Anonymous ID: a5a6a1 June 19, 2023, 4:32 a.m. No.19031706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1903 >>2116

(Picture:Components for an explosive device seized by the FSB)

19 Jun, 2023 09:03

Terrorist attacks against leadership of Russia’s Zaporozhye Region thwarted – FSB

Ukraine’s military intelligence prepared an operation targeting local officials, Russia’s security service says


The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has said it intercepted a Ukrainianplot to stageterrorist attacks against the leadership of Russia’s newly incorporated Zaporozhye Region.


“During anoperational game, an attempt by Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) to commit a series ofsabotage and terrorist actsagainst the heads of the military-civilian administration of Zaporozhye Region and law enforcement officers… was thwarted,” the FSB said in a statement on Monday.


‘Operational game’ is a term used by the Russian security services to describe activities whichemploy double agents and disinformation, in order to make the opponent behave in the desired manner.


The FSB said it was able to =identify a GUR operative, who supervised a group of agents recruited by him from among residents== of Zaporozhye Region. “Comprehensive information” on the activities of Ukraine’s military intelligence in the area was also collected, it added.


“Thedirect perpetrator[of the planned attacks] wasidentified, an accomplice was detained, the means of committing crimes were seized, and channels of undercover communications and methods of financing were established,”the statement read.


Criminal cases on terrorism and illegal possession of explosives have been launched against the detained ==female accomplice=, according to the FSB.


Zaporozhye Region became part of Russia last October, together Kherson Region and the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, following referendums in which the local populations voted overwhelmingly in favor of the move.


There have been numerous attempts to target officials of various levels in the four territories since the stat of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022. Several people have been killed or wounded in them, but Russia’s security agencies say most of the plots have been foiled.

Anonymous ID: a5a6a1 June 19, 2023, 4:43 a.m. No.19031749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1766 >>1793

19 Jun, 2023 10:47

Video purports to show Russian ‘kamikaze tank’ attack

A captured Ukrainian armored vehicle was allegedly converted into a powerful self-propelled bomb


A video circulating online purportedly shows Russian troops deploying acaptured Ukrainian tankafterconvertingit into a powerful Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED). Other similar incidents have been reported since the start of the conflict in Ukraine.


The footage of the “kamikaze tank” – which could not be independently verified – was allegedly filmed this month in Donbass, near the frontline settlement of Maryinka, to the west of the Russian city of Donetsk. The tank was said to beloaded with six tons of explosivesandsent backtowards Ukrainian positions without a driver.


The vehicle, which appears to be a Soviet-made T-54, was reportedly stopped by a land mine and later hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, causing its cargo to detonate.


Just days earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry reported a more successful example of the same tactics. An explosives specialist explained howhis squad packed a captured Ukrainian MT-LB trackedtow vehicle with 3.5 tons of explosives and five FAB-100 aviation bombs, before directing it towards a Ukrainian outpost some 300 meters away.


Thepayload was detonated remotelyas a result of which “the enemy suffered significant losses both in equipment and manpower,” the commander said, citing intercepted Ukrainian communications.


Another case was reported by military bloggers in February. An MT-LB was allegedly loaded with aviation bombs and specialized explosive charges, which are normally used by UR-77 Meteorit mine-clearing vehicles to rapidly breach paths across minefields, and sent towards Ukrainian positions.


After Ukrainiantroops approached the stalledvehicle to investigate, the explosives were triggered remotely, reports claimed. Evidence of the incident included footage purportedly filmed by Ukrainian soldiers before and after the blast.

Anonymous ID: a5a6a1 June 19, 2023, 4:57 a.m. No.19031783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

19 Jun, 2023 08:43

Belarusian militants training in Poland for insurrection – The Times

“Hundreds” have reportedly joined the insurgency, which Minsk claims is backed by foreign nations


Belarusian exiles in Poland aretraining for a future armed insurrectionin their home nation, The Times has claimed. The militants may also “play a key role” in the Ukraine conflict, according to the British newspaper.


The report on Sunday focused on a camp near the Polish city of Poznanoperated by Bypol– the “group of former officers from Belarus’ security services” who fled the country following protests in 2020. Similarcombat trainingsessions have been taking place in theNATOnation for months, with the number of recruits“in the hundreds,” Bypol’s leadership claims.


