Anonymous ID: 4591e5 June 21, 2023, 7:54 a.m. No.19045326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5334 >>5372 >>5375



anons ignore the shills.

anons are doing what anons do.

we long and fact check statements

follow leads and highlight anything new which was not known for future digz.

the media have trilions of assets and personal.

anons are doing most of this from memory

hold the line and shills and feds. go and boil your smooth brained numbnut skulls in cowdung


Anonymous ID: 4591e5 June 21, 2023, 8:01 a.m. No.19045372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5375 >>5380 >>5395 >>5668 >>5699 >>5783 >>5964 >>6018


Durham testimony notes continued

Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

21ST JUNE 2023


Chairman Jordan: Nothing has changed, and frankly, they're never gonna stop. Seven years of attacking Trump is scary enough, but what's more frightening; any one of us could be next.

Chairman Jordan: Guess who gets it the worst? Whistleblowers. If you dare come forward and tell congress what's going on, look out. They will come for you. They will take your clearance, they will take your pay, they will even take your kid's clothes.

Nadler: Republicans have planned this hearing, and constructed an entire false narrative around the work of Special Council Durham, in an effort to distract from the former president's legal troubles, and mislead the American public. To be clear, the Durham Report is, by itself, a deeply flawed vessel.

Nadler: Over the ensuing years, Mr. Durham constructed a flimsy story, built on shaky inferences and dog-whistles, to far-right conspiracy theorists.

Durham: While I'm encouraged by some of the reforms that have been implemented by the FBI, the problems identified in this report, anybody that actually reads the report, the details of the report, the documented portions of the report, I think will find that the problems identified in the report are not susceptible to overnight fixes

Johnson: I'll try to set the table here at the outset, from twenty thousand feet.

Johnson: The FBI and the DOJ have been turned into activated political weapons against citizens, and even a former president, because of their opposing viewpoints.

Nadler: Mr. Durham, your report reads lie a defense of the Trump campaign and an attack on Hillary Clinton…Donald Trump wanted you to investigate the investigators to show the deep state conspiracy, but you never found one.

Nadler: Some of my colleagues across the aisle have started calling this the 'Russia Hoax'. It's the theory that Russia did not actually interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

['Russia Hoax' actually refers to the false claim that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia]

>>19044793 Whats with the bright blue umbrella? raining in DC? - twat and mp4 vid

>Charles Dolan.

Durham: We interviewed the first supervisor of the Crossfire investigation, the operational person. We showed him the intelligence information, he indicated he had never seen it before. He immediately became emotional, got up and left the room with his lawyer, spent some time in the hallway, came back…

Chairman Jordan: He was ticked off, wasn't he? He was ticked off , because this is something he should had as an agent on the case. This is important information that the director of the FBI kept from the people doing the investigation.

Durham: the information was kept from him.

>>19044893 Clinton crony Charles Dolan Jr. lied about source of Steele dossier claim - nyp article

>>19044920 Durham testimony first bun notes

Cline: The FBI did not have an adequate basis on which to launch Crossfire Hurricane, correct?


Anonymous ID: 4591e5 June 21, 2023, 8:01 a.m. No.19045375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5379 >>5668 >>5699 >>5783 >>5964 >>6018




Durham: That's correct.

Cline: The FBI failed to examine all available exculpatory evidence, correct?

Durham: FBI leadership continued the investigation even when case agents were unable to verify the evidence, correct?

Durham: That's correct.

Cline: The FBI did not interview key witnesses in Crossfire Hurricane, correct?

Durham: Correct.

Cline: Individuals within the FBI abused their authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, correct?

Durham: Correct.

Cohen: Mr. Trump has called Mr, Barr a, 'gutless pig', a 'coward', and a RINO. Which of those is correct, which isn't?

Durham: In my experience, none of those is correct.

Cohen: So Mr. Trump isn't that good of an expert on character and judging people. In your opinion, he isn't, because he's not a 'gutless pig', but Trump says he is.

Durham: That's outside the scope of my report.

anon opine: The Democrats are still trying to inject Russian collusion in the video saying Don jr’s meeting was really about sanctions, Durham says no it was about adoptions and there are three reports done on that

Durham to Cohen: My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect, my family, and my Lord.

I'm perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir. (gets applauses from those in congress)

Hank Johnson: None of the individuals you prosecuted were ever charged with being part of a hoax, or a fraud, or a with hunt, or a politically-motivated, deep state conspiracy against Donald Trump, isn't that correct?

Durham: We charged Mr. Sussmann with having knowingly providing false information to the FBI regarding Alpha Bank.

Johnson: But he was acquitted though, right?

Durham: That wasn't your question.

Durham: People get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that.

Schiff: The son of a presidential candidate gets calls all the time from a foreign government offering dirt on their opponent, is that what you're saying?

