Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 2:17 p.m. No.19047634   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 Jun, 2023 20:08

Ukrainians know they have ‘no chance’ against Russia – Putin

The Russian president offered an explanation as to why Kiev’s offensive was halted


Ukraine has stopped major offensive operations after realizing its forces could not win, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.


“Thanks to the courage and heroism of our soldiers and the readiness of commanders to repulse any aggressive actions against Russia,it seems to me that the enemy has no chance. They understand this, which iswhy they stopped,” Putin told journalist Pavel Zarubin at the Kremlin.


The Ukrainian military launched its long-heralded offensive on June 4, using several brigades trained in the West and equipped with Leopard tanks and Bradley armored vehicles, among others.


Oddly enough, it is a slow burnat the moment, because the enemy is sustaining serious personnel and equipment losses,” Putin said. “As of early this morning, our men had taken out 245 tanks and about 678 armored vehicles of various types, to say nothing of the enemy’s casualties, which aresubstantial.”


Kiev’s forces are currently in the process of rebuilding their brigades, which took serious losses, Putin explained, but fear that taking more casualties at this rate will eliminate the combat capability of not just their strategic reserve, but their entire military.


At this moment, Putin said, “offensive operations are not ongoing,” only elements of combat such as shelling and reconnaissance in force.


Retired general Andrey Kartapolov, who commanded the Russian expedition in Syria in 2016-17, has also estimated that Ukrainewill exhaustits offensive capability by theend of Juneat this rate, with 40% of its force in the theater already renderedcombat ineffective.


Putin’s comments came at the reception for the top cadets of Russian military academies and officer schools, also attended by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. The Russian president told the newly minted officers that Moscow was committed to providing the armed forces with all the weapons and supplies they needed.


Shoigu impressed upon the new officers the gravity of the moment, saying thatRussia’s geopolitical future was at stake, with the West arming Ukraine and waging an all-out war against Russia through sanctions and subversion of neighboring countries.

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 2:28 p.m. No.19047679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7689 >>7883 >>7910 >>7923

It was your Freudian slip, bitch! Democrats would do the same thing, you useless non voting member of Congress


21 Jun, 2023 19:53

Democrat blames conservative media for hyping Trump assassination remark

Virgin Islands congresswoman Stacey Plaskett told MNSBC theformer president needed to be “shot—stopped”


Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) excoriated “conservative media” for calling attention to a television appearance in whichshe appeared to call for the assassination of former US president Donald Trump, insisting in a statement on Tuesday that she had done no such thing.


“It is unfortunate that conservative media has taken an instance where I misspoke and misrepresented it as though I advocate for violence–I unequivocally do not,” Plaskett said. “I wish former President Trump no ill will or harm, only that justice be served in his case as with every other American who must face penalties for wrongdoing.”


Plaskett claimed to have misspoken during an MSNBC segment discussing the Republican candidate’s indictment over his alleged mishandling of confidential documents. “Having Trump not only have had the [nuclear] codes but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and share it in his resort with anyone and everyone who comes through should be terrifying to all Americans and he needs to be shot – stopped,” she had said, without elaborating on whether the latter word was meant as a correction or simply a clarification.


Several conservative outlets including Fox News and d the New York Post published articles about her supposed slip-up, including responses to the clip on social media calling forPlaskett to be investigated by the Secret Serviceor even criminally charged for threatening the former president.


“I do believe and did intend to say that he must be ‘stopped’,” the delegate, a non-voting member of the US Congress, continued, reiterating, “I do not advocate for anyone to shoot former President Trump.”


In April, Plaskett called for journalist Matt Taibbi to be charged with perjury based on a rival journalist’s claim that Taibbi had deliberately substituted the name of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) subsidiary for the Center for Internet Security (CIS) in order to falsely depict an unconstitutionally cozy relationship between the government agency and Twitter. Taibbi countered that the switch was a mistake he had immediately corrected – and which ultimately turned out to be true.


In her statement on Tuesday, Plaskett claimed she did not “encourage or condone political violence nor behavior that goes against democratic principles at any time.” That also appeared to clash with her sign-off from the MSNBC program, in which she remarked that “In the Virgin Islands, we’re celebrating our 175th year of emancipation through violent and organized slave rebellion to remove ourselves from chattel slavery.”


