Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 12:48 p.m. No.19033748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3751 >>3753

Image from Ocean Gate, one of the tour companies that operates the expeditions, show the wreckage

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 1:28 p.m. No.19033937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

June 15, 2023

The US is sending $1 billion every year to Russia's nuclear program

despite pledging to cripple its economy with sanctions

▶ US companies send about $1 billion a year to Russia's state-owned nuclear agency.

▶ The US is heavily reliant on Russia's cheap nuclear fuel to produce emissions-free energy.

▶ Russia's nuclear agency has been running Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant since its capture from Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 1:35 p.m. No.19033973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3993

June 19, 2023



LOS ANGELES, CA—JUNE 19, 2023—Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. responded today to remarks by Secretary of State Antony Blinken last Friday in a speech in Finland, in which Blinken dismissed calls for a ceasefire in the conflict and called for further transfers of high-tech weaponry and aircraft to Ukraine.


In response, Mr. Kennedy said:


“Blinken’s speech highlights once again that the Biden Administration has no intention of ending this conflict peacefully. The plan, which members of the administration including Blinken have explicitly admitted on numerous occasions, is to use Ukraine to achieve the larger geopolitical goal of weakening Russia. In other words, the Ukrainians are cannon fodder in a U.S. proxy war against Russia.


“Blinken’s statement is consistent with reports in Foreign Affairs magazine last September citing numerous American former security officials that Russia and Ukraine had actually reached a tentative peace agreement in April 2022. That deal was scuttled after Boris Johnson, doubtless at the behest of the Biden Administration, visited Kyiv on April 9. Later, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who was trying to mediate between Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenski, stated that the U.S. and its allies blocked his mediation efforts.


“The pattern here is clear. Not only is the administration deceiving the American people about the motives for this costly and tragic war, but by continually escalating it they put the whole world at risk of nuclear conflagration.


“I call upon President Biden to heed the advice of John F. Kennedy in his 1963 Peace Speech, when he said: ‘Nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war.’”


In commemoration of that speech, Kennedy will be delivering a definitive address on peace on June 20 in New Hampshire that will set a dramatically different direction for American foreign policy in his administration. The speech will be livestreamed at 7 p.m. ET.

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 1:36 p.m. No.19033982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3993 >>4015 >>4056

June 18, 2023

Putin Shows African Leaders Draft Treaty on Ukrainian Neutrality from March 2022

A delegation of African leaders traveled to Russia and Ukraine to urge for a ceasefire and negotiations


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday met with African leaders in St. Petersburg and displayed a document that he said was a draft treaty on Ukrainian neutrality that was drawn up during negotiations in Istanbul in March 2022.


“As you know, a string of talks between Russia and Ukraine took place in Turkey so as to work out both the confidence-building measures you mentioned and to draw up the text of the agreement,” Putin told the African delegation, according to TASS.


“We did not discuss with the Ukrainian side that this treaty would be classified, but we have never presented it, nor commented on it. This draft agreement was initialed by the head of the Kiev negotiation team. He put his signature there. Here it is,” he added.


According to RT, the treaty, titled “Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees for Ukraine,” required Ukraine to enshrine “permanent neutrality” in its constitution. The US, Britain, Russia, China, and France are listed as guarantors. Since the treaty was a draft, it indicates that it wasn’t finalized and more details needed to be worked out.


Putin’s claim reflects an article published in Foreign Affairs last year that cited multiple former senior US officials who said Russia and Ukraine tentatively agreed on a peace deal in April 2022. They said the agreement would have involved a Ukrainian promise not to join NATO in exchange for a Russian withdrawal to the pre-invasion lines, and Ukraine would have received security guarantees from several countries. …

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 1:38 p.m. No.19033993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Robert F. Kennedy Jr·4h

Last Friday Sec. of State Antony Blinken confirmed once again that the Biden administration has no intention of ending the Ukraine conflict peacefully. He dismissed the idea of a ceasefire + called for further transfers of high-tech weaponry + aircraft.




The Biden administration plan, which Blinken and others have explicitly admitted on numerous occasions, is to use Ukraine to achieve the larger geopolitical goal of weakening Russia. In other words, the Ukrainians are cannon fodder in a U.S. proxy war against Russia. #Kennedy24


Peace is forbidden! Foreign Affairs magazine reported last September, citing numerous American former security officials, that Russia + Ukraine had actually reached a tentative peace agreement in April 2022. That deal was scuttled after Boris Johnson, doubtless at the behest of the Biden administration, visited Kyiv on April 9.




4:20 PM · Jun 19, 2023

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 1:40 p.m. No.19034004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4013

We continue to learn more about Konnech's alleged efforts to hand off the private data of U.S.-based election workers.


True the Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht joined @EmeraldRobinson to discuss the very latest.




2:17 PM · Jun 19, 2023

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 2 p.m. No.19034142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4147

America's one-nation military


On June 15, 1775, at the insistence of both John and Samuel Adams of Massachusetts, the Continental Congress approved George Washington to command the still-inchoate American military. Washington was well-prepared for the job, but the worrying lack of qualified competitors emphasized the enormous challenges facing the incipient Continental Army.


Beyond ability, Washington’s elevation rested on hard political logic. Arduously and carefully, New Englanders had been striving to forge a unified, national consciousness for independence. They recognized that many who shared their grievances against London were not yet ready for independence, and that time was not necessarily on their side.


