Anonymous ID: 032454 June 25, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.1905643   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We also estimated that Crittenton did not properly document the care and release of approximately 9 percent of all children released to sponsors in FYs 2014 and 2015. Without adequate documentation in the case files, ORR could not be assured that, for an estimated 71 children, Crittenton had followed ORR policies. In addition, without accurate information on the number of released children, ORR did not have assurance that Crittenton ensured program integrity and that every child Crittenton released was accounted for.

Crittenton is a nonprofit child welfare and behavioral health agency in Fullerton, California. Since 2006, Crittenton has participated in the UAC program and served more than 4,000 children. In FYs 2014 and 2015, Crittenton claimed approximately $20.5 million in Federal funds for the care and placement of 1,096 UAC.