Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 7:05 a.m. No.19032199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2286 >>2425 >>2711 >>2811 >>2826 >>2894

Anons send to anyone who is sick from jab, but truthfully we all need it.

EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD interviews Dr. Michael Roth


Here is the Link for our Interview:

EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

In this interview we discuss EDTA studies, excellent safety profile, questions regarding renal dosing. We review the literature of benefits. EDTA for detoxification of metals, Graphene and Hydrogel is discussed. I show before and after live blood images that document clearance of the blood from the ribbon structures with EDTA IV Chelation. While certainly more studies are required, given the metal detox abilities of EDTA and the effects against Hydrogel, this should be considered as a treatment option. I use IV EDTA Chelation now to clear the blood and for periodic maintenance due to the assault on human health. I recommend the cream as a daily prevention detox modality in addition to nutritional optimization, and other supplements I have written about, like Humic and Fulvic Acid, Nitric Oxide supplementation with Neo 40, DMG, NAC and others.

Please see for yourself our review of this important molecule for detoxification purposes.

Dr. Michael Roth is a retired doctor of chiropractic with extensive knowledge and experience in nutrition and health. After running a successful chiropractic office for nearly 15 years, Dr. Roth branched out into peripheral realms of health study to enable him to offer his clients a more complete and overall knowledge base of wellness. With a goal to glorify the Lord, he is dedicated to provide for and educate the public regarding the gaining and maintaining of dynamic health and effective body cleansing. Dr. Roth also developed a unique topical EDTA cream for the safe, gentle and effective removal of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from the body. He is a member of AFLDS, FLCCN and several other medical freedom and liberty groups. For more information go to his website: or email:


(Excellent results reported for those who got the jab)

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 7:22 a.m. No.19032255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2298 >>2425 >>2711 >>2811 >>2894

19 Jun, 2023 13:45

Multiple victims as Kiev strikes ‘humanitarian warehouse’ – Donbass region head

More shelling on Monday injured some 20 civilians, Donetsk leader Denis Pushilin has reported


Ukrainian rocket artillery that the country received from Western nations, hasinjured some 20 civiliansin the frontline Donbass city of Volnovakha, the acting head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) reported.


The rocketshitwhat Denis Pushilin described as an“absolutely peaceful district”in the city, and he listed a bus stop, a school and a humanitarian warehouse as having been affected by the shelling.


The DPR civic defense office identified the projectiles asfired by HIMARS rocketlaunchers, a US-made weapon system. Near the warehouse alone, officialsfound six cratersleft by the Ukrainian shelling, it said. The facility is used to distribute building materials to householders in need.


RT correspondent Roman Kosarev visited the location and found it abandoned. He said everyone had been evacuated because the authorities feared a second strike by Ukrainian forces.


The initial attack waslaunched at around 9am local time(6am GMT), when the warehouse was busy with people seeking assistance, he noted. At least two of the victims are said to be in serious condition.


In a separate incident in a village near Volnovakha,a six-year-old girl was mortally injuredafter stepping on a mine remotely deployed by Ukrainian forces, Pushilin said.


According to the region’s interior ministry, the mine had parachuted down inside the property of the girl’s family on Sunday. The child was badly wounded and parents rushed her to the nearest medical facility.


She received first aid there and was sent to a hospital in Mariupol, some 50 kilometers (30 miles) to the southeast, butunfortunately was confirmed dead on arrival.

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 7:33 a.m. No.19032298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2425 >>2711 >>2811 >>2894


Very long article on the shelling of Donbass constantly since 2014

18 Jun, 2023 19:05

Life in the Donbass: How locals feel today, over nine years since their region broke away from Ukrainian control


Residents of the Donetsk People's Republic give their perspectives on the hostilities raging since 2014, and how they feel about Russia and Ukraine


….Locals say that civilian infrastructure is most often attacked by the AFU, and that targets have included the Transfiguration Cathedral and the local market. They say thechurch gets shelled during services on holy days, and the market is regularly attacked on weekends. The AFU reportedly strikes on days when these places are full of people.


“Even the children here know where the missiles are flying from and why. I have a six-year-old niece. She sits in a taxi and says, ‘My God, what a nightmare. They are attacking us, aren’t they?’. I say, ‘Yes… And who is attacking us?’ She says, ‘Ukraine.’She knows how to hide and where the attack is coming from. She knows that if the bombardment has started, she needs to grab her cat and her favorite coloring books, and go sit on a chair in the corridor. This is not normal.”..


