Anonymous ID: 9ed32e June 21, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19046989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7534


Or did you dad like sliding into all that nigger cum he really go off on your mom being savaged, did he sit crying in the corner, just waiting for his turn. Did your mom hand out tickets, and your dad always was last. Makes you wonder who is your father?

Anonymous ID: 9ed32e June 21, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.19047078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7082 >>7554

ok admittedly this is a stupid theory butQtold anons to trust all these people right, well I think everyone of them has been proven untrustworthy at this point. So anons as anons did and do created a bunch of memes and got everyone psyched for this and then BAM massive disappointment. But this disappointment is needed, why because it has to be shown that the government is not capable of governing that is when the military would have to step in. So all the hype is needed to get people to listen and pay attention, all the fuck this shit anons go through is needed to show it is broken, and the people along the way are experiencing it in real time. Must be scary for them. So when people toss about trust operations and stuff well in some ways it is its a psychological operation that had to get people invested…Think of it this way. You have a favorite TV show, it gets cancelled for no good reason, then a few years later it comes back as a reboot or something later on because fans generated interest. Similar but smaller scale of what is happening here. I am high.