Anonymous ID: b779f8 June 21, 2023, 5:46 p.m. No.19048635   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It wasn't an error.. the "error" had largely to do with valuing equipment at replacement cost and now they're switching to an actual cost valuation basis (includes accumulated depreciation).. but it SHOULD be valued at replacement cost because that's what it would cost anyone to get their own new equipment and that's what its going to cost the tax payers to replace it for fucks sake. The argument for valuing it with depreciation is fucked, because this isn't a market deal, its an aid package.


its like we said "ok ukraine and ukrainesupportfags, we'll give you 7B.. here's a bunch of equipment that cost 7B, we'll give it to you" and the ukrainesupportfags are like "well this is older equipment, so its not worth as much as it cost you so give us more stuff because you said you'd give us 7B… not that you'd spend 7B on us."