Three others remained in Donetsk. Lyudmila says that over the past nine years, whenever the city comes under attack, her whole family has to hide in a narrow corridor, pressing close to each other. In the area where she lives, there are constant strikes. After our meeting, Lyudmila nearly got hit by a shell that exploded 500 meters away from her. In complete darkness, she ran home as fast as she could…


Lyudmila is originally from Maryinka, and her relatives still live there. The city is currently the scene of fierce battles, and it is no longer possible to evacuate them. In March and April last year, they were forced to hide in the basement from shelling, and were starving. Lyudmila says an 80-year-old relative stopped walking and went blind…


At the bank, another hit elderly people who were standing in line. At the local market, civilians out food shopping were killed. Missiles have struck schools and kindergartens…


“Every place around here has been hit. We used to think these were accidental, scattered attacks: I mean on schools, kindergartens, apartment buildings. Now we know that it’s targeted. If today there are two shellings of the same school porch, tomorrow it will happen again.”…


Lyudmila says that for eight years, the Ukrainian side announced ceasefires that were given “characteristic” names – like the “Easter truce” or “school truce” in honor of the start of school on September 1. But the same party that proposed them immediately violated these agreements….


Recounting the events of 2014, Lyudmila remembers how the residents of Donetsk went to Lenin Square carrying Russian flags, and called for their region to become part of Russia…


For two weeks, the family hid in a small corridor together with the animals. When things quietened down, they looked out to see who was shooting. From the window of the house, they could see Ukrainian tanks driving along the streets and firing at residential areas. The family cooked food on a wood stove, each time fearing that their house would be discovered and attacked.


“Two or three times a day, theAFU would engage in a ‘tank biathlon’ - they fired at houses, residential buildings, people. We were afraid to kindle a fire in the stove, because the smoke [coming out of the chimney] would make us an easy target. When my husband got the fire burning, I would shout, ‘Put it out, they're going to attack us now!’”…

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 7:40 a.m. No.19032330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2372 >>2425 >>2441 >>2495 >>2711 >>2811 >>2894

Worthwhile read

The Deep State Document Hunt Against Donald Trump in Context


June 18, 2023 | Sundance |

After reading the entire 75-page transcript of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) testimony to congress [READ HERE], a testimonial that almost no one in the mainstream news has written about, issues surrounding the document search against President Trump take on some new context.


The NARA officials are essentially professional DC bureaucrats with a mission to look out for the best interests of the DC system they support. It is very clear from their opinion; Donald Trump was considered an outsider to the DC system of government – and that baseline established the framework for why and how NARA took such extreme processes with President Trump.




From the transcript, one NARA official says, “I am storing 555,000 cubic feet of classified national security information. To put that in perspective, the white boxes that many of you have seen in your offices, that is a cubic foot. It holds about 2,500 pages. Another way for me to describe it, a typical stack area that we store records in a Federal records center can hold about 100,000 cubic feet. And that is a room that is about roughly the size of a football field. So you are looking at five and a half football fields floor to ceiling shelving.” {Transcript, page 24}


President Trump did not turn over the letter left to him by President Obama, nor did President Trump turn over the 27 letters exchanged between himself and North Korea Chairman Kim Jong-un.NARA was looking for these along with other documents pertaining to President Trump engaging in discussions with other foreign leaders, and NARA was angry about the perceived lack of respect shown by Trump toward their endeavor.


However, when you take the current DC establishment system, look at the history of the Trump administration engagement in foreign policy, then overlay that dynamic with the gatekeeping responsibilities outlined by NARA, what you may discover is an entirely different prism through which to view the DC motives.


One can easily argue the Deep State per se’ was looking for notes, information, contacts, tips and hints of discussions that took place between Trump and foreign leaders, that may have actually exposed the mechanisms of DC money and policy laundering.


Consider the NARA apoplexy around the Trump-Kim letters as outlined on pages 43 & 44 of their testimony. However, expand your perspective to get larger than simply the Trump-Kim letters.


NARA officials view themselves, their role, as more important than the President of the United States, that is very clear. NARA officials consider themselves “gatekeepers” to government information. The gatekeepers were not happy with President Trump not following protocols when he was not in office. An example from media:


The Washington Post’s Greg Miller reported Sunday that President Donald Trump’s confiscation of the translator’s notes from a one-on-one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2017 was “unusual.” This is incorrect. It was unprecedented. There is nothing like it in the annals of presidential history…


Think about a DC system that is built upon leverage and blackmail worrying about a President who might gain leverage and blackmail with evidence of their corrupt endeavors. What would this DC system do to make sure that evidence, if it existed, was never used?