Durham: I don't that's such as unique, in your experience.

[the phony phone call to Schiff kek]

Schiff: "Really the son of a presidential candidate gets calls all the time from a foreign government offering dirt on their opponent is that what you are saying?"

Durham: "I don't think this is unique in your experience."

Swalwell: Mr. Durham, my MAGA colleagues want you to be someone you're not…they want you to join the law firm of 'Insurrection LLC', which, incidentally, and probably appropriately, is chaired by a guy that never passed the BAR exam.

continuing collecting notes

Anonymous ID: 4591e5 June 21, 2023, 8:13 a.m. No.19045454   🗄️.is 🔗kun

mr mueller had the whole deep state apparatus behind him including fixed juries.

the same narrative over and over.

they are trying to compare apples to banana's

weaponized lawfare

Anonymous ID: 4591e5 June 21, 2023, 8:46 a.m. No.19045676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5690


nah anon had to pause and sort out the kittens.

they are getting restless and wanted to go out.

kicked out the female earlier so anon could concentrate on this hearing today.

this pepe is not anon.

just a found meme

Anonymous ID: 4591e5 June 21, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.19045699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5783 >>5964 >>6018




McClintock: Was Danchenko a Russian intelligence source?

Durham: Mr. Danchenko had been investigated by the FBI for espionage, they closed the case when they mistakenly thought he had left the country. Mr. Danchenko's status in connected with that espionage matter was never resolved by the bureau, the bureau, in fact, never opened or perused it.

McClintock: He was the source for much of the Steele dossier.

Durham: He said that he was responsible for eighty percent of the intelligence in the dossier.

McCLintock: Who commissioned the Steele dossier?

Durham: The Steele dossier was done by Fusion GPS, who was hired by Perkins Coie, who represented the Clinton campaign.

Jayapal: Mr. Durham, I think you were given an impossible task by Attorney General Bill Barr. He asked you to figure out how to make Donald Trump's Spygate claims true. But you couldn't do that because you quickly realized that the claims were false, and so you set about, as many republicans on cable news do, try to find a way to blame Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump's woes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without speaking to the people who provided the information?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane on a Sunday, only three days after reviewing the information?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without any significant review of it's own intelligence database?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without interviewing the essential witnesses?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed in evaluating intelligence?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI consider the possibility that it was the target?

Durham: It didn't appear so to me from the evidence.

Gooden: Can you tell us why, and under what motivation, would a prosecutorial agency act in such a way where it willfully ignores multiple instances of exculpatory evidence throughout the course of it's investigation.

Durham: In my experience, that is not the norm. That is not how the FBI performs. In this particular case, as is reflected in the report, there appear to be persons in the FBI who were central to opening the investigation, that had rather strong views concerning then candidate Trump.

Chairman Jordan: This is straight out of the movies….you can't make this stuff up. But that's what Comey's FBI did.

>>19045567 mcclintock mp4 video questions to durham

Moore: Did the [Steele] dossier come from President Trump's political opponents?

Durham: It was funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC…that's how it was paid for.

Durham: The Clinton campaign funded the information that showed up in the [Steele] dossier. The Clinton campaign funded the information that was put together concerning an alleged secret communications channel between Trump and Alpha Bank, which was presented to the FBI through Mr. Sussmann.

continuing note taking

Anonymous ID: 4591e5 June 21, 2023, 9:03 a.m. No.19045783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5888 >>5964 >>6018




>>19045702 The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated opposition research such as the Steele Dossier." - mp4 vid and twat

Dean: We have a very dangerous former president, and criminal indictments to come. A mess of Mr. Trump's own making, I am baffled of this committee's lifting up of a corrupt president.

>>19045725 They ALL knew that Hillary Clinton's foreign policy advisor - twat and mp 4 vid

>>19045739 Special Counsel John Durham is testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions pertaining to the conclusions of his report on the FBI's flawed Trump-Russia investigation. - mp4 and twat

>>19045752 Mr Fitzgerald mp4 video questioning of durham

Kiley: Mr. Schiff, in 2017, 2018, made statements such as, "The Russians offered help [to Trump], the campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help, and the president made full use of that help, and that is pretty damning." He also said there's clear evidence on the issue of collusion. He said, "I think there's plenty evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight." Mr. Durham, are those statements supported by the conclusions of the Muller Report?

Schiff: Will the gentleman yield?

Kiley: No. Mr. Durham, are those statements supported by the Muller Report?

Durham: I don't believe so.

break taken in congress - note up to date including mp4 vides

Anonymous ID: 4591e5 June 21, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.19045985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

mr van drew statement is interesting.

need clip.

a youtuber was a whistleblower to denchenko who denchenko hear his voice on a youtube video and the fbi went ahead with it.