While running for Congress,Plaskett actively pursued (and received) campaign contributions from convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epsteinafter securing lucrative tax breaks for the pedophile in her role as general counsel for the islands’ Economic Development Authority.

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 2:33 p.m. No.19047703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 Jun, 2023 18:09

Russia’s ‘geopolitical future’ at stake – Shoigu

Newly graduated officers will face fateful challenges, the Russian defense minister has said


The West is trying to break Russia with all its might and the country’s very future is at stake, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told a gathering of graduates from Russian military academies at the Kremlin on Wednesday.


“You graduated at a crucial time for the country, whenour Motherland’s fate hangs in the balance and her geopolitical future is at stake,” Shoigu said, addressing the best of the best in their class.


“The collective West has launched an actual war against Russia, once again trying to break her with all its might. They are imposing endless sanctions, provoking unrest and military conflicts in neighboring countries, and providing massive military assistance to the Kiev regime,” the Russian defense minister added.


Shoigu also told the newly minted junior lieutenants that they would need “the highest professionalism, maximum dedication, and the ability to quickly make non-textbook decisions and take responsibility,” as they take up service in the field.


Russian President Vladimir Putin, who spoke before Shoigu, told the graduating cadets thatstrengthening the military is one of the Kremlin’s top priorities, to be guided by the “priceless experience” provided by the ongoing military operation in Ukraine.


In addition to the cutting-edge missile systems, the Russian military will receive more tactical weapons that have proven themselves in combat,including enough drones to operate on platoon level, the president said.


The Kremlin ceremony took place against the backdrop of heavy fighting on the Zaporozhye front, with Ukraine attempting a “counteroffensive” using Western-supplied tanks, armored vehicles and artillery. Kiev’s forces have made little to no progress in the two weeks of fighting, while taking massive casualties, and may run out of steam by July, according to expert estimates.


The lessons of theoperation in Ukraine are already being taught at Russia’s military academies, according to Shoigu. A total of 37 Defense Ministry schools and 34 military educational programs at civilian universities are graduating officers this year.

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 2:39 p.m. No.19047727   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 Jun, 2023 18:53

Islamic State a growing threat in Africa – Russian counterterrorism chief

The influx of foreign terrorist fighters poses a major risk in regions where the state is weakening, says Igor Sirotkin


Russia’s counterterrorism chief has cautioned of the dangers of theterrorist Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) reincarnating as an “African caliphate.”


Speaking at a high-level UN conference of the heads of counter-terrorism agencies on Tuesday, Igor Sirotkin, deputy director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and head of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, said thatsub-Saharan Africa, particularly the Maghreb and Sahel regions, isbecoming a hotbed of terrorism.


The Maghreb region of North Africa includes Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia, while Sahel encompasses Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and Nigeria, with Mauritania being part of both.


Sirotkin told the UN session that “armed terrorist groups are expanding their influence”in these areas. “We see the danger of IS being reincarnated as an African caliphate,” he added, as reported by AFP.


At Tuesday’s panel on assessing current and emerging terrorist trends and threats, experts declared Africa the epicenter of global terrorism, with sub-Saharan Africa accounting for half of the casualties in the past year, while emphasizing that al-Qaeda and IS affiliates remain active and prevalent in other parts of the world.


“Africa has emerged as the key battleground for terrorism, with a major increase in the number of active groups operating on the continent,” UN Assistant Secretary-General Khaled Khiari is quoted by AFP as saying.


Khiari said several areas of the continent, ranging from Burkina Faso and the Sahel to Chad and Sudan, continue to suffer as a result of the flow of weapons and foreign fighters from Libya.


ISIS-Democratic Republic of Congo (ISIS-DRC), also known locally as the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), has been accused of carrying out numerous attacks targeting civilians in remote areas of eastern Congo in recent years.


Earlier this year, the rebel group reportedly claimed responsibility for assaults in the DRC. At least 23 people were killed in a January attack in the village of Makugwe in the North Kivu province. It is also accused of planting a bomb in a church in Kasindi, killing at least 14 people and injuring dozens more.


Last weekend, Ugandan police reported that the ADF carried out a deadly attack on a school in Mpondwe, near the Congo border that left at least 41 dead, the majority of whom were schoolchildren.

