Anonymous ID: ab57a8 June 20, 2023, 8 a.m. No.19038333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8364

>>19038291 (/lb)

Watch for the radical left hate groups, e.g. ADL, SPLC, Fake News msm, Antifa, etc, to smear and slander Rosie for voicing 'hate speech' and 'self-hating-jew' speech.

3, 2, 1…

Anonymous ID: ab57a8 June 20, 2023, 9:09 a.m. No.19038782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8796 >>8798


Anons withstood $TRILLIONS in mass propaganda.


But the one thing that was most important, was how even though the vaccines were pushed hard by coercive methods at the highest levels of state and federal government, by 'CDC guidance', by 'WHO guidance', THE ENTIRE TIME THE PUSHERS IMPLEMENTED A 'LEGAL' CLAIM MAKING THEM IMMUNE FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY.

"Take the jab or you'll lose your job and your life will be ruined….AND IF YOU'RE INJURED OR KILLED BECAUSE OF IT, THEN FUCK YOU WE DON'T OWE YOU OR YOUR FAMILY SHIT."


The bastards never got past the 'emergency use authorization' loophole and kept renewing it over and over.


And how the narrative was 'take the jab amd do what we say or you'll be publicly smeared and slandered ', same exact 'reaction' pattern as past psyops.


This is what made me say FUCK NO to the jab.

Anonymous ID: ab57a8 June 20, 2023, 9:39 a.m. No.19038971   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In all cases when you're falsely accused of racism, either because you weren't racist enough in hiring people based on race, or because you refuse to align yourself with racist 'anti-racist' orgs, you discern exactly what they are saying allegedly about you, and you'll realize they're projecting their own racism onto you, for they are INTRODUCING RACISM AS NARRATIVE into your life which had none of it prior to that very engagement of hearing a projecting racist say they 'see' the racism in you.


These types of racists are especially dangerous, because they believe they are actually combating racism when they introduce their own racist logic into the narrative, the harder they 'fight' what is really their own subconscious, the more racism they bring into the world, smearing and slandering other people in the process because they're so fucking narcissistic they can't perform even the most basic self-reflection on their own statements. Their source is the logical equivalent of 'I am a complete God'.


So, yes, instead of pleading and begging to persuade RACISTS that you're not racist, you look those fuckers right in the eyes and you tell them THEY ARE RACIST.


The same 'wave' is IMHO going to happen with the exposure of the 'globalist oligarch' pedophiles, many who control the world's currencies.

They are going to SCREAM and project their own sick demented psychosis onto the world, and accuse the messengers of what they themselves are doing.

They're already desperately trying to form 'paramilitary' fighters to fight their wars for them (the recent 'push' to include pedos in the 'LGBT' narrative was planned, deliberate, and very much designed to create human shields for the coming justice to be 'thinned out' and distract the world with 'aha, we found the source of a many thousand year bloodline cult of child killers and rapists…hey everyone, focus on this mental patient man over here who believes they're a woman, he abused children, so case closed!'



Anonymous ID: ab57a8 June 20, 2023, 10:11 a.m. No.19039149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9161


Awww, what's the matter, you feeling the last, ultimate, 'protect crimes using 'historical psyop' narrative with human shields' slipping away?



Tagging Anon post is confirmation.

Also, multiple meanings can exist.

You're not 'negating' P=Payseur confirmation by pointing to other posts with other P's.


Keep failing, it's fun to watch!