Anonymous ID: 0b7801 June 19, 2023, 3:46 p.m. No.19034649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4675 >>4740 >>4774

'saturn man' (man with rings) = 'everything man' i.e. can not differentiate self from all pedophiles / child rapists and the (((inbred))) and haven't committed suicide to remain as evil as possible = no soul (nothing to protect, no connection to the eternal soul of Jesus = driven only by electric signals as a reptile) = satan (lightning from heaven / 'pure electricity') = no remorse for anything = evil


'Egyptian Bes' ~ pedobear = inbred child rapist = satan


'mr manhattan ('doctor')' = (everything man/satan) = MM = mason / owl eyes (two rings of saturn man)


'saturn man' looks like 3003 ~ joe bidan's 30330 campaign code (2020 divided by saturn 666) & 33/MM mason (inbred child rapist)


colors of saturn rings = 'the whole spectrum' i.e. including only always as evil as possible inbred child rapist & deceptive as a inbred snake i.e. looks like a 'natural rainbow'

'esptein temple' = akhenaten temple & akhenaten worshiped bes /pedobear/child rapist satan/saturn man

epstein temple shaped as sphere and cube = saturn


akhenaten looks almost exactly as epstein


saturn cube fits 'unencapsulated Christogram', Christogram = 'never become P(edo)' i.e. saturn/ satan only exists if people do not understand that pedophiles (soulless people, inbreds & child rapists) are eternally excluded from the universe of Jesus (i.e. not in heaven) and have to be killed not to only always be as evil as possible to protect children from rape.


Christogram in picture 3 says 'never become P(edo), or A(mason), or ω(all collector (including child rapists)) and avoid S(atan) (evil snake of inbreeding) to understand the eternal soul of Jesus and to avoid eternal hell.