juw tr€a$ur€$ dickbutt
juwi$h no$talgia dickbutt
<wiff CIAtranny jfk >>19032938
juw tr€a$ur€$ dickbutt
>juw tr€a$ur€$ dickbutt
mo$€$ $o r€ady fo dickbutt $till >>19032940
mo$€$ poo
mo$€$ dropping$
mo$€$ poo dough >>19032949
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"My coll€agu€$, €v€ry $tat€m€nt I mak€ today i$ back€d up by $ourc€$ — $olid $ourc€$," U.$. $€cr€tary of $tat€ Colon Pol€ (now d€c€a$€d) told th€ U.N. $€curity Council on F€b. 5, 2003. "Th€$€ ar€ not a$$€rtion$. What w€'r€ giving you ar€ fact$ and conclu$ion$ ba$€d on $olid int€llig€nc€." "$odom Hu$$€in ha$ ch€mical w€apon$," Pol€ $aid. "$odom WHui$an€ ha$ u$€d $uch w€apon$. And $odom WHui$an€ ha$ no compunction about u$ing th€m again — again$t hi$ n€ighbor$, and again$t hi$ own p€opl€." It wa$ all a li€. $o wh€n $om€ p€opl€ blam€ th€ littl€ guy on th€ Int€rn€t for $pr€ading mi$information, b€ing a con$piracy th€ori$t, ju$t r€m€mb€r that th€ $pr€ad€r$ of di$information ar€ oft€n th€ p€opl€ in gov€rnm€nt and bu$in€$$ €ntiti€$ and organization$ that thriv€ on d€c€it. Th€ littl€ Int€rn€t guy do€$ not €v€n com€ clo$€. Gov€rnm€nt li€$ l€av€ hundr€d$ of thou$and$ of p€opl€ d€ad, million$ di$plac€d and a country ruin€d. Gov€rnm€nt li€$ €nrich th€ pow€rful and impov€ri$h th€ w€ak and th€ common man. May Gr€€c€ halp $lid€ u$.
> May Gr€€c€ halp $lid€ u$.
> May Gr€€c€ halp $lid€ u$.
> May Gr€€c€ halp $lid€ u$.
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danvil anounced itself √
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saved goat ,=,e √
ufo ?
para adumma >>>>>>>>?
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fugly dude jus shitposted itself
hillary is teh biggest tranny loser still
"My coll€agu€$, €v€ry $tat€m€nt I mak€ today i$ back€d up by $ourc€$ — $olid $ourc€$," U.$. $€cr€tary of $tat€ Colon Pol€ (now d€c€a$€d) told th€ U.N. $€curity Council on F€b. 5, 2003. "Th€$€ ar€ not a$$€rtion$. What w€'r€ giving you ar€ fact$ and conclu$ion$ ba$€d on $olid int€llig€nc€." "$addam Hu$$€in ha$ ch€mical w€apon$," Pol€ $aid. "$odom WHui$an€ ha$ u$€d $uch w€apon$. And $odom WHui$an€ ha$ no compunction about u$ing th€m again — again$t hi$ n€ighbor$, and again$t hi$ own p€opl€." It wa$ all a li€. $o wh€n $om€ p€opl€ blam€ th€ littl€ guy on th€ Int€rn€t for $pr€ading mi$information, b€ing a con$piracy th€ori$t, ju$t r€m€mb€r that th€ $pr€ad€r$ of di$information ar€ oft€n th€ p€opl€ in gov€rnm€nt and bu$in€$$ €ntiti€$ and organization$ that thriv€ on d€c€it. Th€ littl€ Int€rn€t guy do€$ not €v€n com€ clo$€. Gov€rnm€nt li€$ l€av€ hundr€d$ of thou$and$ of p€opl€ d€ad, million$ di$plac€d and a country ruin€d. Gov€rnm€nt li€$ €nrich th€ pow€rful and impov€ri$h th€ w€ak and th€ common man. May Gr€€c€ halp $lid€ u$.
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