Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 3:12 a.m. No.19036987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6989 >>6996

20 Jun, 2023 09:51

Kiev planning strike on Russia with Western-made missiles – Moscow

Attacks with Storm Shadow and HIMARS missiles outside zone of active hostilities will trigger retaliation, minister has warned


The Ukrainian military leadership has plans to use Western weapons tostrike parts of Russia that are not part of the active zoneof hostilities, including Crimea, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has warned.


In particular, officials in Kiev want to use HIMARS multiple rocket launchers and Storm Shadow air-launched cruise missiles, he said. The weapon systems have been delivered to Kiev by the US and the UK respectively and,if such attacks are launched, it would escalate the NATO nations’ involvementin the conflict, according to Shoigu.


Such an operation will “result inimmediate strikes against the decision-making centersin the territory of Ukraine,” he stated. The defense minister was speaking on Tuesday during a high-profile meeting in his department.


He also offered a brief update on the special military operation in Ukraine, stating that since June 4 Kiev’s forces had launched 263 attacks against Russian positions.


The Ukrainian government this month launched its long-anticipated counteroffensive. So far, it has failed to achieve significant advances on the ground, according to Russian reports and to accounts in Western media.


(Reminder Kiev has promised all countries that gave weapons they would not attack inside of Russia with the weapons. They have violated this numerous times now)

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 3:24 a.m. No.19037013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7024

20 Jun, 2023 07:43

Western spies fear Kiev's counteroffensive will backfire – Moscow

Foreign backers are concerned that operation’s failure could threaten Ukraine’s very statehood, Russian intelligence chief says


Western intelligence agencies fear that Ukraine’s counteroffensive could lead to completely opposite results from those expected by Kiev, the head of Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper on Monday.


The Russian spy chief claimed that“authoritative members of the US and European intelligence services and military departments don’t rule out that the counteroffensive could lead to directly opposite results” of those expected by Ukraine.


Despite supporting the counteroffensive in their public statements, “behind the scenes, many Western military analysts expressserious doubtsabout the success of the Ukrainian adventure,” Naryshkin said during an interview with the outlet.


“Without going into details, I’ll say that thetasksannounced by the Kiev regimeare assessed as unachievable” by foreign experts, he added.


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and other officials had earlier stated that the operation should end withKiev recapturing all territoriesit lost to Moscow, including Crimea.


The concern in Washington and Brussels is that the“death of a significant numberof NATO-trained military personnel anddestruction of equipmentwillundermine the combat capabilityof the Ukrainian army. This, in turn, willnegatively affect the stabilityof the Zelensky regime,” Naryshkin explained. He added that according to a number of Western assessments, Ukrainian statehood itself may be under threat because of the counteroffensive.


The head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, Aleksey Danilov, claimed during a television appearance on Monday that the counteroffensive has been progressing in line with Kiev’s schedule.


Everything is going according to a plan, which had been approved and developed. There are no deviations from it,” Danilov said, adding that only “a limited circle of people know” what this plan actually is.(Kek, what was their plan, failure?)


Ukraine launched its long-anticipated offensive in early June, but has so farfailed to achieve any significant advances, according to Moscow. Last week, Russia’s Defense Ministry estimated Kiev’s losses since the start of the operation at 7,500. Russian President Vladimir Putin also said that 30% of Ukraine’s Western-supplied military hardware, including a number of German Leopard 2 tanks and US-made Bradley fighting vehicles, had already been destroyed.


Kiev has claimed the capture of several small villages as a result of its attacks. However, they appear to be located kilometers away from Russia’s main defensive lines.


(It seems Kiev’s propaganda is not convincing Western military and IC leaders)

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 3:32 a.m. No.19037031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7036 >>7055 >>7513

20 Jun, 2023 08:52

Russia calls on Ukrainian diplomats to defect

Kiev is conducting a “purge” of anyone it perceives as disloyal, Moscow’s foreign intelligence agency has claimed


The Ukrainian government is increasinglyscrutinizing officials stationed abroad for potential disloyalty, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed. The head of the agency, Sergey Naryshkin, urged targets of the “purge” to flee to Russia.


The alleged campaign by Kievstems from the “degradation of the domestic politicaland social economic situation in Ukraine,” a message released by the SVR to the Russian media on Tuesday said.


Ukrainian government employees, including those serving in the diplomatic corps, the military and special services,often try to avoid returning to their homelandfrom working trips abroad, Naryshkin claimed.


“If you feel responsible for the fate of your nation, for providing peace and stability in Europe, and feel pressured by the criminal Kiev regime, which leads Ukraine to a national catastrophe,come to Moscow, where the safety of yourself and of your loved ones will be guaranteed,” the statement read.


