Anonymous ID: e690e1 June 20, 2023, 7:59 a.m. No.19038327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8341 >>8493 >>8653 >>8918 >>9018 >>9062

Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Counteroffensive’s Second Week Ends in Failure

Operation enters the second week of Ukraine’s long-awaited and highly touted counteroffensive, some basic conclusions can be drawn even though the fighting continues, and will continue to rage, for some time to come.



First and foremost, the counteroffensive gambit has failed. While there is still considerable combat strength left in the Ukrainian military, including more than 75% of the NATO-trained and -equipped 60,000-strong cohort Ukraine had assembled in the past eight months, fundamentally flawed assumptions about the quality of the force on which Ukraine and its NATO allies had placed their collective hopes for victory over Russia have been exposed. In short, Ukraine lacks the military capacity to overcome Russian defenses.

Ukraine’s most elite assault brigades, equipped with the latest Western military technology,failed to advance out of what Russian defensive doctrine calls the “cover” line of defense—the buffer that is designed to channel and disrupt an attacking force prior to reaching the “main” line of defense. Ukrainian casualties were extremely heavy, with Russia achieving a 10:1 kill ratio in terms of manpower, which is unsustainable from the Ukrainian perspective. The reasons for the Ukrainian failure are fundamental in nature, meaning that they cannot be overcome as things currently stand and, as such, the Ukrainian military has zero chance of success, no matter how hard they press subsequent attacks.


First and foremost is the quality of the Russian defenses, especially in terms of the barrier network (minefields, obstacles, and trenches) which, when combined with the tenacity of the Russian defender and the overwhelming superiority Russia enjoys in terms of fire support (both artillery and air-delivered), is the reason the Ukrainians are unable to advance beyond the “cover” layer of the Russian defenses. Ukrainian equipment and tactics are insufficient to the task of breaching the Russian obstacle barriers in any meaningful manner, dooming the attacking forces to be destroyed piecemeal by Russian artillery and air strikes, as well as local counterattacks mounted by Russian special forces.


Besides the poor tactics and equipment deficiencies(yes, the Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles were not the miracle weapons Ukraine and its Western supporters had hyped them up to be), the Ukrainians are paying the price for Russia’s impressive suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) campaign that has been ongoing for many weeks now. Russia has not only neutralized Ukraine’s ability to defend strategic targets far beyond the front lines, but also to project any meaningful air defense capability into the actual zone of conflict. This, combined with the lack of any viable air force, leaves the attacking Ukrainian ground forces exposed to the full weight of Russian air power.

Russian fixed-wing aircraft have been able to deliver precision-guided munitions with deadly effect to the assembly areas used by Ukraine to gather their attacking forces prior to committing them to the battlefield. It is estimated that between 25-30% of Ukraine’s casualties occur from these strikes. Russian helicopters can use their anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) with lethal effect on Ukrainian forces operating in the zone of contact, and Russian loitering munitions (i.e., “kamikaze drones”) have taken a heavy toll of Ukrainian forces as well. Unless Ukraine can reassert some semblance of air defense onto the battlefield, both in the rear areas as well as the frontlines, and sortie its own air power capable of challenging Russian air superiority over the battlefield, then no amount of courage and tactical innovation on the part of the Ukrainian ground forces will alter the deadly calculus of war that currently prevails today…..

Anonymous ID: e690e1 June 20, 2023, 8:01 a.m. No.19038341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8373 >>8493 >>8653 >>8918 >>9018 >>9062




One of the many tragediesof the ongoing Ukrainian-Russian conflict is the fact that much ofwhat Ukraine does on the battlefield is dictated not by military necessity, but rather political imperative. The recently concluded months-long Battle for Artemovsk (Bakhmut) is a case in point, where Ukrainian President Zelensky insisted on pouring manpower and equipment into a battle for a town that most military experts believed to hold minimal strategic military value. The geography, however, did not dictate the scope and scale of the battle, but rather the perception of Ukrainian defensive tenacity, and as a resultbetween 60-75,000 Ukrainian soldiers lost their lives in what was a losing effort=. Similarly, the Ukrainian army is being asked to make what amounts to a suicide attack against well-prepared Russian defenses under conditions which, as detailed earlier, can only result in a decisive Ukrainian defeat. This time, the culprit is Ukraine’s NATO allies who, on the eve of their annual summit, are desperate for any sign that the multi-billion-dollar investment they have collectively made in the Ukrainian military can pay even the most rudimentary dividends. For this reason,NATO will continue to pressure Ukraine to double down on defeat, pressing the Russians offensively even though any gains, if in fact any can be had, would be pyrrhic in nature and unsustainable over the long run.