The Times described the recruits at the boot camp as common Belarusians, whowant to topple the governmentof President AlexanderLukashenkoin response to a “Stalinesque campaign of torture and detention [that] has all but silenced dissent” in the country.


Following the 2020 presidential election, Belarus saw mass protests against Lukashenko’s new term, with people claiming that the poll had been rigged to deprive opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya of victory.Tikhanovskayahas since been treated as a representative of the Belarusian peopleby the US and its allies, and is currently based in Lithuania. (Color Revolution again)


Bypol claimsto have carried out severalcombat missionson Belarusian soil, including a drone attack on a Russian A-50 airborne radar at Machulishchyair base near Minsk.


Lukashenko said the attackers involved in the February incident had beenrecruited by Kiev special servicesand branded his Ukrainian counterpart, Vladimir Zelensky, “scum” for presumably consenting to the operation.


The Belarusian government claimed it was closely monitoring Bypol’s activities, including theirtraining campslocated in Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and the Czech Republic.


We knowparticular recruitment posts; knowwho is involved. We know thetraining camps, theidentities of instructors, who teaches which parts of the course,” Belarus’ security chief Ivan Tertel claimed in April.


The group is using terrorist tactics to pave the way for an insurrection in Belarus andacts as a tool of foreign states, the senior official said. The same masterminds “are the driving forces in terms of geopolitical problems that our neighbors have,” he added.

Anonymous ID: a5a6a1 June 19, 2023, 5:03 a.m. No.19031799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1816

19 Jun, 2023 05:59

Civilians wounded in Ukrainian shelling of Russian region – governor

A child was among those injured by the barrage targeting Belgorod Region, Vyacheslav Gladkov says


A Ukrainianartillery attackon Russia’s Belgorod Regionearly on Mondayhas left seven people wounded, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov has said.


The region’s Valuysky District, which borders Ukraine, came under fire, Gladkov wrote on Telegram.


A child, who suffered a broken collarbone, was among those injured in the incident. Five others were hospitalized with moderate injuries. One man suffered a head trauma, three women received shrapnel wounds, and another female was left shell-shocked. Two other residents of the Valuysky District sought medical aid due to minor cuts, the governor said.


Five apartment blocks and four private homeswere hit in the attack, with windows smashed and facades damaged, Gladkov added.


The Russian regions of Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk, all of which border Ukraine, have been the =targets of numerous missile, mortar and drone bombardments by Ukrainian forces since the outbreak of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022. The strikes have targeted energy infrastructure== and residential areas, resulting in civilian deaths and injuries, as well as the destruction of property.


The cross-border attacks on Belgorod Region haveintensified in recent weeks, including not just artillery fire, but also attempted incursions by saboteur groups.


In late May, a raid on several villages in the area resulted in one civilian death and 12 injuries. The attackers were swiftly pushed back by the Russian forces,with “over 70 Ukrainian terrorists” killed and four armored personnel carriers, including US-made Hummvee and MaxxPro vehicles, being destroyed, according to Moscow. Several more attempts to encroach on Russian territory have been repelled since then, the Defense Ministry said.


(These poor people and towns have been bombed continuously since 2014 by Kiev thanks to the US State Department)

Anonymous ID: a5a6a1 June 19, 2023, 5:29 a.m. No.19031863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is How Much NATO Countries Spend on Defense2 years ago on September 23, 2021

By Avery Koop

Visualizing NATO Defense Spending by Country

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This Is How Much NATO Countries Spend on Defense

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) exists for the sole purpose of facilitating a political and military alliance between almost 30 countries. All are obligated to one another in times of war, but some countries have much stronger militaries and defense systems than others.


Using data from NATO, this map reveals what each NATO member country spends on its own national defense.


Note: Numbers are 2021 projections.


Biggest NATO Defense Spenders

The U.S. spends more on defense than any other NATO country.


According to the 2021 estimates, U.S. defense spending will be close to $811 billion this year. On the other hand, the defense spending of all other NATO countries combined is projected to be $363 billion, meaning the U.S. will outspend all other countries by a whopping $448 billion.