The government of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has been increasingly tough on any critics of its policies. The process began before Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine, with Kiev banning opposition parties and cracking down onmedia outlets that it branded “pro-Russian.”


Among the latest legislative initiatives by the president’s faction in the parliament is a draft law that seeks tocriminalize any publication online of “destructive information.” If adopted, such actions could be punished by to seven years in prison and the seizure of the offender’s property. Sponsors of the bill, which was introduced in April, specifically cited theoperators of “bot farms” critical of Zelenskyas the intended targets.


(SeeEyeAye is losing influence)

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 3:41 a.m. No.19037046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7065

20 Jun, 2023 06:24

Kiev offers explanation for lack of battlefield progress

Recaptured territory is not the main criteria for assessing whether the counteroffensive is successful, a senior defense official has said


Kiev’s battlefield performance should not be evaluated solely on territorial gainsin the face of tough Russian resistance, the Ukrainian deputy defense minister said on Tuesday. According to Moscow, Kiev’s counteroffensive has so far failed to breach Russian lines.


Writing on Telegram, Anna Malyar acknowledged that “it is quite difficult” for Ukrainian troops to advance, because Moscow is fully committed to stopping Kiev’s long-anticipated campaign. Ukraine’s troops “must prepare for the fact that it will be a tough duel,”she warned.


The official went on to argue that “it is not necessary to measure the result of the work of the defense forces only by settlements [captured] and kilometers traveled.” Malyar insisted that aside from territorial gains,there are many other metrics to assess the effectiveness of a military operation, but declined to give any examples.


She claimed that Ukraine’s ongoing military push ispursuing several goals, and vowed that “biggest blow is yet to come.” (If the invade Russia, the gloves will be off on Kiev itself)


The official noted that during Ukrainian attacks on the southern section of the frontline, Russian troops mounted an offensive of their own in the east, with Moscow trying to reach the borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, partially controlled by Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry is yet to comment on the matter.


Kiev’s large-scale offensive began on June 4 after being talked up by Ukrainian and Western officials for several months, but so far the attacks have been repelled with heavy losses, according to Russia’s Defense Ministry. Last week, it said Kiev had lost 7,500 frontline troops, either killed or wounded.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Ukraine has suffered “heavy losses,”describing them as “about ten times more than the Russian army.” He added that since Kiev started its large-scale attacks,Moscow’s troops have destroyed 186 tanks and 418 armored vehicles.


Ukraine’s apparent setbacks in the counteroffensive were also acknowledged by the country’s President Vladimir Zelensky last week. While describing thenews coming from the frontline as “generally positive,” he noted that Kiev’s troops had encountered “very tough resistance.” (I’m sure its not positive for the dead troops.)

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 4:01 a.m. No.19037078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

20 Jun, 2023 09:06

UK teacher brands pupils ‘despicable’ in gender row

In a recorded heated exchange, the educator said she would report students who rejected her inclusivity agenda


A British schoolteacher has accusedher Year 8 studentsof holding “despicable” views and threatened to report them, after they suggested that there can only be two genders, according to a recording posted online.


The 3.5-minute audio, which was uploaded on Tik Tok, was captured during class at Rye College in East Sussex, one of ten primary schools run by the Aquinas Trust, which islinked to the Church of England. British media reported the incident on Monday.


During the lesson, the unidentified teacher can be heard arguing with two girls over the idea that there can be only two genders. One of them says gender is linked to biology, and that she expects that view to be respected, just as she respects different opinions on the matter.


The teacher replies that “it’s just not an opinion” and tells the children that there are three biological sexes, including intersex, and that “there are lots of genders”.


As the students insist otherwise, the teacher declares: “You were talking about the fact that cisgender is the norm, thatyou identify with the gender of the sexual organ you were born with, or you’re weird. That’s basically what you’re saying,which is really despicable”.


She then accuses the students of beinghomophobic, which they vehemently deny. The exchange heats up further, with the teacher stating that a person’s gender identity “is not an opinion” and declaring that “if you don't like it you need to go to a different school.”


“You need to have aproper educational conversation about equality, diversity and inclusionbecause I’m not having that expressed in my lesson,” she adds, after stating her intention to report the students to a superior.


“I understand the point the teacher was attempting to make,” a parent of one of the students, who received the same lesson, told The Telegraph. “What bothers me is the shutting down of debate in such a threatening and aggressive manner, which I don’t believe is appropriate in an educational setting.”


A spokesman for Rye College told the media that it was “committed to offering our pupils an inclusive education.” Teachers encourage students “to ask questions and engage in discussion” and aim to answer “sensitively and honestly,” according to the statement. The school said it was reviewing the incident so that such events would not reoccur in future.