The reality is that when NATO gathers in Vilnius on July 11, the Russians will be well into the process of destroying the third Ukrainian army built by NATO. The first was assembled during the buffer provided by the diplomatic “sham” of the Minsk Accords, from 2015-2022. Some 260,000 strong, this force was largely destroyed by June of 2022. The second army, consisting of some 80,000 newly trained and equipped Ukrainian soldiers backed by thousands of foreign mercenaries, the direct result of tens of billions of dollars of military aid provided by NATO, was able to launch the successful Ukrainian counterattack in the fall of 2022, before being decimated in the positional war that followed (including the Bakhmut slaughter).


The 60,000-strong 12-brigade Ukrainian counterattack force currently operating against the Russians, again the result of tens of billions of dollars in military equipment (including modern Western tanks, artillery, and infantry fighting vehicles), will most probably be destroyed, or facing imminent destruction, by the time the NATO summit convenes. The primary question facing NATO is does it have the political, economic, and military capacity to raise a fourth Ukrainian army, and after its demise, a fifth, sixth, and more?


NATO is politically committed to waging a proxy conflict with Russia “to the last Ukrainian.”This tragic reality means that, regardless of the battlefield reality that exists in Ukraine, NATO will continue to push Ukraine to sacrifice its manpower in a fruitless struggle against Russia for the simple fact that NATO is unwilling to willingly lose political face at home and abroad.


However, this political will does not automatically mean that NATO will be able to sustain this objective either economically or militarily.


While recent statements made by US General Mark Miley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicate that there aretens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in the US/NATO training “pipeline”, and that the US/NATO is assembling equipment sufficient to equip these soldiers, they will not be ready for combat for several months yet—long after the third Ukrainian army has met its fate on the field of battle…

Anonymous ID: e690e1 June 20, 2023, 8:05 a.m. No.19038373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8493 >>8653 >>8918 >>9018 >>9062



Miley spoke of new air defense systems for Ukraine, and other NATO officials speak of the possibility of providing Ukraine with (old) F-16 aircraft.New air defense systems, however, cannotin and of themselves alter a military reality imposed by Russia on Ukraine through its strategic SEAD victory. Ukraine will simply continue a losing struggle against Russian air power. The same holds true of any F-16 fighters that might be provided to Ukraine—too little, too late, and in any event incapable of achieving a meaningful battlefield result.


In Vilnius,NATO will be confronted with the reality of its impotency as a military alliancewhen it comes to countering Russia in Ukraine. Any military analyst of any competence will know that, as things currently stand,Ukraine simply cannot prevail over Russia. NATO illusions of a “frozen conflict” that seem to drive their insane desire to arm Ukraine to infinity and beyond, moreover, are driven by fundamentally flawed assessments regarding Russian economic competence and capacity, Russian military proficiency, and the will of the Russian people to sustain this conflict.

Here is theroot cause of NATO’s strategic failure in Ukraine—a complete lack of understanding about the reality of Russia today. Russia will be able to out-produce NATO from a standpoint of military technology until which time NATO nations fully transition into a wartime economy, something NATO nations neither have the political will nor economic means to accomplish.


TheRussian military has largely overcome the deficiencieswhich plagued it in the initial phases of the Special Military Operation, and the Russia armed forces assemble in the Special Military Operation zone are highly trained, well-equipped, and properly trained for the tasks they have been assigned. Moreover, the Russian nation has rallied around the leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin in an overwhelming fashion, united in the belief that the proxy war NATO is waging against Russia in Ukraine is existential in nature and, as such, one that Russia cannot lose.P


NATO will not alter coursein the immediate period following the Vilnius summit—there is simply too much political momentum in place to bring about any meaningful alteration of the current trajectory in Ukraine. ==But neither will NATO produce a winning formula in Ukraine•=. Rather, NATO will continue to pursue little more than a variation of an existing theme—to arm Ukraine so that it can fight as long as it is capable of sustaining the fight.


This short-sighted posture will result in theinevitable military collapse of Ukraine, probably sometime between late summer/early fall of this year. When this happens, NATO will be left scrambling to construct some sort of face-saving mechanism to salvage its weakened geopolitical position vis-à-vis Russia. What that will look like is unknown at this time. But one thing is for certain—because NATO refuses to consider an off-ramp from the Ukrainian conflict today, there will be no future for Ukraine tomorrow.NATO political pride will be the downfall and destruction of the Ukrainian nation, its military, and its people.