Think about an elitist and very eco-chambered DC political system viewing President Trump through the prism of a vulgarian man who will say anything, expose anything, and discuss anything without curtailment or consideration for the collateral damage his words may create. Think about the palpable fear that would reverberate amid a professional political class who have created this system for their own financial benefit.

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 7:50 a.m. No.19032372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2425 >>2711 >>2811 >>2894


Continued: Trump really knows how to freak them out


It is alsotruly unusual that Trump failed to bring in a note taker, along with his translator, during his meetings with Putin, as almost every other president has done when meeting with foreign heads of state since the end of World War II. Usually the note taker is an official or aide with deep background in the subject under discussion.


[…] There are good reasons for presidents to bring a note taker with them to such meetings. First, they want a record of what was said, both to remind themselves later of what happened and to confirm or dispute some later account of the meeting, either by the foreign leader or some reporter. Second, the president’s national security officials want to know what was said so that they can orient policy accordingly. Third, historians value these notes, once they’re declassified, as a record of behind-the-scenes U.S. foreign policy. (link)


President Trump was violating institutional norms. He was not following the unwritten rules of the DC bureaucracy; a political system that is predicated on maintenance of a financial system where US policy is promoted with laundered dollars that flow back to the politicians.


Think about the risk that DC viewed from Trump’s processes that violated their norms. Think about the meetings they would not know about. Think about the conversations that might take place without their knowledge.


Think about Vladimir Putin (Russia), Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egypt), Mohammed Bin Salmon (Saudi), Viktor Orban (Hungary), or even Lopez-Obrador (Mexico), talking openly to President Trump about how their nations were told to engage with U.S. political systems via the State Dept., or functional politicians on various committees.


Think about the apoplexy amid a DC system built on selling foreign policy and gaining affluence, when suddenly there is a guy in the office of the President who has never made a dime from this network and financial construct. Think about how the DC Democrats and Republicans would view Trump from the perspective of his personal engagement with foreign government officials who know the dirt on those same DC Democrats and Republicans. Think about the fear inside the beltway as a result of this.


Consider yet another example from 2018:


2018 – President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un held their first-ever meeting, and there may never be a full record of what was said.


After meeting shortly after 9 a.m. (local time) for a handshake and photo-op, the two leaders entered a library at Capella Hotel on Singapore’s Sentosa Island to begin a one-on-one bilateral meeting. The two men were each accompanied only by an interpreter, raising concerns among experts.


Suzanne DiMaggio, who facilitated the first official discussions between North Korea and the Trump administration last year, recently said that without aides present “the fear is that he [Trump] might give away too much.”


But while Trump, and Kim, regularly stray off diplomatic scripts, a larger risk may be that there may be no full transcript, public or secret, of what the two leaders discussed. (link)


Think about a DC system that is built upon leverage and blackmailworrying about a President who might gain leverage and blackmail with evidence of their corrupt endeavors. What would this DC system do to make sure that evidence, if it existed, was never used?..

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 8:08 a.m. No.19032441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2457 >>2471


Reading this congressional interview proves the entire NARA is a Leviathan of control, and a multitude of people involved. Its actually sickening to read because you see Obama’s EOs set up a complexity that rarely anyone could navigate

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 8:21 a.m. No.19032495   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It really looks like since they knew about the Obama letter and Kim’s letters they were bound and determined to get them, because he said “we don’t what is included in the boxes”. Basically everything is unknown, but because they knew publicly of those docs they wanted to go after them to “Get Trump!” NARA really doesn’t like not knowing because Sundance is right, its used for blackmail. It pissed them off Trump wouldn’t send them.I think this is a case like “Trump’s tax returns”, that were demanded for years and when the NYTs got leaked report, it was a “nothing burger” and squeaky clean. Trump is setting them up again. They surely have those letters now and there hasn’t been damaging articles on them. So the DOJ had to make a federal case of documents.


But interestingly they don’t know everything in the warehouse for Obama, he never turned them over according to press

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.19032564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2570 >>2573 >>2589 >>2619

I agree! He was going to work with him in Trump’s first term until Gates badmouthed him. I think he had to say he doesn’t like Trump or he’ll get used to him! Kek

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 8:59 a.m. No.19032639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2711 >>2811 >>2894

Blinken is a liar and has created a condition of potential destruction, so NO the Chinese don’t like him, they make him beg like Bidan

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 9:04 a.m. No.19032673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

He’s not wrong, look at all the newly elected EU women leaders. Its a mess.

