Our investigation determined that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting,” the Durham report reads.


The Steele Dossier, an opposition research document funded by Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, played a major role in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It has since been discredited. Likewise, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the Trump-Russia allegations found no collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 12:27 p.m. No.19028369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former White House Deputy Press Secretary Ousted For Allegedly Threatening Reporter Joins Biden Campaign


The latest hire to President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is no stranger to the White House: he was ousted from there two years ago for allegedly threatening and sexually harassing a reporter.


The former White House deputy press secretary, T.J. Ducklo, resigned in February 2021 after allegedly telling then-POLITICO reporter Tara Palmeri in an off-the-record call that he would “destroy her” over an investigative story into the potential conflict of interest in his relationship with Axios reporter Alexi McCammond. Ducklo also allegedly sexually harassed Palmeri with explicit accusations of jealousy.


One of Palmeri’s editors reportedly informed the White House about Ducklo’s remarks, prompting conversations with senior-level officials including then-Press Secretary Jen Psaki and senior advisor Anita Dunn. Vanity Fair reported that White House officials criticized Palmeri for disclosing Ducklo’s remarks because it was an off-the-record conversation.


The incident occurred on Inauguration Day, the same day that Biden promised while swearing in appointees that disrespectful behavior was a fireable offense.


“If you’re ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot, on the spot. No if, ands, or buts. Everybody — everybody is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity,” said Biden.


Yet, the White House only suspended Ducklo over the incident. Ducklo resigned a day after.


Ducklo’s stint in the West Wing lasted all of two months. However, Ducklo wasn’t left without a job for long. The renowned New York-based public relations firm, Risa Heller Communications, hired Ducklo as their senior vice president.


The firm’s founder and namesake, Risa Heller, has commandeered public discourse on major controversies for a number of high-profile clientele, including Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), former Democratic New York Governor David Paterson, former Rep. Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, longtime CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, and former CNN President Jeff Zucker.



New York Magazine’s Intelligencer characterized Heller as “the crisis communications warrior of choice for [New York City’s] most cancellable elites.” (The feature article also includes a lengthier list of her other noteworthy clients, which more recently includes the parents of fallen crypto magnate Sam Bankman-Fried).


After a year with Heller’s firm, Ducklo — a Nashville, Tennessee, native — was hired as a chief communications officer and senior advisor to Nashville Mayor John Cooper. Last December, Ducklo’s outspokenness incited controversy once again. In a since-deleted tweet, Ducklo mocked Metro City Council members who were upset over a deal with the Tennessee Titans.


“Tough night for the loudest voices in the room,” read Ducklo’s tweet.

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 12:29 p.m. No.19028381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8507

Intel to invest $25 bn in Israel factory in record deal, Netanyahu says


US chipmaker Intel Corp INTC.O will spend $25 billion on a new factory in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday, calling it the largest-ever international investment in the country, reports Reuters.


The factory in Kiryat Gat is due to open in 2027, to operate through 2035 at least and to employ thousands of people, Israel's Finance Ministry said. Under the deal Intel will pay a 7.5% tax rate, up from the current 5%, the ministry added.


During its almost five decades of operations in Israel, Intel has grown to become the country's largest privately held employer and exporter and a leader of the local electronics and information industry, according to the company's website.


In 2017, Intel bought Israel-based Mobileye Global Inc MBLY.O, which develops and deploys advanced driver-assistance systems, for $15 billion. Intel took Mobileye public last year.


Announcing the deal in televised remarks to his cabinet, Netanyahu called it "a tremendous achievement for the Israeli economy – 90 billion shekels ($25 billion) – the largest investment ever by an international company in Israel".


In a statement, Intel said its Israel operations had "played a crucial role" in the company's global success.


"Our intention to expand manufacturing capacity in Israel is driven by our commitment to meeting future manufacturing needs … and we appreciate the continued support of the Israeli government," it said.

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19028388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8453

NYC mayor signs “sanctuary” order protecting gender-affirming care seekers


“This executive order reaffirms the fact that hate has no place in our city," said Mayor Eric Adams.


Report: VP Kamala Harris to Promote Aborting Babies in Dobbs Anniversary Speech



Vice President Kamala Harris will mark the first anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade by traveling to North Carolina and rallying pro-abortion activists as the state prepares to enact its own law protecting unborn babies.


A White House official told The Hill this week that Harris will travel to Charlotte to deliver a “major speech” focused on contrasting the Biden administration’s pro-abortion efforts with Republicans’ efforts to pass supposedly “extreme legislation.” Harris is also expected to reiterate the White House’s support of a federal law codifying the so-called “right” to abortion. According to the report:


North Carolina is currently at the center to the ongoing state-level fight over abortion access. The state Legislature last month voted to override a veto from Gov. Roy Cooper (D) that would have stopped a ban on abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy from going into effect. With the override, the law will go into effect on July 1.


Harris is also marking the Dobbs anniversary by sitting down for a televised roundtable discussion hosted by MSNBC’s Joy Reid, according to the White House.


