XGen unite!!
No mo, No mo
No mo, No mo
No mo, No mo
No more, No more
No more, No more
No more, No more
XGen unite!!
No mo, No mo
No mo, No mo
No mo, No mo
No more, No more
No more, No more
No more, No more
I con smell et un thu arr
Dang- forgot my image. For this the image board. Very sad now.
Hey there
This is so good! The establishment Uni-party in SC is panicked! KEK! The “Ethis Committee “ not one real conservative sits on it. SC is full of RINOS! A big win for State Freedom Caucus members that are fighting the good fight. So now the four caucuses that rule the state (the Republican Caucus kicked out the Freedom Caucus members because they wouldn’t bend the knee to not primary sitting members)
“ Under state law, there are four designated legislative caucuses, or groups of lawmakers: the Republican Caucus, Democratic Caucus, Black Caucus, and Women’s Caucus.
These caucuses have certain privileges, like campaigning and fundraising as a group to financially back their members in elections, but they still have to comply with strict rules mandating disclosures of who is a member and who is donating to their cause.”
“ “We didn’t ask to be treated any differently. We simply asked to be put on the same footing, and that’s exactly what this judge did,” Rep. RJ May, R – Lexington and vice chair of the South Carolina Freedom Caucus, said Monday.”