Accordingly, to prepare to confront Great Britain’s world-class military, independence advocates wanted to ensure support throughout the colonies. With the Declaration then still a year away, they saw correctly that fashioning a “one nation” army (to paraphrase Benjamin Disraeli) was critical. Virginia’s Washington took command of New England troops surrounding Boston and spent the entire Revolution fashioning a national military. One profound success was ordering the inoculation of all soldiers who had never had smallpox, without exception.


The Constitution’s Framers, many having served in the Continental Army, well remembered the Revolution’s travails, with a barely working Continental Congress and recalcitrant state governors and militias. They cemented the concept of a national military, vesting commander in chief authority in the president, the first of whom they fully expected to be Washington. His 1796 Farewell Address summarized his strong dedication to a common identity: “The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.”


Building a “one nation” military was a significant piece of the larger effort to keep the United States united, hopefully immunizing it from persistent foreign efforts to weaken and split it. …

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 2:01 p.m. No.19034147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Wokeness" covers a broad category of bad ideas, but the most pernicious is the deindividuation of America's citizenry, identifying them not as themselves but as members of groups based on race, ethnicity, and gender. This self-described "identity politics" is fundamentally contrary to the concept of individual liberty, which rests on the proposition that every American citizen is unique.



>America's one-nation military


11:01 AM · Jun 19, 2023

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 2:07 p.m. No.19034195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4203 >>4233

June 19, 2023

Camouflage in Your Backyard with Over 400,000 Cell Sites in The US


A few weeks ago I decided to go explore something after discovering I’m sitting in the middle of a field of radiation whirling about the sky above. I did a search through to see how many cell towers and antennas were in a 3-mile radius of where I reside much of the time. If I had made a guess, I probably would have guessed 20-30 cell towers. I asked several nearby friends and family members how many they suspected and they came in even lower than I did. We were all shocked to learn that we are surrounded by over 170 towers.


I may not be out in the sticks, which I’d prefer, but I am not located in a big city, so it was a rather eye-opening discovery, and 170 towers seemed incredibly excessive. I then proceeded to review the handy list of companies that own these towers, spec out the height, latitude and longitude, and even scoped some of them out on satellite for better perspective. Sure, some of them were small sites on farms, while others were massive structures, but it was then that I realized some of these towers were in camouflage, and wondered how many people even realize these are cell towers in their backyards?


That was enough for me. I grabbed my trifield meter, called a friend who was equally intrigued, and we were off to explore this cell tower disguised as a 150′ tall flagpole. It was just as I had imagined, but worse. There were no markings, plaques, or information making people aware that it was emitting radiation as cell towers do. In fact, they dressed up this flagpole so well that it had a bench wrapped around it to kick back on, a deck adjacent lined with picnic tables, and walking trails around a beautiful pond, all right in the center of a community with lots of activity.


From the moment we approached the parking lot, at roughly 300′ away from this mammoth 150′ flagpole, the meter needled out completely. As we got closer it fluctuated back and forth. There was nothing visible on this flagpole to indicate it was a cell tower and it didn’t have the typical antennas at the top. So how was the lady pushing her baby in a stroller alongside it to know? How were the families enjoying lunch at the picnic table to know? If they knew, would they stay clear of it?


I had to know more. Was this a thing? Were flagpoles or other forms of disguised cell towers popping up across the country? As it turns out, the flagpole camouflage began back in the early 2000’s. Not only that, they’ve been doing this with fake pines, cacti, and palm trees, and have even installed them inside crosses on church grounds so you can sip in the radiation during worship. Just this year, our local water towers have been outfitted with cell antennas. Who wouldn’t want a dose of radiation cycling through their water?


In a quick search for companies who construct these flagpole cell towers, I found one whose flagpole resembles the one I observed up close and personal. This isn’t the builder of our local delight, but I wanted to show just how well disguised these truly are. One day, they may just convert all towers into flagpole style so they can prominently display the newest design of the Pride flag until everyone recognizes it as the new flag of the United States of America. …

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 2:08 p.m. No.19034203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Corey Lynn of Corey's Digs

I wrote this after discovering something in my neck of the woods. So this is my real time dig into this, exploring the location myself, and sharing info with you so you can do the same.👇




4:54 PM · Jun 19, 2023

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 2:45 p.m. No.19034365   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Iran delta

<Free Iran!!!

June 19, 2023

Iranian Resistance Files Complaint Over Ban on Paris Rally

The banning of the rally by Iranian expatriates scheduled for July 1, 2023, in Paris amounts to a disgraceful act against democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and succumbing to extortion and hostage-taking by the religious dictatorship ruling Iran. This regime, which has continued its rule for nine months solely through a wave of executions, has hanged over 200 victims since the beginning of May.


In a statement to Reuters, the police acknowledged that the rally could “generate disturbances to public order due to the geopolitical context.” This is a clear reference to the threats posed by the regime and amounts to kowtowing to such threats.


The clerical regime’s pressures on France to impose this ban reveals the mullahs’ paranoia over the popular sentiment towards the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the organization’s pivotal role in the nationwide uprising. It also reflects the mullahs’ utter fear over the rally organized thousands of kilometers from Iran by the NCRI, which represents the democratic alternative to the ruling theocracy.


The Iran Resistance will employ all legal and political avenues to challenge and file a complaint against this unlawful and unwarranted ban.

Anonymous ID: 6b47c2 June 19, 2023, 3:03 p.m. No.19034457   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Blinken Autopsy: Death By China Kowtow


The ugly post-mortem on Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's humiliating and dangerous trip to lick the boots of the dictator Xi Jinping.


41 minutes ago