The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on June 24 last year to overturn its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, holding in the Dobbs case that the Constitution does not include a right to abortion and returning the issue of abortion laws and regulations to state legislatures. Since then, several Republican-led states have moved to pass laws limiting abortion and holding abortionists and accomplices accountable who violate state abortion laws.


Harris has “emerged as the White House’s leading voice on the issue” and has been “hosting advocates and reproductive health officials for meetings and connecting with state legislators” who are pro-abortion, according to the report.


Axios reported in May that Harris was “quietly forming a small, outside group of women allies to help amplify her role as the White House’s leading warrior” against Republican-led laws protecting unborn babies from abortion. A Democrat official familiar with the situation told the outlet that 14 women from across the abortion industry and other groups met with Harris, including Butler of EMILY’s List, Alexis McGill Johnson of Planned Parenthood, and NARAL’s Mini Timmaraju.


EMILY’s List is also preparing to spend more than ten million dollars to prop up the embattled vice president — whose approval ratings have teetered around the low-40s and mid-30s for much of President Joe Biden’s first term — during the 2024 presidential election.

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 12:35 p.m. No.19028402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It’s official: Europe is awash with drugs


6 key trends in drug supplies and use in Europe.


"Everywhere, everything, everyone."


That’s the chilling finding of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)'s 2023 annual report, which finds that illegal drugs are everywhere, pretty much any psychoactive substance can be found on the market, and no one can escape their swelling availability and subsequent ill effects.


From the colleague calling in sick, to the health care workers overburdened by extra pressure, teenagers hoodwinked into crime and governments’ welfare budgets stretched, the impact of Europe’s complex dark drugs market is felt in every corner of the Continent.


The report is “a stark reminder that illicit drug problems can be found throughout our society,” said EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel in a release published alongside the report.


Record amounts of drugs are being seized, existing drugs are getting more potent and newly synthesized drugs keep appearing.


European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson said she is “deeply concerned that the substances consumed in Europe today may be even more damaging to health than in the past.”


For Europe, that makes the challenges of tackling drug use and associated crime even harder.


From aging opium users to scores of new synthetic drugs with unknown harms, here are six key takeaways from the report.

Record seizures


First, the quantities. Record amounts of established drugs are being seized throughout Europe, while a multitude of previously unheard-of substances have appeared on the market.


In 2021, the quantities of cannabis resin (816 tonnes) and herbal cannabis (256 tonnes) seized in the EU reached their highest level in a decade.


The amount of heroin seized by EU countries more than doubled in 2021 compared with the previous year to 9.5 tonnes, while Turkey seized a record 22.2 tonnes.


And a record amount of cocaine — more than 300 tonnes — was seized by EU countries in 2021: 96 tonnes in Belgium, 72 tonnes in the Netherlands and 49 tonnes in Spain.

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 12:36 p.m. No.19028408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8662 >>8873 >>8881 >>8886 >>8895

Leaked Video Shows Elites Partying, Laughing at Public during Pandemic


A leaked video has emerged that shows political elites partying during the Covid pandemic and laughing about the public losing their freedoms.


Previously unseen footage has surfaced via the British publication “The Mirror,” raising the possibility of a new police investigation into the so-called “Partygate” scandal, as Conservative Party officials were captured on camera mocking lockdown rules and engaging in revelry during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.


The explosive video reveals for the first time how partygoers joked about their Christmas gathering, which took place at the Conservative Campaign Headquarters in London.


Shockingly, at least two individuals named in former Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s controversial resignation honors list were present among the 24 attendees.


The video shows two partygoers knocking over wine glasses as they stumble into a table laden with buffet food.


The inebriated pair twirl to the tune of The Pogues’ “Fairytale of New York.”


This video marks the first visual evidence of one of the rule-breaking parties in Westminster.


Karaoke equipment with flashing lights can be seen in the background, while party attendees openly joke about their violation of the rules.


When a man sees he is being recorded, he exclaims: “Oh Christ.”


Then another asks: “Are you filming this?”


Someone else replies: “It’s for party, erm, party use.”


A man then laughs after he declares: “As long as we are not streaming that we’re, like, bending the rules.”


In the exclusive footage, two dancers can be seen twirling past a sign urging people to maintain social distance.

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19028423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu hands Smotrich full authority to expand existing settlements


Cabinet decision with immediate effect also dramatically expedites approval process for construction at settlements, scraps requirement for okay from defense minister or cabinet


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government passed a controversial resolution Sunday that gives practically all control over planning approval for construction in West Bank settlements to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, an ultranationalist advocate of settlements.


The decision approved at Sunday morning’s cabinet meeting, which takes immediate effect, also dramatically expedites and eases the process for expanding existing West Bank settlements and retroactively legalizing some illegal outposts.


The resolution was warmly welcomed by settlement leaders for the expected boost to settlement construction it is likely to create.