Rank Country Millions (USD) 2021p Change (2014-2021)

#1 🇺🇸United States $811,140 24.0%

#2 🇬🇧 United Kingdom $72,765 10.8%

#3 🇩🇪 Germany $64,785 40.3%

#4 🇫🇷 France $58,729 12.9%

#5 🇮🇹 Italy $29,763 21.5%

#6 🇨🇦 Canada $26,523 46.0%

#7 🇪🇸 Spain $14,875 17.7%

#8 🇳🇱 Netherlands $14,378 38.9%

#9 🇵🇱 Poland $13,369 32.3%

#10 🇹🇷 Turkey $13,057 -3.8%

Showing 1 to 10 of 29 entriesPreviousNext

NATO is based on building up forces and equipment for the goal of joint security and defense. And, despite the pandemic, many members did increase their spending in 2020.


However, not all countries contribute equally. The agreed-upon target for European NATO members, for example, is to spend 2% of GDP on defense by 2024, but many countries are not on track to meet this goal.


Who Pays for NATO Itself?

One of the key pillars of NATO is collective defense: a commitment to the idea that an act of violence against one or more of its member states is an act of aggression towards all.


Collective defense, cooperative security, and crisis management are at the heart of NATO’s purpose and operations.


Apart from defense spending, running a transcontinental political alliance costs around $3 billion annually. So which countries foot the bill for these expenses?



Country Cost Share Arrangements


🇺🇸United States16.36%

🇩🇪 Germany 16.36%

🇬🇧 United Kingdom 11.29%

🇫🇷 France 10.50%

🇮🇹 Italy 8.79%

🇨🇦 Canada 6.88%

🇪🇸 Spain 6.00%

🇹🇷 Turkey 4.73%

🇳🇱 Netherlands 3.45%

🇵🇱 Poland 2.99%

Total 100.00%

Showing 1 to 10 of 29 entriesPreviousNext

Members have pre-arranged mechanisms to divide NATO alliance expenses evenly.


Getting into specifics, the members are paying for:


Civilian staff wages and overhead costs of running NATO headquarters.

Running strategic commands, joint operations, early warning and radar systems, training, etc.

Defense communications systems, harbors, airfields, and fuel supplies.

The Future of NATO

While outright nation-on-nation conflict is becoming more rare, threats to the collective security of NATO allies have not disappeared.


While countries may have differing opinions over the exact amount each should contribute, rising expenditures are a sign that NATO is still a priority for the near future.

Anonymous ID: a5a6a1 June 19, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.19031926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

19 Jun, 2023 08:18

Russian warship rescues dozens of passengers off Greece – MOD

The frigate Admiral Gorshkov was diverted from a convoy mission in the Mediterranean


A Russian warship has rescued dozens of people from a vessel which sent out a distress signal in Greek territorial waters, the Russian Defense Ministry has reported.


The incident happened overnight and involved the Admiral Gorshkov frigate, the statement said. It was escorting the Pizhma bulk carrier in the Mediterranean Sea towards the Syrian port of Tartus, when it made adiversion to assist a yacht, Avalon, which had lost propulsion.


A total of 68 people were rescuedand transferred to the Russian cargo ship, the report said. The Russian convoy then sailed to the Greek island of Kalymnos to hand the rescued individuals over to the Greek coast guard.


The ministry said the yacht was sailing under the flags of Germany and Greece.


The Admiral Gorshkov is the lead ship of its class. It was launched in 2010, commissioned in 2018 and serves as part of the Russian Northern Fleet. Last year it drew media attention after becoming the=first warship armed with new hypersonic Zircon missiles.


Last Wednesday,an overcrowded fishing boat sankoff the Greek coast while allegedlytransporting over 600 of would-be migrantsfrom Libya. Local media reported days after the disaster that most of the passengers remained unaccounted for and may have died.


Pro-migrant activists have accused the Greek authorities of failing to act fast enough, but the Hellenic Coast Guard has claimed that people on board the vessel had rejected assistance.

