Anonymous ID: 9ba1f0 June 20, 2023, 8:09 a.m. No.19038397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8409 >>8412 >>8418 >>9098


BIBLE Bi- (two)- Bull (their god moloch Bull god, worship of Bull "Golden Calf" Cow worship / Egypt) was written by the people who killed King Jesus.

Too powerful among the people, had to be appropriated by the dominator class / clique "ROMANS"

They re-wrote the story to protect themselves. And falsified the chronology of History, for the same goal

Two religions, (or more) were created (cult -creation, job of C-A) in order to keep people fighting, confused and at war; and in order to keep their power and dominate the faithful.

They killed the best evangelists of King Jesus, then appropriated them, for their own cult. As If.

Took advantage of the fact most people could not read and had no access to printed books.

As the leader-cult, in our day, appropriated JFK, MLK and the others whom they killed, as though the victims were really "their people." And they couldn't stop these hater lone-gunman.

(which if you haven't noticed they are trying to pin the profile onto us, onto any of their opponants, "Domestic Terrorist"

same playbook- That's all they know.


Everything's inverted by Satanists.

Think mirror.

Anonymous ID: 9ba1f0 June 20, 2023, 8:19 a.m. No.19038446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8453 >>8661


yep, The Romans did it again.

Killed the Jews.

Created a psy-op around it

Adolf was a Roman Royal

BRITAIN was founded by Roman exile, Brutus (reported in oldest chronlce of Britain)

NORMANS were Romans.

and if I know it, they know it.

Adolf was totally geared-out i Roman pagentry , etc.

and of course claims 'Roman Catholic"

Why do you think they call it "Roman Church" or "Holy Roman Empire"

? Why are all the statues from "ancient" Rome full of naked men and children? paintings of babies (cupids?)

Obviously the ethnic Jews (co-opted by the Roman "NWO" 4th Reich people) kill "their own" because they are Satanist first.

So a Jew who worships Satan is a Satanist, and has turned away from the God of Abraham.

The Satanists love to hate, just like the MuhJews


we see you. Obama dick-suckers.

Anonymous ID: 9ba1f0 June 20, 2023, 8:36 a.m. No.19038543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8566 >>8661


fuck off.

God created this world perfect.

the human screwed it up.

Even those who don't speak up and allow the child harm to go on.


That's a Roman thang.


Why the ancestors got the fuck out and founded a new Country, which is slipping away from us.

Early Americans really were averse to Roman Church, very much so. Why? Because that's why they separated from Europe to being with; Problems with edicts by Royalty and the Roman Church.

They were unable to worship God per their own conscious.

Same in USA right now.

We are blocked from speaking our conscience by those who would dominate, control us and murder those who rebelled.

Just as they murdered King Jesus back in the day (and then appropriated a cult they could not stop otherwise)


which scripture is that? Can you give the verse?


Y-head is not Roth

Y-head is likely Roman.

Woman who "Q" showed us with the Y-head stag mask was a Roman Catholic from Egypt, who married a Roth.

per PAYSEUR, anon thinks it might have credence.

Man who was instrumental in creating FBI, was nephew of Bonaparte, the Emperor, whom the Payseur fags say is the one who empowered the Payseurs in the USA.

Anonymous ID: 9ba1f0 June 20, 2023, 9:20 a.m. No.19038849   🗄️.is 🔗kun


mustache on Adolf was definitely for disguise.

Secret Police aka F B I , knew Adolf was alive, after the war, the whole time.

Just as with Epstein, fake death for insider - as escape method.

Hae you ever wondered why all the crooks get let-go; and the innocent ones (DJT) get framed?

By our secret police G-man; who hide all the evidence?

There's Edward "David" who married a trans-sexual (i.e. a man in woman's clothes) shaking hands with his first cousin once or twice removed. picrel

Anonymous ID: 9ba1f0 June 20, 2023, 9:27 a.m. No.19038900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8909


by taking the power;

  1. you were born in sin.

  2. if you obey we can absolve you.

  3. making petty crimes / mistakes important

You're on a treadmill like a hamster, can never get out of debt.

You were created in God's image, perfect, but you have to recite to them daily

"I am a sinner"

to get absolved.

Turns out people fail to perfect themselves as they could, because they have an easy out?

And they are expected to be imperfect.

Chuch of $cient ology does the same.

It's a blackmail con.

They take confession for blackmail?

Anonymous ID: 9ba1f0 June 20, 2023, 9:38 a.m. No.19038964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9009 >>9042


however, Kissinger was empowered by David Rockefeller.

David put Rockefeller in charge of an early NWO style org.

David Sarnoff (RCA NBC) also traces to Rockefeller.

David was chosen by Grandaddy John D. as the most like himself - of the five brothers.

For the Rockefeller project

"Special Studies Project"

"Project America"

Nelson, Ford (JFK murder perp) and Kissinger.

among others like Sarnoff.

Anonymous ID: 9ba1f0 June 20, 2023, 9:47 a.m. No.19039009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9060


>David put Rockefeller in charge of an early NWO style org.

David put Kissinger in charge of an early NWO style org.


Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Special Studies project.


Kissinger also married to a man-Wife.

What are the chances?

Starting to get beyond statistical probability.

Could this by why the push for Trans Agenda; They are in some kind of Cult?

Connect the dots.

Paint the picture.

is there a connect between Pedo Fetish and Trans?

Anonymous ID: 9ba1f0 June 20, 2023, 10:02 a.m. No.19039098   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>BIBLE Bi- (two)- Bull (their god moloch Bull god, worship of Bull "Golden Calf" Cow worship / Egypt) was written by the people who killed King Jesus.


Have to amend that

EDITED by those who killed King Jesus.

The stories are real accounts of a real man, King, Spritual leader, Savior.

But the "Romans" who killed changed key elements, key lines, and excised large portions of His history.

the meeting wherein the many other accounts were distroyed and Orthodox verion approved (like the MAINSTREAM version) was called


Could that be a coincidence.

Their symbols, shamelessly displayed, give them away?