Anonymous ID: c75352 June 20, 2023, 2:45 p.m. No.19040716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1194 >>1232 >>1303 >>1390

June 20, 2023

America First Legal Reacts to Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart DOJ Plea Deal


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty in a federal income tax and gun case.


According to Fox News, Hunter “will plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax. Hunter Biden also agreed to enter into a pretrial diversion agreement regarding a separate charge of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.” This sweetheart deal, seemingly designed to protect Joe Biden and his family’s influence-peddling business with, among others, the Chinese Communist Party and Ukrainian oligarchs, is a diversion from the Bidens’ potentially historic bribery scheme.


Since its inception, America First Legal (AFL) has fought to protect equal justice and the rule of law. This is why AFL sued the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for illegally concealing records from Joe Biden’s time as Vice President and exposed devastating facts:

▶ Hunter Biden advised then-Vice President Biden on China and Africa and had unrestricted access to the Obama White House.

▶ There is substantial evidence that Hunter’s personal business activities comingled with Joe Biden’s official business as early as Biden’s first year as Vice President.

▶ There was a close working relationship between Vice President Biden’s office, his son’s business partners at Rosemont Seneca, and the mainstream media.

▶ There is substantial evidence linking Joe Biden to Hunter’s payments from Ukraine.

▶ Hunter Biden should have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Even the Obama Administration had concerns about Biden’s Burisma entanglements.


The Department of Justice’s sham plea deal with the Biden family is simply another illustration that the justice system has been weaponized to protect those who are part of the governing regime and imprison those who are viewed as enemies of the political left:

▶ While the federal bureaucracy has launched an all-out “holy war” against former President Trump and his allies, it is working overtime to protect Joe Biden and his family, just as it did for Hillary Clinton when it turned a blind eye to the corruption of the Clinton Global Initiative, Hillary’s illegal private email server, and her staff’s destruction of reams of emails and physical evidence to obstruct a lawful Congressional investigation.

▶ Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, was sentenced to 43 months in prison for an alleged tax violation, which could easily have led to death in prison at his age.

▶ None of the Deep State government officials who lied to Congress about the Russia collusion hoax have been prosecuted.

▶ The FBI sent a swat team to arrest a peaceful pro-life protestor for a “crime” that local authorities did not believe occurred while standing by as pro-abortion activists attacked churches and pro-family groups nationwide.

▶ The Biden Administration launched the largest investigative and prosecutorial effort in American history targeting January 6 protestors, while those who rioted, burned, and looted during the summer of 2020 were praised and given unprecedented leniency.


The left’s ongoing assault on our Constitution, the ruling elite’s systemic corruption, and the Deep State’s double standards and contempt for equal justice under the law, undermine public faith in our government, erode our nation’s stability, and endanger every citizen. America First Legal will continue to fight for the American people, to expose Biden’s corruption, and to hold the Washington elites accountable. …

Anonymous ID: c75352 June 20, 2023, 2:56 p.m. No.19040787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1192 >>1202


>post random pictures of rich dudes rotting in the north atlantic

News reported that JFK Jr's body was recovered. It was cremated and his ashes were scattered in the sea.


"… The ashes of John F. Kennedy Jr. … within sight of the beaches where he had spent summers during his childhood …"

Anonymous ID: c75352 June 20, 2023, 3:14 p.m. No.19040907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The plan to save our country will be revealed.

August 16th-17th

Exclusively onFRANK-TV

in: 56-Days 15-Hours 55-Minutes 00-Seconds


Please help save our country and share this page everywhere.

Anonymous ID: c75352 June 20, 2023, 3:30 p.m. No.19041023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1194 >>1232 >>1303 >>1390

Cartoon published 06/20/2023

The Justice Wrecking Ball Crew


Breaking News: Hunter Biden Biden will plead guilty to willful failure to pay federal income tax. He will enter a “pretrial diversion program” regarding his gun crime, indicating that he will face no jail time. A slap on the wrist by our two tier justice system as President Trump faces 100 years in prison in trumped up document hoax.


The FBI continues to destroy justice in America. They are the strong arm of the Democrat Marxist Party. The FBI is becoming the old KGB.


FBI agents were infiltrators, directors, and participates during the January 6 protest at the Capitol—only the FBI calls it a riot and ‘insurrection.’ They set up and arrested as many protestors as they could, whether they were at the Capitol building or not. They used an obvious ‘glowie,’ Ray Epps to lure protestors into the Capitol dome, thus entrapping them. They continue to round up people such as Stewart Rhodes, the leader of ‘Oath Keepers,’ and use Democrat judges to mete out ridiculously long prison sentences based on little or no evidence.


Christopher Wray refused to hand over to Congress a non-classified document that proves Joe Biden took bribes and sold out his country. Wray only relented when threatened with contempt of Congress charges and impeachment. We know the FBI hid Hunter Biden’s laptop evidence to help his father win the presidential election. The FBI influences elections by suppressing and banning conservative voices on Twitter and Facebook. They lied to judges in order to obtain warrants and permission to spy on Trump and his campaign. The FBI will not turn over the manifesto written by the trans-male girl, Audrey Hale, who murdered people at a Christian school in Tennessee. The FBI covered up information about Seth Rich and will not release that, either. For some reason the FBI now gets to control free speech and access to information by real journalists (the corporate media as long been compromised—they are propagandists, not journalists).


The US security agencies are unaccountable. They are allowed to do what they want.


Cutting off funding to the FBI is a solution, but it’s doubtful anyone in Congress will have the gumption to do that. Sure, they will complain mightily as did Senator Ted Cruz when he questioned Paul Abbate, the deputy FBI director. Abbate stonewalled Cruz at every turn and would not answer questions, yet he was not arrested for contempt of Congress. Someone needs to do more than complain about the FBI. It may be hopeless to cut off funding to the CIA—they probably make their cash from the globalists and by means of drug dealing, but the FBI can be shut down by cutting off their funding. Congress won’t do it. Instead, we will continue to hear complaints only.


It’s time to dismantle the FBI before it completely dismantles us.

— Ben Garrison