BIBLE Bi- (two)- Bull (their god moloch Bull god, worship of Bull "Golden Calf" Cow worship / Egypt) was written by the people who killed King Jesus.
Too powerful among the people, had to be appropriated by the dominator class / clique "ROMANS"
They re-wrote the story to protect themselves. And falsified the chronology of History, for the same goal
Two religions, (or more) were created (cult -creation, job of C-A) in order to keep people fighting, confused and at war; and in order to keep their power and dominate the faithful.
They killed the best evangelists of King Jesus, then appropriated them, for their own cult. As If.
Took advantage of the fact most people could not read and had no access to printed books.
As the leader-cult, in our day, appropriated JFK, MLK and the others whom they killed, as though the victims were really "their people." And they couldn't stop these hater lone-gunman.
(which if you haven't noticed they are trying to pin the profile onto us, onto any of their opponants, "Domestic Terrorist"
same playbook- That's all they know.
Everything's inverted by Satanists.
Think mirror.