Anonymous ID: 0e09c7 June 18, 2023, 5:50 p.m. No.19029837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

il Donaldo Trumpo




Excellent Video!

Anonymous ID: 0e09c7 June 18, 2023, 5:57 p.m. No.19029872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9967 >>9988 >>0248 >>0370 >>0456

Hunter Biden Sits For Deposition In Child Support Case, As Mom Of His Fourth Child Demands He Turn Over Financial Information

Heather Allen. June 16, 2023

Lunden Roberts hasrefused to budge on the $20,000 per monthshe receives from Hunter in child support until he releases his financial records. Their child, Navy Joan Roberts, is four-years-old and was reportedly conceived while Hunter was in a relationship with his brother Beau’s widow.


Hunter, a lead figure in the Biden Crime Family, owns a multi-million dollar home in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in California. The home where Hunter and his wife, Mellisa Cohen, are raising their toddler son is located in Hollywood Hills, which shares the same zip code with several top Hollywood celebrities.Neither he nor Joe and Jill Biden have ever met his little girl.


Hunter traveled to downtown Little Rock, Arkansas, Friday to sit for his videotaped deposition. But 32-year-oldRoberts surprised the first son by attending. Hunter was surrounded by secret service and arrived in a five-car motorcade, according to the Daily Mail. Hunter has constantly failed to turn over his financial records, leading Roberts to petition the circuit court judge to hold Hunter in contempt. Judge Holly Meyer has not ruled on contempt charges, butfailing to turn over his records could cost Hunter jail timeif he refuses to come clean about his finances.


Hunter is also facing congressional and federal investigations into his finances. His lawyerAbbe Lowe has attempted to keep Hunter from having to present evidencewhen the child-support case goes to court in Mid-July but has beenunsuccessful.


While some have claimed Roberts worked as a stripper, she actually worked at Rosemont Seneca for Hunter, according to information retrieved from Hunter’s laptop.


Roberts has refused to take less in child support while forcing Hunter to come clean about his business deals.She has requested discoveryinto his global business deals in countries like China and Ukraine and also into the amounts paid for his amateur paintings. She hasalso upped the anteby requesting that Navy’s last name be changed to Biden so the child will “benefit from carrying the Biden Family name.”

Anonymous ID: 0e09c7 June 18, 2023, 6 p.m. No.19029890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9988 >>0248 >>0370 >>0456

After Barely Dodging Censure, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff Faces More Problems

Jack Davis

By Jack Davis June 17, 2023 at 8:18am


Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California barely had time to celebrate escaping censure from the House when a complaint against him from a think tank was filed calling for punishment that seeks his possible removal from the House.


On Wednesday, with 20 Republicans joining House Democrats, a measure to censure and fine Schiff was voted down.


The resolution was brought by Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, who said Thursday she has reached an agreement with the 20 Republicans on a revised censure resolution she believes can pass the House as early as next week.


The new attempt at censure is for Schiff making “false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia,” a draft of the resolution reads, according to Fox News.


On Thursday, meanwhile, in a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics, theCenter for Renewing America— a conservative think tank — called for Schiff to be investigated and punished with “appropriate disciplinary and remedial action—up to and including expulsion.”


“The Clinton campaign’s fabricated collusion narrative has had no greater champion than Schiff, whose dedication to perpetuating the Russia Hoax without regard for the truth repeatedly violated the requirement, in clause 1 of House Rule XXIII, that ‘[a] Member … of the House shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House,’” the letter said.


The letter noted that Schiff read into the congressional record parts of the discredited Steele Dossier and also insisted he had seen substantive evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, even though no such evidence existed.


Should Schiff be expelled from Congress?

“Schiff misled the American public based on his privileged access to classified information,” the letter said.


“Schiff’s pernicious pattern of engaging in behavior that discredits the House, in further violation of Rule XXIII, has extended well beyond the Russia Hoax,” the letter said, noting Schiff’s claim he had never spoken to a whistleblower linked to the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump and his effort to discredit documents from Hunter Biden’s laptop computer.


Luna’s attempt to censure Schiff failed Wednesday, with some members objecting to the $16 million fine attached to the motion.


“We have removed the fine to address the concerns of those that voted no,”Edie Heipel, a representative of Luna, said, according to Axios, adding that Luna’s office has “gotten excellent feedback so far and look forward to next week.”


Axios reported that Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, who cited the fine as his reason for opposing the motion, will support the revised version. The outlet said Republican Rep. Marc Molinaro of New York, who sided with Democrats this week, also will change his position and support the revised motion when it is introduced next week.


(Next week another vote in Congress with revised Censure language)

Anonymous ID: 0e09c7 June 18, 2023, 6:02 p.m. No.19029895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9917 >>9988 >>0248 >>0370 >>0456

Judge Cannon Issues New Order in Trump Documents Case, Attorneys Must Comply by Tuesday


June 16, 2023

The judge assigned to former President Donald Trump’s legal battle with the Department of Justice has issued her first order since she was assigned to assigned the case.


U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ordered the attorneys in the case to each obtain their required security clearancesdue to the sensitive nature of the matter, CNN reported Thursday.


“In a Thursday order,Cannon gave‘all attorneys of record and forthcoming attorneys of record’a Friday deadlinefor getting in touch with the Justice Department’s litigation security group so that they can expedite ‘the necessary clearance process,'” the network’s Tierney Sneed reported.


The Trump-appointed judge gave each attorney in the case until Tuesday to comply with the order.Sneed reported Trump attorneys Todd Blanche and Chris Kise had done so as of Thursday evening.