Anonymous ID: e690e1 June 20, 2023, 8:23 a.m. No.19038466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>19037616 Trump can't win': Koch network releases ads targeting ex-president


Since PDJT won with 75 million votes in 2020, the media, lawfare and goons like the Koch’s have swayed at least 15 million towards Trump. So its very likely Trump could get 90 million votes.


The more indictments, the more supporters. There are only about 10%-15% of radical leftists in the nation, thats about 20,000. So if balanced and traditional democrats see the destruction of our country its very possible, quite a few will vote Trump. 50% of democrats think Bidan is incapable of serving another term.


Considering the total of voting age in 2020 was 130 million, that alone would have negated bidan in that election. But I always thought Trump got close to a 100 million in 2020.


Fixing every way they cheat is the only way Trump wins.What’s the only way to do that? Hate to say but, the military

Anonymous ID: e690e1 June 20, 2023, 8:46 a.m. No.19038618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8653 >>8918 >>9018 >>9062

Barr Unloads on Trump (Again), Thinks He's in Serious Trouble in Classified Docs Case

Bob Hoge3:45 PM on June 18,


Former Trump Administration Attorney General Bill Barr likes to see himself on TV, evidently. It seems not a Sunday goes by when he does not appear on a talk show, usually slamming his former boss for “reckless” behavior. This time, he appeared on “Face the Nation” for an interview with CBS News chief election and campaign correspondent Robert Costa.


Barr unloaded on Trump concerning the latest classified documents case but felt that the Georgia election meddling case wasn’t nearly as strong.First, he said that although The Donald has been the subject of an overzealous Department of Justice in the past, that doesn’t mean that he’s innocent:


He provoked this whole problem (the classified documents indictment) himself.


Yes, he has been the victim of unfair witch hunts in the past. But that doesn’t obviate the fact that he’s also a fundamentally flawed person who engages in reckless conduct, and that leads to situations, calamitous situations like this, which are very destructive and hurt any political cause he’s associated with. And this was a case, entirely of his own making.


He had no right to those documents. The government tried for over a year, quietly and with respect, to get them back, which was essential that they do, and he jerked them around. And he had no legal basis for keeping them.


Trump has maintained that he was fully cooperating with authorities and the Mar-a-Lago raid was unnecessary. In addition, President Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence have since been found to be in possession of classified docs, yet you don’t see either one of them being hounded by the Department of Justice.


Asked specifically about the charge of obstruction, Barr said the former president is at risk:


Well, it’s very strong, because a lot of the evidence comes from his own lawyers. And furthermore, there’s evidence of him saying things that are completely incompatible with any idea that this was an innocent document dispute.


He’s referring to an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which Trump boasts about having a classified Pentagon document in his possession.


Regarding Trump’s claim that, when president, he could declassify anything just by thinking about it, Barr was dismissive: “The legal theory by which he gets to take battle plans and sensitive national security information as his personal papers is absurd.”(Now if it was Bush Sr & Jr, Clinton, Obama or even Carter it would be perfectly within their rights!)


Barr was less impressed with the probe by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis into allegations that Trump and his allies broke Georgia law by trying to overturn the election results. Trump allegedly called Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and said that he “owed me votes because the election was rigged.”


BARR: Yeah, I don’t know much about her case. I don’t know if it’s, you know, a sound case or not.I’m skeptical about that.


Again, because of the First Amendment interests. You know, we don’t want to get into a position where people can’t complain about an election, and claim that an election–


ROBERT COSTA: Trump said on tape he wants the Secretary of State to find votes.


BARR: Yeah, I know. But, you know, there’s- they’re innocent interpretations of what he said, you know, which is, look, of all the votes that we think are bad. You certainly can find among them some that are slam dunk, but whether that’s the proper interpretation or not, I- I am more skeptical of that case. But on the other hand, I think it’s likely that will be brought.


I’m guessing Barr will be back on the talk show circuit next week as well.


(He is doing the wishy washy slap him in the face 10x then be noncommittal, that way he sounds like he’s a deep thinker or drinker. He pretends he’s read the documents at the DOJ when he’s just reading the news.)

Anonymous ID: e690e1 June 20, 2023, 8:55 a.m. No.19038689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8918 >>9018 >>9062

Charlie Sykes: Bill Barr Makes Me 'Gag'—But Praise Him For Denouncing Trump


File this one under our "Sudden Respect" rubric–though a very grudging respect at that. On Monday's Morning Joe, Never Trumper and very frequent MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes praised Bill Barr, Donald Trump's former Attorney General, for the blistering criticism he made of Trump during his Face The Nation appearance on Sunday.