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 2:45 p.m. No.19047755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7763 >>7817

21 Jun, 2023 16:02

NATO member threatens African aid cuts over support for Russia

The Finnish government’s approach is a classic case of coercive diplomacy, a South African politician has told RT


African countries thatback Russiain the Ukraine conflictwill lose development assistance from Finland, the country’s foreign trade and development minister, Ville Tavio, said on Monday.


The new Finnish government led by Petteri Orpo is seeking to cut development aid by around $1 billion and redirect the savings. Tavio told national broadcaster YLE that “Ukraine will become a new recipient country.”


In a separate interview with The Times, the minister claimed his country’s “primary duty is to support Ukraine,” arguing that it is “morally wrong” for countries that support Russia’s “aggression” against Kiev to continue receiving development aid from Finland.


“Developing nations should focus on their internal development instead of endorsing Russia’s war. I am keeping an eye on countries that receive aid from Finland, but choose not to respectinternational rules-based orderand Ukraine’s state sovereignty,” Tavio said.


Although the minister did not name any countries, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, and Mozambique are Finland’s main partners in Africa, having received foreign aid from Helsinki for decades.


Several countries on the continent, including South Africa, have remained non-aligned in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, despite foreign pressure to back Kiev.


South African politician Themba Godi, a former member of the National Assembly, described it asa “disgrace” for the Finnish government to threaten African nationswith aid cuts.


“It’s aclassic case of coercive diplomacy where threats and blackmailare used to achieve certain positions,” Godi told RT. He added that “positions that countries take on the Russia-Ukraine conflict may not necessarily be informed by rational thinking and independent decisions but may be the product of blackmail.”


According to Godi, Helsinki’s stance only reinforces the view that countries that are US allies have no regard for Africans.


The continent’s nations, he added, are more drawn toward Russia and China as a result of bullying by Finland and others.


The new Finnish government has additionally outlined plans to tighten immigration rules and make it more difficult for foreign nationals to obtain residency or citizenship in the country.

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 2:50 p.m. No.19047783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 Jun, 2023 17:40

Russia needs more warships ‘now’ – Navy chief

The military operation in Ukraine has shown that shipbuilding should be “sped up,” Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov has said


Russia needs to strengthen its naval forces “now,” the nation’s Navy chief, Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov, has said. The military campaign in Ukraine has demonstrated that all of the best innovative ideas should be implemented immediately, he added.


“The special military operation has shown that we need to speed up,” the Navy head told the Zvezda TV channel on Wednesday, speaking on the sidelines of the International Maritime Defense Show in the Russian city of Kronstadt. “All the best [ideas] should be adopted not just soon but immediately,” he said, calling for a shortening of the “lengthy”design and development as well as research and engineering phases.


Russia’s Black Sea fleet is taking part in the campaign in Ukraine. According to the fleet commander, Vice Admiral Viktor Sokolov, the fleet’s vessels have launched a total of 180 missile strikes at key Ukrainian military facilities.


Yevmenov also said that Russia’s defense industries plan to enhance their shipbuilding capabilities to be able to produce three mine-sweeper-class vessels per year instead of one. This year alone, the Russian Navy expects to receive 44 new ships, including both warships and support vessels.


Earlier on Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin said that a further strengthening of the Russian Armed Forces remains one of the country’s top priorities. Under the enhancement and modernization plans, the Navy is expected to receive more hypersonicZircon anti-ship missiles, as well as new nuclear-capable submarinesof the Borei and Borei-A classes, which are equipped with 16 intercontinental ballistic missiles each.


The Russian Navy currently has a total of six submarines of the Borei and Borei-A class. The first Borei-A class vessel entered military service in 2020, while one more is currently undergoing sea trials. Their number is expected to increase to 12 in the future.


The admiral’s statements came amid the continued Ukrainian counteroffensive that started earlier this month. The operation had been touted by Ukrainian and Western officials for months but has not brought about any meaningful change to the front lines over the past weeks. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukrainian forces have suffered heavy casualties while attacking Russian positions.

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 3:02 p.m. No.19047835   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 Jun, 2023 15:10

New Nord Stream blast aftermath footage released (VIDEO)

The recording suggests that small explosive devices were used to sabotage the pipelines


Video footage published by multiple European news outlets shows that one of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines was severed cleanly, potentially with a small, shaped explosive charge. The recording was released amid aflurry of reports blaming Ukraine for the attack.