According to the resolution, which is an amendment to a 1996 government decision, the numerous stages of authorization hitherto needed from the defense minister for the approval of land usage designation masterplans will be reduced to just one required approval.


And, in line with a previous agreement, that approval will now come from Smotrich, the head of the far-right Religious Zionism party, in his secondary role as a minister within the Defense Ministry.


Settlement leaders praised Smotrich and Netanyahu for advancing and approving the change, and welcomed the streamlined approval process, which they said would make planning approval “routine” and make construction planning in the West Bank more similar to that in sovereign Israel.


Groups opposed to the settlement movement denounced the decision, saying it constituted further “de facto annexation” of the West Bank and would allow for unchecked expansion of the settlements.


According to the amendment, a key clause in government resolution 150 — which required the approval of the defense minister before a planning committee could hold hearings on a proposed land usage masterplan — has now been erased.


Previously, there were at least five stages in the planning process that required the authorization of the defense minister, although the minister could give approval for more than one stage at once.

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 1:11 p.m. No.19028525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8876 >>8906 >>8936

Top Canadian politician apologizes to unvaccinated, “we were wrong…” she makes unprecedented promise…


Danielle Smith, the current premier of Alberta in Canada, has done something remarkable. She took the bold and unprecedented step of apologizing to unvaccinated Canadians who’ve faced unfair treatment from the government throughout the “pandemic.” But Ms. Smith actually went beyond just issuing an apology, Danielle actually made a promise: anyone who was terminated from their job due to their refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine will be reinstated.


Wow. That’s not the type of humility you hear from politicians everyday, is it?


Comedian and conservative podcaster Jimmy Dore was actually blown away by this apology and covered it at length.


This apology and promise form Ms. Smith sends a powerful message to globalist elites: you were all wrong, and everybody knows it. Thanks to her humility, Danielle Smith has set a new standard in political leadership. Her acknowledgement of the horrors faced by the unvaccinated and her willingness to take responsibility for the government’s disgusting actions during the pandemic show she has the potential to be a good leader. However, the proof is in the pudding. The next time something like this happens — and you know it will — Danielle better be on the side of the people, not the government.

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 1:17 p.m. No.19028550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8583

I’m an ultra-Orthodox Rabbi and I Speak Up for LGBTQ Jews


No one should ever have to choose between a queer identity and a religious one. Rabbinic voices can even be used to incite evil, or it can inspire love, acceptance, and celebration. That is why I spoke at the Jerusalem Pride March earlier this month


I’m an ultra-orthodox rabbi and I recently traveled from New York to Israel to speak at the Jerusalem Pride March earlier this month. I think it’s safe to say I was likely the only ultra-Orthodox rabbi in the crowd of some 30,000 people, many of them waving rainbow flags emblazoned with the Star of David.

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 2:10 p.m. No.19028770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8776 >>8906 >>8936

AMC Cancels Showings of Documentary Showcasing People Who Regret Sex Change Procedures After Transgender Activists Complain


AMC Theaters has caved to a transgender activist mob and canceled showings of a documentary that speaks to people who have detransitioned.


The film, NO WAY BACK: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care, was scheduled to be released on June 21 in theaters across the US. It features the stories of five people who have detransitioned.


Unfortunately, the film caught the attention of an activist organization called Queer Trans Project, which set off to have it deplatformed by claiming that it is “anti-trans” and “perpetuates harmful misinformation.”


The organization had provided a form letter for supporters to mass email to AMC, saying “it is disheartening to see a respected institution like AMC Theaters provide a platform for content that further stigmatizes and marginalizes the transgender community.”


The letter continued, “this film’s screening goes against the values of inclusivity and respect that should be upheld by a company committed to providing diverse and meaningful entertainment. I implore you to reconsider this decision immediately and demonstrate your commitment to supporting a more inclusive and accepting society. Please remove the film from your lineup and help ensure that AMC Theaters remains a safe and inclusive space for all moviegoers.”

Anonymous ID: ce3617 June 18, 2023, 2:19 p.m. No.19028798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8812

Magnitude 3.1 earthquake strikes Appin region on the outskirts of Sydney's south-west


A small earthquake has struck the Appin region about 75 kilometres south-west of Sydney.


The 3.1 magnitude tremor just north of Douglas Park happened at 2.05pm on Sunday afternoon, at approximately 3 kilometres below the earth's crust.


A senior seismologist with Geoscience Australia, Hadi Ghasemi, described it as a shallow event.


"We generally consider it a small earthquake," Mr Ghasemi said.


"For people close to the epicentre, it would have felt like a short, sharp movement followed by a few more … which pass very quickly."


He said the event was unlikely to have caused any damage to buildings or other structures.


In comments on Facebook, local residents reported feeling their homes rattle and shake.


So far, no aftershocks have been registered.


Mr Ghasemi said at least 48 similar quakes had occurred within a 100-kilometre radius of the earthquake's epicentre during the past 10 years.


"All of the events we registered, they were all small and shallow," he said.