Anonymous ID: d082b2 June 19, 2023, 7:48 a.m. No.19032364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ask Father Anon


Anon: Why would an infamous low traffic subterranean sheaf weavers web site attract such low IQ shills?


Fr. Anon: It is a mystery, my Son.

Anonymous ID: d082b2 June 19, 2023, 9:22 a.m. No.19032771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IO, IO, IT'S Off to Work We Go


Calendrical Warfare


Does it matter who controls the calendar? Assigns Public Festival Dates?


By supplying curated news / information into our information feeds and perceptual stream, the cult is able to induce us to voluntarily act against our own interests. To slaughter our neighbors, prompted by false flags and media hate mongering. To destroy our own nations in the belief we are protecting ourselves from threat of disease or from fanatical enemies


By controlling what we see and where and when we see and hear it, they induce us to join or oppose the phony political movements they create or the endless embroidery of materialist ideologies. When we argue about ideology, we never consider the materialism as the predicate fraud.


Control of the information supply, the news and entertainment media, allows for the establishment and support of cult's fake left-right division, the maintenance and perpetuation of cult myths, celebration of cult heroes or antiheroes.


Control of the information supply allows the cult to change the calendar, emphasizing or deprecating traditional Holy days, commemorating certain historical events and abolishing others.

By altering the calendar different fields of influences - positive or not - can be brought to bear on nations, and on a civilization.


Can you think of engineered assassinations or terrorist attacks that changed our calendar? Our economy and way of life?


If we look back in history do we find other changes that produced significant temporal social effects?