Anonymous ID: 19398f June 18, 2023, 7:02 p.m. No.19030156   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Calley Means






bruhaha shines light on the most important issue in America.


Pharma companies have given us the opioid crisis, lockdown policies, and 50% prediabetes rates.


We're bullied to blindly trust them, but they deserve ZERO benefit of the doubt.


There is a reason RFK has the highest approval rating of any candidate from either political party.


It is because pharmaceutical companies and public health leaders have systematically let us down in spectacular fashion - yet continue to slur anyone (with government support) who dares ask questions.


This speech policing is enforced by the government, where the FDA Is literally funded by Pharma and regulatory agencies and pharma board rooms are a revolving door (just look at


going directly from FDA to Pfizer).


It is an indisputable fact that the more we have spent on medical interventions over the past 40 years (and gotten away from basics like healthy food and movement), the worse our health has gotten.


Americans have gotten sicker, fatter, more depressed, and more infertile at the same time we have outsourced more trust to pharma companies and the public health industrial complex.


As a country, we have not even come close to grappling with the fact that the COVID response was the worst public policy disaster In modern American history.


Our country is being brought to its knees by preventable lifestyle conditions (rising rates of cancer, heart disease, dementia, autoimmune conditions, and other chronic diseases) that account for 80% of deaths and healthcare costs and are almost entirely preventable by de-poisoning our food supply.


Then comes COVID, which almost exclusively killed metabolically unhealthy people.


But not once did Dr. Fauci urge for a national reckoning on shifting our food supply to regenerative agriculture and incentivizing movement and sunlight. No, we spent two years of the government microphone almost exclusively devoted to articulating that a pharmaceutical product would be our savior. This was a lie - and one of the most consequential lies In American history.


LEADERSHIP would have been directing the trillions we spend on lockdowns to transforming the metabolic health of America, which is possible.


Losing our way on how we think about health is the most important issue facing America. We need to completely unwind the system that siloes heart disease, diabetes, obesity and dementia Into different categories with different pills to "manage" them. They are the same thing - and are reversible through metabolic habits.


It will bankrupt us and destroy our human capital if we don't get It right.


Around the kitchen table In America - THIS is what matters. Our parents are getting sicker and living more miserable lives In their old age due to chronic diseases. Our kids are walking Into a buzzsaw where 30% of teens have prediabetes. The vast majority of personal bankruptcies in the US are due to medical costs.


But at this time when the corruption and moral bankruptcy of the pharma and public health communities has been laid naked, RFK and Rogan are called the crazy ones for asking questions?


The American people - on both sides - innately see through this.


RFK might very well be wrong on many of his points - but the attacks on him are largely on the fact that he Is asking questions at all (with slurs that he Is "putting lives at risk" and "anti-science) and not on the content of what he is actually saying.


The truth is that public health leaders think vaccines are so important that we should limit any speech or discussion about them because the American people are too stupid to process "misinformation." They do not deserve this benefit of the doubt, particularly in an area where they make hundreds of billions In revenue buttressed by government guidelines that every child should receive over 60 shots.


If some issues are too important to discuss, Congress should pass a law to that effect. It should not be decided by pharma execs and the public health bureaucrats they will eventually employ.


Vaccines most likely have brought a lot of good. But that should be open to discussion. No topic should be off limits, especially if the arbiter of that speech Is pharmaceutical companies.


The societally important point about this moment is that we will be okay if we lean into debate and long-form dialogue - especially around the topics we're told are off limits.

Anonymous ID: 19398f June 18, 2023, 7:07 p.m. No.19030183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0203 >>0204 >>0212 >>0217 >>0221 >>0444


{Matt} $XRPatriot


‼️Ya might want to listen to this video since multiple sources have confirmed


💥Take it with a grain of salt but be prepared for anything. Told you the next couple weeks will be spicy 🔥


💥250 cities worldwide held on cyber ransom, massive cyberattacks imminent.


💥Possible blackout with lockdown or light martial law


💥Exact timeframe and severity unknown but expected in the next couple weeks.


💥Everything we’ve thought would happen the last couple years and we’ve been prepared for…this is it


🇺🇸 Patriots will know what to do and how to handle the situation. Normies won’t know what hit them, they won’t know what to do or know what’s next


Be kind and help others 🙏


🤔Hmm, lines up with my timeframe. Who woulda thunk it😅

Anonymous ID: 19398f June 18, 2023, 7:38 p.m. No.19030308   🗄️.is 🔗kun


consider all banks go offline in concert. what would happen in every city? chaos. No one can get money, transact. Supply and resupply offline. No meds, no gas, no water treatment/pumping.


Add in grid down, including no commo/net and you will have WROL within 2 days.