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 9:13 a.m. No.19032731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2758 >>2799 >>2811 >>2894

19 Jun, 2023 15:35

Belarus to introduce chemical castration of pedophiles

Proposed changes to the criminal code envisage compulsory treatment of child molesters, the General Prosecutor’s Office says


Belarus is planning to include chemical castration in the program for treating pedophiles as part of an action plan toprotect children from sexual abuse and exploitation, the General Prosecutor’s Office said. The agency announced the steps on Telegram on Monday following approval from the Belarusian government.


Amendments to the country’s criminal code were prepared by the interior ministry envisaging “compulsory treatment of persons suffering from pedophilia,” in addition to their court sentence, the statement read.


As part of the action plan, the Health Ministry developed and approved“a clinical protocol containing an algorithm for the treatment of pedophilia, including the use of chemical castration,” the agency explained. A mechanism for the rehabilitation of victims of sexual abuse has also been prepared, it added.


It also stressed that Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko supported strengthening control over persons, who were previously convicted on pedophilia charges, including theuse of electronic bracelets.


According to the agency, its efforts towards “establishing administrative responsibility for promoting non-traditional sexual relations, gender transitioning, pedophilia and childfree ideology” also had the backing of the head of state.


Chemical castration is performed through the administration of special drugs that reduce a patient’s sexual desire for a prolonged period of time or on a permanent basis. Laws allowing chemical castration exist in some US states, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden and other countries.


In Russia, chemical castration wasintroduced in 2012 as a voluntary procedure, which requires consent from the person sentenced for sexual abuse of minors.


(The outrage in the EU will be crazy! Yes. Bring it on!)

Anonymous ID: b17075 June 19, 2023, 9:24 a.m. No.19032779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2811 >>2894

19 Jun, 2023 15:52


Germany suspects Ukraine over ammonia pipeline blast – media


The Defense Ministry in Berlin believes Kiev’s forces may have had a hand in the sabotage, according to Bild


An explosion earlier this month at a major ammonia pipeline running through Ukraine may have been part of Kiev’s sabotage tactics, German tabloid Bild reported on Sunday, citing an internal Defense Ministry paper.


Theblast on June 5damaged a section of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region, which borders Russia.


The pipeline had transported Russian fertilizer to the Ukrainian port city of Odessa to be furthershipped around the world, but had been inactive since the start of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022.


Russia had repeatedly demanded that the pipeline be unblocked by Kiev as part of the UN- and Türkiye-brokered Black Sea grain deal, and the Kremlin warned earlier in June that the destruction of the conduit could jeopardize the future of the grain agreement.


According to Bild, Ukrainian forces may have deliberately blown up the pipeline to prevent Russia from benefiting from it.


TheGerman Defense Ministry believes that “Ukrainian involvement in the destruction of the pipeline” cannot be ruled out, the tabloid said, citing analysis by the ministry which it had obtained. The pipeline runs through Ukrainian-controlled territory and its unblocking would primarily benefit Russia, the document designated “for official use only”stated, according to Bild.


The pipeline blastwas not the only “act of sabotage” Berlin potentially attributes to Kiev, according to the German media outlet. “Pro-Ukrainian… groups apparentlydisrupted railway trafficalongside a major route leading into the Ukrainian territory through sabotage acts,” another part of the document reportedly stated.


In particular, the paper mentions Zaporozhye Region as a Ukrainian target. The region joined Russia in autumn 2022 following a referendum, alongside three other former Ukrainian territories. Railway lines in Crimea have been attacked as well, the ministry’s document stated, according to Bild. The German Defense Ministry believes thatUkrainian forces could be activefar behind the front lines in territories controlled by Russian troops, it added.


A day after the ammonia pipeline blast, the Russian Defense Ministry said that a Ukrainian sabotage group had been behind the attack. However, Kiev blamed Moscow for the incident and claimed that the pipeline had been damaged by Russian strikes.


In the wake of the incident, President VladimirZelenskysaid Kiev could potentiallyrestore the pipeline’s operations “if need be.”The Russian Foreign Ministry has insisted that the destruction of the pipeline will be taken into account during talks on the extension of the Black Sea grain deal, which is set to expire on July 17. (Why would Zelensky say that is they weren’t responsible?)



(Finally someone in EU admitting Ukraine terrorism, but this might be a way to continue to blame Ukraine for Nord Stream also)