Anonymous ID: a5a6a1 June 19, 2023, 6:04 a.m. No.19031966   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Their agenda is to track us down and punish meme makers. Said so in the article from RT, and its not surprising Milley’s name was specifically names because his feelings got hurt by memes, so “the state” will prevent bad actors from being exposed.1984 or bust is their motto, or maybe “Brave New World” we will enjoy our prisons


Collect any Milley memes because we will have to commit them to memory

Anonymous ID: a5a6a1 June 19, 2023, 6:22 a.m. No.19032029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2049


According to Influence Watch, the group wasfounded by former Clinton administration official Melissa Moss and its managing director is former Perkins Coie attorney Michael Teter. It gets worse: “The 65 Project’s Senior Advisor is David Brock, the founder of Media Matters for America and American Bridge 21st Century.” The group initially went after 111 attorneys in 26 states for representing Trump or questioning the irregularities associated with the 2020 election. They included Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. The latter described how the 65 Project has intimidated potential Trump lawyers in a recent Substack column:


They have threatened to file bar charges against any such lawyers. When these threats first emerged, I wrote an op-ed offering to defend pro bono any lawyers that The 65 Project goes after. So The 65 Project immediately went after me, and contrived a charge based on a case in which I was a constitutional consultant, but designed to send a message to potential Trump lawyers: if you defend Trump or anyone associated with him, we will target you and find something to charge you with. The lawyers to whom I spoke are fully aware of this threat — and they are taking it seriously.


A typical example of the group’s tactics can be found in its attack on Georgia attorney Kurt Hilbert. As recently as February of 2023, Teter wrote to the State Bar of Georgia requesting an investigation into Hilbert pursuant to his representation of Trump and other plaintiffs in four lawsuits resulting from the state’s incompetent management of the 2020 election. “We write to request that the Office of General Counsel investigate the actions taken by Kurt Hilbert relating to his effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election.” Such ethics complaints, no matter how spurious, inevitably lead to protracted inquiries that damage the reputations of their targets regardless of whether or not the charges possess any genuine merit.


This is, of course, the point. Many lawyers will think twice before inviting an ethics complaint by representing disfavored clients. The resultant chilling effect has now spread to other GOP candidates in races unrelated to 2020. Kari Lake, for example, had difficulty retaining attorneys when she contested the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial results. Bloomberg quotes her thus: “We had attorneys who did walk away because the left is threatening them with their ability to make a living and practice law.” The 65 Project filed an ethics complaint against Kurt B. Olsen, who represented Lake in two lawsuits pursuant to her 2022 race. The following excerpt is typical of the inflammatory language used in these complaints:


Mr. Olsen attempted to overturn the 2020 election and now seeks to overturn the 2022 Arizona midterm. A full investigation by the Office of Bar Counsel will demonstrate the egregious nature of Mr. Olsen’s actions, especially when considered in light of his purposes, the direct and possible consequences of his behavior, and the serious risk that Mr. Olsen will repeat such conduct unless disciplined. This supplemental complaint demonstrates that Mr. Olsen is already a repeat offender of the Rules of Professional Conduct, and can only be stopped through disciplinary action.


Each of these complaint letters begins with this introduction: “The 65 Project is a bipartisan, nonprofit effort to protect democracy from abuse of the legal system by holding accountable lawyers who engage in fraudulent, unethical conduct seeking to overturn legitimate election results.” Despite this claim to bipartisanship, the group’s website contains zero complaints on lawyers who represent Democratic candidates. There is nothing, for example, involving scandal-plagued attorney Marc Elias or his attempt to overturn the 2020 election of Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District. Elias is no stranger to ethics sanctions, yet the 65 Project has never questioned his veracity.


The mission of the 65 Project extends beyond ruining the careers of individual lawyers who dare to represent Republicans in election disputes. The group also purports to be protecting future elections: “We are working closely with law professors and professional responsibility practitioners to develop model rules, and we will push state bar associations to adopt them.” This push will include a robust effort “to revitalize the state bar disciplinary process so that lawyers, including public officials, who lie about election results and who fuel insurrection will face professional consequences.” The irony-free use of “insurrection” makes it all too obvious which lawyers and public officials will face “professional consequences.”..

Anonymous ID: a5a6a1 June 19, 2023, 6:27 a.m. No.19032049   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why don’t all republicans and all attorneys, file ethics complaints on the organizations and every attorney involved.


They need to proactively and consistently file ethics complaints every time they want to take out America first attorneys. Additionally lawyers condemned by them need to file a class action lawsuit! And include the billionaires funding it!