Anonymous ID: f81b19 June 20, 2023, 5:01 a.m. No.19037256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7513

a Boston Herald headline.

"Kids, ‘drugs, sex toys,’ dead man in South Boston apartment: ‘Sickening’ "


reading between the lines in this article . . . gives insight.

what they don't say out loud might DRAG the story into that territory where they are called 'haters'

Dead man was in a wig.

Adults 'appeared to be men'.

they hide 4 children, ages, 5-10 in a room.

were uncooperative with the EMT's

Anonymous ID: f81b19 June 20, 2023, 5:06 a.m. No.19037273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've heard that when the depression started in the 1930s the White Tail deer went extinct almost immediately in Pennsylvania because people hunted them all for food.

Anonymous ID: f81b19 June 20, 2023, 5:14 a.m. No.19037313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7325 >>7334 >>7336 >>7355 >>7378


no, anon, that is not what I, and most people call an 'awful human'.

in fact that word is a trigger that make old women shake in fear. It's a hurtful word for people older than a certain age, and like a punch in the face to them.

if you've ever seen the effect then you know what I'm talking about. It's a fight word. It says 'we are here to kill your family.'

You can pretend it doesn't mean that, but it does.

Anonymous ID: f81b19 June 20, 2023, 5:18 a.m. No.19037333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7352 >>7359 >>7361


ah, you stupid children.

someday you'll understand.

you can pretend it's 'just words'.

you can pretend.

I think you know the difference.


go play in your sandbox.

go listen to your hypnosis music.

you are a controlled creature.

Anonymous ID: f81b19 June 20, 2023, 5:22 a.m. No.19037358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7363 >>7365 >>7369 >>7381


context is everything.

people forgive things said in anger.

it also means what was said, because words have other meanings.

if you use it in a hateful way as a threat, then you are doing what I described. You can't imagine that, can you? that someone might use a word as a trigger in such a way that merely hearing it makes people shake in fear?

you can't imagine that?


is someone stole your bike you could call them a 'theif'.

or a 'rotton theif'

that other word is unnecessary.

how is me describing the social situation of the 1950s 60s and 70s a problem?

know your audience, anon.

but for me, I never use that word.

Anonymous ID: f81b19 June 20, 2023, 5:27 a.m. No.19037377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7385 >>7393 >>7404 >>7529






context is everything in semantics.

know your audience.

you can pretend that what I said isn't true.

you have child minds, and need to understand the power you have with what you say.


I don't censor, in fact it's best to allow the words that are used to be spoken because it does show the other people around what is going on in a persons head, who lashes out in anger with trigger words.


the anger you show towards me for describing the effect of a word on real people who I have known is outrageous. you need to go and study more, and learn to be less . . . confrontational.

I said that most people do not use that word, and I stand by what I said.

Anonymous ID: f81b19 June 20, 2023, 5:29 a.m. No.19037393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7398 >>7447





know your audience anon.

that word is very charged with a lot of historical context.

ah, I wish it were not so.

but the generation that did find such fear when that word was spoken has not yet passed on and thus it's still not a good word to use.

so if you want to use a bad word? Am I telling you what to do?

I'm describing a context, and why the elders, of whom you are not one, say 'do not use that word.

Anonymous ID: f81b19 June 20, 2023, 5:33 a.m. No.19037412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7445 >>7457


sounds like you need a nap.

I'm not those things.

I didn't give anyone a perscription. I described a situation.



if you don't love people then you use hateful words? That's immature.

know your audience.

old people deserve better than to be subjected to lingo that children use. respect elders, anon

Anonymous ID: f81b19 June 20, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.19037553   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Democrats deem MAGA to be . . . what?




what did you do at work today honey?

I deemed.

You deemed? all day?

what did you deem?


"I deemed dem duded to be . . . . . . ."


for me there are some words that I took out of my vocabulary.

others I never let slip into my vocabulary.

I realized that we learn meaning of words and that a word 'blah' could easily have been some other sound.

I generally think in sound. So to me the sound is what I hear, and that's why I always do a write when I should say 'right' or



anyway, whatever. Effective communications is about getting the message to the audience.

and if you're out to humilate and terrorize people emotionally, first you have to find peopel in a weakened state of mind.

then you use certain words.


you could make any word become a fear trigger. For some. You'd need to be a nasty person to do it.

I get the whole 'lets defuse this word'. I think that is a laudible idea.

so the word is vollyied around until it has a different meaning in a certain crowd.

but it's vernacular then, it becomes a different word in a sense.


so all these morons here, they are hateful shills some of them, and they love to cause fear and intimidate. Clearly the word in question is perfect for them. It's lazy, it's cheep, it makes them one of the 'cool kids'.

I was never one of the 'cool kids'. People only thought they were cool becuase they gave them free weed or bought their beer.

that's not cool.


anyway, it is what it is. you can learn about context and audience, or you can start fights about apples and oranges.

it's pointless to be a fighter like that in a social situation. know your audience.

if you are dealing with triggerable people, then if you choose to trigger them then you'd have your own purpose. If it's throwing matches (akin to throwing matches) in a paper recycling bin . . . well , did it rain? did the paper all get wet so it won't burn? the match will just go out.


so who want to start a conflagration? If you're standing in the paper bin and lighting matches on a dry day, and the paper is dry as a bone, then you're a fool. that's suicidal.

so ya, saying the trigger word is often like that. YOu start a big fire. You burn down your own home. You upset your grandfather, he disinherits you. You didn't know he's part Black.


so be that fool, be the shunned moran who burned down the barn.


if that's what you want to be. it's self defeating. you'll win no awards.

but, hey, you stood your ground. You proved 'it's just a sound'.

but good people are forigiving.


anyway, all you triggered fools who want to train others to use a bad word, do as you will.

I'm doing as I will too, to warn you way some words really ought to be removed from your lexicon.

but I am not saying 'never'.

and I understand how defusing things is a good idea. What hip hop did was try to defuse that word. it is only partly successful


sometimes when you use it, if you use it in anger in the wrong context with the wrong audience, it's an act of self-sabotage.


you're within your right to sabotage yourself.

but is that smart to do?

it's your future not mine.