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 4:11 a.m. No.19037103   🗄️.is 🔗kun

19 Jun, 2023 19:14

German armor too wide to transport – Bild

The Puma IFV can’t fit onto trains because of its side armor, the Bundeswehr has discovered


Germany’s main infantry fighting vehicle, the Puma, is too wide to be transported by train, the outlet Bild reported on Sunday. The IFV has struggled with avariety of mechanical problemssince entering service in 2015.


“In terms of firepower, the Puma is really good. But the transport is more than suboptimal,”one soldier told Bild.


Tracked vehicles such as tanks and IFVs are normally transported to the area of operations by train, in order to save on fuel and track maintenance. Because the Pumas are so wide, theircrews need to unscrew their side armor before loading it onto the rail cars– then repeat the procedure in reverse at the destination.


A company of 14 Pumas can be “completely loaded and stowed in 24 hours,” a Bundeswehr spokesperson told Bild. Military experts estimated that transporting an entire battalion of 44 vehicles can take “a few days.”One big bottleneck is a shortage of cranes, but the military said Puma companies will be “equipped with them in the future.”


Rheinmetall and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann developed the Puma between 1995 and 2009 to replace the older Marder IVF, which Berlin has since supplied to the Ukrainian military. The specifications called for a vehicle that could be airlifted to places like Africa and Afghanistan.


“The Puma shows what mistakes were made in procurement,” Andreas Schwarz, a Bundestag member from the ruling SPD, told Bild. “Instead of relying on battle-tested and marketable weapon systems, a panzer was developed according to special requests that is too wide for train transport. That must end.”


Word of the new problems with the Puma comes during a difficult month for the reputation of German armor, as photographic and video evidence from Ukraine showed Leopard 2 tanks provided to Kiev getting destroyed in battles with the Russian military.


Berlin paused the purchase of new Pumas last December,after a disastrous exercise that saw one of the vehicles catch fire and all 18 break down. The vehicle is supposed to have superior crew protection and excellent firepower, including a 30mm autocannon and anti-tank missiles. However,German media have mocked it as the ‘Pannenpanzer,’ or “breakdown tank.”

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 4:25 a.m. No.19037142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7201 >>7214 >>7383 >>7513

20 Jun, 2023 11:09

Biden compares himself to Kissinger

The US president claims nobody alive matches his foreign policy expertise


US President Joe Biden has boasted about his vast foreign policy experience during a fundraiser for his 2024 re-election campaign, claiming that even veteran diplomat Henry Kissinger, who turned 100 in May, couldn’t surpass him.


I’m going to say something outrageous. I think I know as much about American foreign policy as anybody living, including Dr. Kissinger,”Biden said during an event in Atherton, California on Monday.


“That’s what I’ve done my whole life, for thelast 207 years,” he joked. The US leader, who is actually 80 years old, and has been a politician at the national level for 50 years. He also held the post of vice president in the Obama administration between 2009 and 2017 and was a US Senator for Delaware from 1973 until 2009.


Biden might be the oldest US president, but he’s still 20 years younger than Kissinger, who was US Secretary of State and National Security Adviser in the Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford administrations in the 1970s. Kissinger has remained an influential figure since then. The diplomat was awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for his involvement in negotiating a ceasefire in Vietnam.


Speaking about his recent foreign policy achievements,Biden mentioned that a split in NATO has been avoided amid the conflict in Ukraine. “If you notice, [Russian president Vladimir] Putin was virtually certain when he invaded that he was going to split NATO. NATO is more united than it’s ever been,” he said. (Pathological liar!)


When Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022 it singled out demilitarization and “denazification” of the neighboring country as well as making sure it officially declares neutrality and never joins NATO among its main goals. Last week, Putin stressed that those objectives were“fundamental” for Moscow and that they won’t be changed.


In his interview with the Wall Street Journal last month,Kissingersuggested that the promise made by the West toUkrainein 2008 that it mightjoin NATOsomeday was“a grave mistake” that led to the current fighting between Moscow and Kiev. At the same time, he insisted that – as things stand at the moment – peace in Europe would be impossible without Ukraine joining the alliance.


(The only thing he knows about foreign policy is the US threatens and bribes countries and then he and his family steals the money back.)

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 4:59 a.m. No.19037244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7278 >>7283

PN>>19036021, >>19036023, >>19036088, >>19036114, >>19036533 Trump's photo from 2013, what is he hinting at?


It’s exactly what he says instead of tracking republicans. It was tracking Trump. Remember Montgomery said Trump was recorded and tracked for years. IMO it might be the first year Montgomery was ordered to track Trump with the Hammer, orthey caught him on the phone talking about running for President for the first time

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 5:16 a.m. No.19037322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Robert Barnes Summary – The Administrative State Motive to Weaponize Secrets and Create Precedent


June 19, 2023 | Sundance


Attorney Robert Barnes does a good job framing the motive of the DC administrative state, specifically the Lawfare ideologues currently in control of the DOJ, to create a precedent to usurp constitutional power by targeting President Trump.


