Wonder where all those aborted fetuses are going? Chinks will eat anything under the sun. Human fetuses are packed with stem cells which the chinks love to consume for life-extension and 'sexual prowess' benefits.
Recommend you read into Traditional Chinese Medicine and learn how open-minded the Chinese are. You can learn a lot from TCM actually but they tend to go to far extremes (Atheists).
But yeah they also add aborted human fetus stem cells into all our beverages and food to fulfill their weirdo OCD fantasies. Also it adds flavor and makes the product more addicting.
I forget the name of it, HFB123, some shit like that.
Kind of like the ultimate spite against a muslim would be to inject them with Gelatin, the Satanists spite believers by secretly adding aborted fetus cells into their food.
Summer solstice approaching also.
HEK293, that's the one. Do your research that shit is in a lot of food and beverage products.
Impossible to avoid though, pray to your God. Or grow your own garden and raise your own cattle I guess.
You're an idiot, anyone keeping an eye on Schumann will know something is going on. Those patterns have been going on for 24hrs, not like some 1hr calibration or glitch.
We'll find out this week anyways. Tomorrow is Durham day.
Well for one, in that wiki link you provided it mentioned Pepsi was adding it to their soda. I had a PDF lemme see if I can find it.
Yes but the 24hr straight dasting pattern on all the levels between 0-40ghz is what makes it notable.
Those readings are only occurring at the Tomks Russia station anyways. Can't prove anything really, it's mostly intuition based, also I have seen't / witnessed some shit.
I couldn't find the PDF, I've lost a lot of my files throughout the years. I dunno about the vaccine HEK293 connection but I have heard about it. I was specifically mentioned food and beverage right now. Well I dunno why you're arguing tiny details when the main concern is why they are messing around with aborted fetus cells in the first place without consulting the public about it as it is a huge ethical issue and most people wouldn't want that in the things they eat.
I'm down to experiment on other animals though with certain exceptions.
Damn right bijtch.
Yes, Captain Obvious, that is how it works but explain the 24hrs dasting pattern then which is the unexplainable part u stinkin' moran.