But Sykes couldn't resist taking a nasty shot at Barr for his perceived past sins of supporting Trump. MSNBC played a montage of former Trump officials from Mike Pence to Mark Esper (and anti-Trump Republicans from Asa Hutchinson to ex-Gov. Larry Hogan) There's just a short excerpt of Barr in the montage.


Said Sykes:


"Bill Barr, you need a healthy gag reflex to, you know, sort of accept him. But, you know, coming from Bill Barr, this is extraordinary. This is not on my bingo card for 2023. That he would be the most vociferous and effective critic of Donald Trump."


So Barr makes Sykes want to puke. Butsince he's willing to light into Trump, all is forgiven.


Mika Brzezinski later circles back, and plays an extended excerpt from Barr's comments.


Says Mika Brzezinski in reaction: "Oh my God! That's worse than I thought."


And by "worse," Mika of course means, better!


(Mika is still angry about the facelift comment I guess)


Video next of all the traitors video, I’m sure there is a diligent anon is collecting names.

Anonymous ID: e690e1 June 20, 2023, 9:03 a.m. No.19038741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8918 >>9018 >>9062

CBS & NBC Ignore White Powder Sent to Trump, Thomas & KS GOP

Kevin Tober June 19th, 2023 10:05


After outrageously ignoring the initial story during their flagship morning shows, CBS Evening Newsand NBC Nightly Newsrefused to update viewerson a new revelation in the incident involving white powder being sent in envelopes to members of the Kansas Republican Party which is that they were also sent to former President Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Much like they did during their morning show Good Morning America, ABC’s World News Tonight kept up with the politically motivated attack on Kansas Republican lawmakers.


CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News did have time however tohyperventilate over bans on abortionsand whine about how they are causing shortages in OB-GYNs (CBS) and that there are supposedly data tracking taking place where abortions are legal (NBC).


“Envelopes containing a suspicious powdery substance were discovered in the mailboxes of a few dozen Kansas lawmakers. But tonight the list of intended recipients is growing,” ABC News investigative reporter Aaron Katersky revealed.


“More than 100 Kansas officials have now received letters and federal law enforcement sources tell ABC News letters were also addressed to former President Trump, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and other high-profile individuals, though we're told the postal inspectors intercepted those letters before they were delivered,” he added.


Two of the Kansas Republicans who had suspicious white powder sent to them were state representative Tory Marie Blew and state Senator Stephen Owens. They both told ABC about their concerns.


“It just was in your typical letter envelope and at the very bottom of it, you could feel that it was very thick,” Blew told ABC.


Owens added that “It was quite terrifying, right, I mean, this is the stuff that you ultimately see in movies, hardly real-life stuff.”


This bias by omission from CBS & NBC was made possible by ADT on CBS and Red Lobster on NBC. Their information is linked.

Anonymous ID: e690e1 June 20, 2023, 9:23 a.m. No.19038869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8918 >>8943 >>9018 >>9062

Hunter Biden Plea Deal: CNN Whines GOP ‘Not Going to Let This Go’

Hunter Biden got a cushy plea deal from his father’s Justice Department on Tuesday, including the possible drop of a felony gun charge no average America would be afforded. Despite securing the sweetheart deal, one of the immediate reactions from CNN News Central was to whine that congressional Republicans were “not going to let this go” as their investigations into possible corruption from the Biden family and interference in the DOJ’s investigation reported by whistleblowers heated up.


“The political dynamics of this … cannot be understated,” senior Justice correspondent Evan Perez said. He went on to warn that“The Republicans are not going to let this go” as they investigate “what they believeare still some unanswered questions about those financial dealings that Hunter Biden had, other members of the family had overseas, but also just how the Justice Department handled this investigation.”


After giving a crash-course history of the investigation, Perez circled back around to fretting about the Republican efforts to investigate the Justice Department’s handling of the investigation and generally into the Biden family:


But as you guys know,this is probably only the beginning for House Republicans who are now goingto want to see everything that the Justice Department did. One of the complaints they have, that they're looking at is whether the FBI thoroughly looked into all of those financial dealings. The things I just described. The Burisma dealings. The Chinese energy company CEFC. There’s so many thingsthat they believedthat the FBI did not do to properly investigate this, of course, that's going to be now the subject of months of investigation by House Republicans.


Of course, Perezfailed to mention the whistleblower allegations claiming protocols were breached to slow walkand hamper the investigation into Hunter.


When it came to the charges themselves, CNN brought on senior legal affairs correspondentPaula Reid who framed them as a massive and unfair inconvenience for Hunter.