Segment prompted to 23:40 WATCH:

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 5:29 a.m. No.19037389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7513

They will always have another indictment up their sleeve, when is the SC do something about this persecution

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 5:46 a.m. No.19037474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7510 >>7528

Apparently, President Trump is Aware of Lisa Monaco’s Purpose


June 19, 2023 | Sundance |

Posted to Truth Social by President Trump:

Alittle more than a weekbefore Special Counsel Jack Smith released his indictment against President Trump,Andrew Weissmann, Norm Eisen and fellow lawfare travelers, wrote an internal prosecution memofor current Deputy AttorneyGeneral Lisa Monacoto use on behalf of the conscripted Special Counsel. [SEE 186-page Guidance MEMO HERE]


When Jack Smith revealed his indictment in Florida, not accidentally it wasalmost identical to the guidance memo that Weissmann had written. Even the novel use of the Espionage Act was identical in format to the outline by Weissmann, Eisen and their crew.


Here are the instructions from Andrew Weissmann:


Here is the Special Counsel indictment:


[NOTE: In the post 9-11 surveillance state, this approach by the DOJ-NSD is a pillar holding the Fourth Branch of Government in place, as we have outlined. The other pillars are (2) the Dept of Homeland Security, (3) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and (4) the secret FISA Court system. All four pillars maintain an omnipotent fourth branch of government that operates entirely without oversight. As you can see in the 11th Circuit Court ruling, there is no check or balance in the post 9-11 national security state.]


Essentially, what we are witnessing is what Lawfare researchers would expect.


The Lawfare operatives, represented by Weissmann, Eisen and company, are all ideological agents connected directly to the anti-Trump efforts. Their ally in the DOJ is Deputy AG Lisa Monaco.


I use the term “Lawfare” to describe their general group association, as well as the actual organization funded by the Brookings Institute that carries the same name.


Essentially, Lawfare et al, are the group of current and former Dept of Justice ideologues that we find throughout the deployment of all Main Justice weaponization, activism and corruption.


The Muller team were all Lawfare members. The legal team in/around the accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, what Christine Blasey-Ford called “beach friends,” are all Lawfare members. The legal team behind both of Trump’s impeachment efforts were all Lawfare members. It is one large network of legally minded ideologues working toward a common goal; they are inside government and connected to the same DOJ minds outside government.


The second thing they have in common is their collective risk within their action. Many of their activities were/are unlawful (spygate, FISA, Mueller probe, impeachment background etc), so to the extent the Lawfare group can mitigate risk by attacking anyone who would be a threat to them, this is what we see.


Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen are two of the most well-known members of this politically motivated group. Together they have created novel legal theories to use by the DOJ against their political opposition. They write the legal filings for Main Justice to use inside government.


The fact the DOJ uses these novel theories and legal filings in the actual practice of law and prosecution shows how deeply connected the outside Lawfare group is to the Lawfare group inside DC.


Much of their Lawfare approach, that is using the law as a weapon, is based on a goal of attrition. Wear down the target until they are eventually destroyed. The same approach and motive is intended toward the supporters of the target. Wear down the psyche of the target’s supporters until they too are destroyed.


Creating demoralization is a very familiar approach from the Saul Alinsky methods rulebook. It is another way to create fear through isolation, ridicule and marginalization of their opponent. Threatening to make any defender a target is exactly the key behind Andrew Weissmann’s entire tenure as a prosecutor. You will note, they did this Lt Gen Mike Flynn when Weissmann expanded their scope and then threatened Flynn’s son, Mike Flynn Jr.


On June 2, 2023, Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen published their “Model Prosecution Memo” for use inside the DOJ and for the legal scribes in media to review prior to the DOJ making any Trump indictment announcement. {SEE MEMO HERE} This is the same playbook they have used successfully in the past to get all of their allies on the same page for the preferred narrative.


Anticipating that Lisa Monaco would then be distributing the talking points and giving Jack Smith the groundwork for his upcoming novel indictment effort, Andrew Weissmann then appears on MSNBC to discuss.….


Link to prosecution memorandum:

Anonymous ID: 9edf3e June 20, 2023, 5:51 a.m. No.19037510   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Again, remember, this is as much about their own defense and self-interest as it is an attack against their enemy. The Lawfare operatives have broken countless federal laws during their time weaponizing government against their political opposition. Their foot soldiers, essentially allies in the FBI organization, have broken even more statutes and laws. They are all mitigating the same level of risk.


End of article