On Tuesday in Miami, the former president and leading GOP contender in the 2024 presidential race pleaded not guilty to 37 counts related to the alleged mishandling of classified documents.


Special counsel Jack Smith, appointed to look into the former president’s alleged storage and handling of classified documents, brought the case against Trump last week.


Smith, whose wife directed a documentary about former first lady Michelle Obama and also donated to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland last year.


He was tapped to lead the investigation after Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property in Palm Beach, Florida, was raided by the FBI in August 2022 in search of classified documents.


Ten months later, the DOJ charged the former president with dozens of felonies and accused him of violating the Espionage Act. Trump has denied the charges and vowed to fight them.


A number of his challengers in the 2024 Republican primary race have pledged to pardon him in the event they win the presidency.


Cannon was assigned to the case in the immediate aftermath of the FBI raid and later agreed to allow the former president to appoint a so-called special master to review the documents in question.


The judge has faced calls to recuse herself from the case over objections from Democrats and the establishment media.She has offered no indication she intends to do so.


Cannon was nominated to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida in May 2020. She was confirmed to the bench by the U.S. Senate on Nov. 12, 2020, by a vote of 56-21.


(I think after that first caseshe is going to be the judge that says “Fuck around and Find out, this time around”. She was harassed constantly, so she’s not in a conciliatory mood.)

Anonymous ID: 0e09c7 June 18, 2023, 6:04 p.m. No.19029902   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Rogan finally comes all the way around on voting for Trump…

June 16, 2023


Joe Rogan recently spilled the beans that he has come all the way around on voting for Trump and will gladly pull the lever for the 45th president rather than vote for President Biden.


Daily Mail:

‘Bleeding heart liberal’ Joe Rogan is so turned off by President Biden’s performance that he sayshe would rather vote for Trump in 2024.


Speaking on his podcast, Rogan said Biden is ‘mentally gone’ and that Americans now have to rely on his ‘sideshow of diversity’ administration to make the decisions.


He used the example of Sam Brinton – the non-binary, luggage-stealing energy department official – as an example.


‘I would vote for Trump before I’d vote for Biden. Just cause I think with Biden, like he’s gone!


The video clip of Joe Rogan saying he will vote for Trump over Biden was actually released back in March, but it flew under the radar for many people. So, we decided to share it again for those who missed it or simply want to rewatch it. Despite not being a Trump supporter, Rogan presents some really insightful political and common-sense arguments that are definitely worth watching again.


Recent polls consistently show that a majority of Americans are really concerned about Joe Biden’s competence. Throughout his “presidency,” there have been recurring questions regarding his mental well-being. And you can see why – just the other day,Biden went flailing off-script and announced the construction of an 8,000-mile train extending across the Indian Ocean.


What on earth is this guy even talking about? And the media didn’t bother to call him out on it, either. Of course not…

Anonymous ID: 0e09c7 June 18, 2023, 6:10 p.m. No.19029934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9986


il Donaldo Trumpo




How many O’s are in that?

Anonymous ID: 0e09c7 June 18, 2023, 6:22 p.m. No.19029994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 hours ago

⚔️ 🇺🇸 ⚖️ Jun 16 2023 -==Derek Johnson w/ Capt Kyle The 'Show' Is Stepping Up + Natl Guard Active==

27:17 minutes


He points out all the SS, police, military, sheriffs, etc was in Miami with President Trump, and the fake military at the WH with Joe & Kamala!

Anonymous ID: 0e09c7 June 18, 2023, 7:58 p.m. No.19030384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0456

17 Jun, 2023 21:58

Dutch government’s colonial profits revealed

The House of Orange made over half a billion dollars from its colonies in a century, a government-commissioned study found


The Netherlands’ House of Orange profited from its colonial holdings by about 3 million guilders – $600 million (€547 million) in contemporary value – from 1675 to 1770, according to a government-commissioned State and Slavery study, presented to the Dutch Parliament on Thursday.


The study is an effort to study the role of theDutch government and "related institutions" in slavery and its aftermath. The country is also looking into returning looted artworks. While the country abolished slavery in 1863, some argue the pinnacle of its economic and cultural achievements was accomplished on the backs of forced laborers.


King Willem-Alexander is expected to publicly apologize for the country’s colonial predations on July 1, the 150th anniversary of the Dutch abolition of slavery in its former colonies. Prime Minister Mark Rutte made an official apology of his own in December for the country’s 250-year involvement in the slave trade, which he called a "crime against humanity," but some activists argued this was not sufficient and demanded a further apology from the monarch.


The Netherlands established a national advisory panel to interrogate its colonial history in 2020 after the death in police custody of black man George Floyd in the US initiated a wave of racial self-examination, protests, and recriminations globally.


The Dutch colonial empire included parts of what are now the Virgin Islands, Brazil, Mauritius, Suriname, Ceylon, and several Indonesian islands. Much of their Asian territory, administered by the Dutch East India Company, was captured from the Portuguese, who had previously colonized the area.


The Netherlands is not the only former colonial power investigating the possibility of atoning for its past sins against once-oppressed populations. The government of Jamaica last month announced it would introduce a bill that could potentially sever its centuries-old relationship with the British monarchy, which claimed the island as a colony in 1655 and allowed it nominal independence in 1962. A recent poll found that the majority of populations in nearly half of the British Commonwealth nations would become republics if they had the option.


In the US, New York recently became the second state to take the first steps toward establishing a commission to investigate financial reparations for the descendants of black slaves imported from Africa.