She noted that Hunter’s legal team held a meeting with investigators earlier this year and “made a presentation” with “arguments about why Hunter Biden should not be charged” for being late on his taxes and illegally owning a firearm. “They also argue that this gun charge was not strongly supported by the evidence. And that recent Supreme Court decisions last spring was going to make it difficult for their case to hold up in court,” she parroted, without evidence.


“Now, of course, they did not get their wish,”= she lamented.


Reid concluded her comments by reassuring viewers that Hunter and his team were feeling relieved the harrowing ordeal was finally over:


Again, this is something that’s been going on for about five years now. And the fact that it has finally come to a resolution is certainly a relief, we're told to Hunter Biden to his lawyers.And they tell me that they are overall, they are pleased with this deal.


CNN’s displeasure with GOP investigations into the Bidens was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships 4imprint and PC Matic. Their contact information is linked.


(I’m thoroughly convinced now, anyone in the media or leftists interviewed by the media, are required to use a audio with earphones nightly, that reinforces“lying is good to protect the sensitive public”)

Anonymous ID: e690e1 June 20, 2023, 9:35 a.m. No.19038943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9018 >>9062


(I’ve read too many of newsbusters but this a jewel of delusional unmatched to any twists they’ve done)

Hunter Gets Indicted, MSNBC Attacks GOP, Hails 'Good News' For Joe

Alex Christy June 20th, 2023 10:28


MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough had a curious reaction to the Tuesday news that Hunter Biden will be pleading guilty to tax and gun-related charges: lash out at Republicans and their “conspiracy theories.” Way Too Early host and Politico White House bureau chief JonathanLemire managed to one up Scarborough by adding that developments are “good news” for President Joe Biden.


After legal analyst Joyce Vance ran through the charges, Scarborough focused on what Hunter wasn’t charged with, “Yeah, and Jonathan Lemire, so obviously Republicans–Trump Republicans have been trying to stir up conspiracy theories left and right. One after another have been disproven. One after another, we found out as the Wall Street Journal editorial page himself said no fire here. A lot of smoke all over the place, no fire.”


In something never said about Robert Mueller and Russia Collusion, Scarborough claimed “Not only have they proven nothing, they havesenior members of the Senate saying we don't care whether he's guilty or not, we don’t care whether he did this stuff or not, it's all been a show. Well, that show has just been exposed by Trump's own prosecutor, Trump-appointed prosecutor in Delaware. He's done a deal with him, a plea deal.”


As for Lemire, he also was focused on Republicans and what Hunter wasn’t charged with, “Certainly Republicans have for literally years now accused Hunter Biden of basically everything under the sun, including he's themastermind behind the Biden Crime Familyand corruption and all that,a charge we don’t need to get into now because they were never brought.” (Oh Really??? Hang on to that thought)


Just because Hunter wasn’t charged with anything corruption-related doesn’t mean what he did wasn’t sleazy and, again, Morning Joe would never say “we don’t need to get into” Russian collusion storylines because no charges of collusion were ever brought.


Lemire then went from anti-Republican hatchet man topro-Democratic spin doctor as he insisted the news makes the Bidens look good. First, on Hunter, Lemire touted Hunter taking responsibility for his actions, “This is what came to be, about the gun and about some minor tax charges and now we are seeing Hunter Biden take responsibility and plead guilty.”


Pausing that train of thought, Lemire went back to attacking Republicans,“Now, that's not going to stop Republicans, I venture to guess. I suspect we will have lots of howling from the GOP along the same lines, that Hunter Biden got easy—why isn’t he—got off easy, why isn't he going to prison. There's a double standard of justice, you know, Biden’s Justice Department taking care of his own. They’ll ignore the facts as they have ignored the facts throughout this process.”


Resuming his pro-Biden spin, Lemire argued that the news is a positive development for Joe Biden,“Certainly, this is a day of closure for the president's family. We know how much this has weighed on the President of the United States, his son in legal jeopardy. So, that is good news there, but this is not going to disappear as a political issue, at least not anytime soon. We are sure the Republicans will continue hammering away no matter what the facts actually hold.”


Scarborough agreed, “Well, exactly, and Donald Trump can now attack a prosecutor, a U.S. Attorney that he appointed himself, it would fit very tightly with everything else that’s going on.You know, they don’t like the facts, they love conspiracy theories. Well, this is another one that didn’t play out for them.”


Even if Hunter Biden’s business dealings were not illegal, they were, at the very least, sketchy and look bad. That’s not a conspiracy theory.


This segment was sponsored by 4imprint.