>>19031395 pb
why do they say 4 chan?
what do they have that we don't have?
how deep is Barr in, money-wise?
Is he too old for Gitmo?
>>19031563 pb
remind me again, what does Schumann measure? What instrument is used?
and where is the monitor located?
who is "everyone" to him (O'Biden)?
that doesn't answer any of my questions.
just sayn'
Looks like same veracity as "Channelling"
"consciouslness raisiing"
so what? measuring what?
using what?
open minded, but there's no sauce.
uh oh.
Lincoln's prayers about slavery; 2nd Inaugural address
Wasn't slavery already paid in full, by that war?
Are they "pulling a number" like the Catholic Church - born in sin, can never be sinless? In order to gain power over people psychologically?
In some Christian groups, everybody has to claim "I am a sinner"
With the anti-rascism cult (seen it) every white American . or "White" person in general, has to "admit" "I am a racist"
Even then it's not enough.
Never is.
It's a about the power desired by those who want to hold that claim of "sinfullness" over the heads of those whom they would dominate (and probably kill).
ur up next FBI
I've got a bunch of documentation, history, on your sick fucked-up un-American, lying thieving org.
fuck off FBI We see you.
We know who you really hate.
We are "da Jews" huh
that's why you call us "Jews" all the time.
Ur PODESTA is a freak.
making all White Americans claim they are racist, in order to try to prove they are no longer racist.
It's a psy-op
not really.
Day Civil War ended
May 26, 1865
they didn't find out they were free until June?
Nothing will obscure Independence Day.
also "Evacuation Day" When Brits were made to leave.
it's a psy-op for control
make people accept they are "less than" and actually be prideful of proclaiming that.
"I am a sinner"
no I'm not.
fuck off.
Label yourself that way.
Meanwhile the real sinners are laughing.
Satanist / Romans invented the Jesus cult.
Grace is real. The religion is not.
BTW King Jesus himself was a man, "imperfect" by the standards of those who judge such things.
BORN OF A VIRGIN to "escape the sin" of being born by a woman.
Not really.
What 's so sinful of being born of a woman. That's crazy.
Oh right. "Everyone is born in sin" That's their doctrine, And then they put you on a hamster wheel for life trying to crawl out of that projection.
Same with the "All whites are racists" Can't prove you aren't since that's the assumption of those who create the Propaganda / doctrine.
It's not for the limited human to judge one way or the other; Bible was written by humans.
It's up to God to be the judge.
God has the big picture.
Unknowable and unfathomable are the ways of karma.
But some day we will know.
Human is created perfect, in the "image" of God;
found some cooboration for the Payseur theory; not that that discounts the Vatican theory; both could be true.
NAPOLEON BONAPARTE"S Grand -Nephew created the FBI-
him and Theodore Rooseveldt.
sauce is "FBI no one Knows" on the creation of FBI
printed in '~61