Filmed using a submersible drone by Norwegian firm Blueye, the footage was published on Wednesday by Germany’s RTL, Denmark’s TV2, and France’s La Liberation. It showsone of the two Nord Stream 2 lines split neatly in two, with jagged metal the only sign that an explosion had taken place.


Footage of the Nord Stream 1 pipelines released last year showed greater damage, withat least 50 meters of pipe torn apartand a large gouge taken out of the seabed. Both Nord Stream 1 lines were destroyed, while only one Nord Stream 2 line was severed.


It clearly looks like a shaped charge to me,” former Danish military officer Niels Kamp told RTL. “Huge forces were at work that were very focused.It was a small explosive device.” A retired French military diver seconded Kamp’s opinion, telling RTL that the charge likely weighed “a few kilograms.”


“This would also make it more feasible for a smaller commando unit,” RTL noted.


The Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines were destroyed in a series of near-simultaneous explosions off the Danish island of Bornholm in late September. The blasts severed a key conduit for Russian natural gas to Europe,effectively removing the possibility of European countries lifting their sanctionson Moscow and restarting gas purchases.


A small commando unit deploying light explosives fits in with the theory – recently set out by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and several European news outlets – that a team of Ukrainians used a rented yacht to transport explosives to the blast sites. Kiev denies any involvement in the alleged plot, which the Wall Street Journal claims was known to the CIA months in advance.


One theory left unexaminedby the Western mediais that of American reporter Seymour Hersh. Citing US intelligence sources, Hersh claimed in February that the CIA destroyed the pipelines with the help of the Norwegian navy, under direct orders from the White House. According to Hersh, the explosives were planted during NATO exercises in the Baltic Sea last June and detonated remotely three months later.


Hersh claimed that the story of Ukrainian commandos using a rented yacht was planted in the US and German media as ared herring by the CIAand its German counterpart, the BND.

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 3:33 p.m. No.19047979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8045

David Clements: Hunter Biden CLEARED Of All Criminal Charges From Laptop Due To Plea Deal. Clements says this deal is “much worse” than people think they are. Hunter doesn’t get charged with many charges on the laptop, sexual abuse and sexual assault. It eliminates everything on the laptop

6:35 minutes

It’s a fucking travesty! There’s no more federal crimes by the SC, he lied!

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 3:41 p.m. No.19048005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8012

RFK Jr. Is Leading An Anti-Establishment “Political Realignment” That The Democrats Won't Let Win. Chris is the replacement by Rachel Madcow. He talks about how bad the low vaccination rate is US. Very interesting education from Bannon

11:44 minutes

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 3:52 p.m. No.19048060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8072 >>8083 >>8107 >>8234

U.S. Is #1 World Consumer Of Child Trafficking While Mexico Is #1 Supplier | Eduardo Breaks Down How U.S.-Mexico Are Hurting Each Other. Eduardo Verastigui director

11:44 minutes


60% of child pornography is created in MX and consumed in US!

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 4:01 p.m. No.19048107   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Second video with Eduardo

Spread Awareness Of Child Trafficking With The Film ‘Sound of Freedom’ At

13:52 minutes

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 4:20 p.m. No.19048205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

James O’Keefe EXPOSES BlackRock Employee, Revealing “Evil” Intentions Of Global Ruling Class. You can buy a senator for $10,000, its so cheap. We don’t want the Ukraine conflict to end, we make so much money on it

6:32 minutes


Thank God for O’Keefe, I hope he and his staff have serious protection!

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 4:26 p.m. No.19048234   🗄️.is 🔗kun


3rd Video Eduardo

Witness American Hero Tim Ballard In The Film “Sound Of Freedom” At

4:45 minutes

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 4:41 p.m. No.19048283   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is freakin funny, Navarro and Bannon go back to their Grateful Dead days. Criticize Jordan and Comer. I can’t tell if he’s saying Barr or Durham is the most dangerous man in America! Peter Navarro: "That guy is one of the most dangerous men in America right now"

6:14 minutes

Anonymous ID: dac2c3 June 21, 2023, 4:52 p.m. No.19048317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8324 >>8331

Rogan O'Handley Gives Update On Adam Schiff's Censure

6:50 minutes

I literally hate this guy. Schitt is taking rounds of approval from MSM, for how pathetic the Durham hearing went. Jordan and Republican need to man up and ask advice from Nunes and Kash!