Anonymous ID: 5c254c June 19, 2023, 3:56 p.m. No.19034706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4791 >>4862

every store is CLOSED in San Francisco 🤑

>1,012,597 views | Jun 8, 2023


10 days ago

Citizens of SF, remember, YOU VOTED FOR THIS!!!


Holly Mauk

4 days ago

This is not caused by online shopping. It’s caused by shoplifters who grab armloads of merchandise and dash, with no one stopping or chasing them. The blame falls squarely on liberal legislators’ shoulders. And due to all of the videos and reports of the crime, homeless encampments on the streets, and the filth on those streets, tourism has probably tanked, and many residents are probably afraid to go shopping on those streets. So, there you have it, that’s why commerce is failing in San Francisco.


Urban Infidel

4 days ago

I visited San Francisco in 1990. Was a beautiful town. A lot of my friends in NYC were moving there at the time. The politicians who facilitated this decline should be in prison.



2 days ago

That isn’t because of e-commerce, it is because of theft, violence, and drug use.


Mei Wang

5 days ago

In 2000, I worked for Grand Hyatt and lived not far from my work. Streets were crowded with shoppers and tourists. I hope this is a awakening moment for all other cities who still think soft on crimes is a good policy.


Robin Monogue

2 days ago

I rented a car at the San Francisco airport, and was warned by the rental company to not park downtown with anything in the car, not even a phone cable or pack of gum due to car break-ins. My brother in law parked somewhere for five minutes to pick up some paint, and had his window smashed and backpack stolen. Not punishing shoplifting, theft, and car break-ins is driving away both customers and businesses. It’s not Amazon. Retailers everywhere have to deal with that.


thereal nynetynyne

9 days ago

Decriminalizing shoplifting makes retail impossible


Elvira Ibanez

5 days ago

Yes, those days of booming businesses in SF is gone, not just because of E-commerce but because of increased crime rates, drugs, homelessness, decriminalizing shoplifting, shortage of police patrols and especially the government leaders doing nothing about it.


Cliff Hamrick Writes

4 days ago

I notice that Tiffany and Louis Vitton are the only stores that are guarded. Rich people don't want to be inconvenienced by the policies they support.


Marjorie Wallace

3 days ago

San Francisco is (used to be) my favorite city to visit. My grandmother lived on Post Street in a hotel, then on Powell St. at the end of her life. We loved coming to visit and never felt unsafe. SO much has changed and it isn't just e-commerce that has damaged the businesses that were thriving only a few years ago. Like all things that change, there are often many reasons. Crime, drugs, homeless encampments are just a few of the reasons. The pandemic was HUGE in destroying all of the brick mortar businesses on the up-side of Market St. Seattle and Portland are following in the same way. Businesses moving out because the owners and employees no long feel safe. It is very sad to see.

Anonymous ID: 5c254c June 19, 2023, 4:28 p.m. No.19034890   🗄️.is 🔗kun

<old dig


>Spoopy af

Comment by sister-in-law of Daniel Birx about his plane crash

>20 years after he died…


Terri Stewart Aug 1, 2019 at 3:19 am


"My brother in law Daniel Birx built a Vans RV-6. On March 27, 2000

my Sister Karen and her husband Dan crashed the plane in Taft Ca.

The NTSB says they don’t know why the accident happened. I think

I know why the crash happened. It has been 20 years and I’m still

having a hard time dealing with this."

Thank you

Terri Stewart
