Children should be seen and not heard.
>Anon can't stop laughing, for about 37 hours or so.
>Anyone else?
I smirked the 1st time I seen't it.
Is he trying to go down the shitter to avoid the assassins' bullet?
Why wouldn't you want to explore the amazing world of hallucinogens.
There's some good shit going on if you can tune your vibrations just right.
If you play it backwards it says Satan is Lord.
Give it 2 moar weeks anon.
Dasting to see he has disappeared recently.
Agree, Tranime stated his goal is to interact to get anons talking, worked up, whatever, to see where it leads.
Explains why he won't 'drop it' when he should.
Lock him up!
Shift change perhaps?
Does she realize someone would chop her head off for holding that sign?
That's the handwriting of a 12 year old???
If the teacher was the kid's English teacher he should resign in disgrace for that alone!
Did he make it?
Duck and cover and it will blow over.
How much storage we talkin?
The DNC doing it's thing again