Anonymous ID: fd40b1 June 21, 2023, 5:32 p.m. No.19048546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8583 >>8779 >>8979 >>9072 >>9084 >>9097

Ms Hageman:

Mr Durham, in reviewing your report. I sincerely wanted to understand the work that you did and decipher the various investigations that we have been discussing the origins, the history, the backstory, the who's the, why's the, what's the, what ifs and the how I desperately wanted to figure out what happened to what was once our flagship law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the DOJ to determine what went wrong and to evaluate how we can go forward from here. I have listened with great interest, hoping to find some answers to the burning questions of the day and I have reached a few conclusions that I do not believe are subject to dispute or debate. Now, I truly appreciate your regard for the agency you have dedicated your career to. I am sure that as your investigation progressed, you must have been truly saddened by what you found, what you have exposed. However, is that we are dealing with something so corrupt and so rotten that no amount of face paint deflection or whitewashing can fix this. You have been asked lots of questions about predicates protocols, the steel dossier, the Australian connection. Mr Papadopoulos, Mr Carter, the Pfizer court and crossfire hurricane among others. Your responses have been enlightening but let's get to the Brass tax. None of those people or documents or reports were relevant to the FBI when it identified Donald Trump as public enemy.


The accuracy and veracity of the Steele dossier was irrelevant to the FBI, the accuracy and veracity of the reports coming from the Australian Embassy were irre irrelevant to the FBI. The fact that the Russian experts in the CIA FBI, NSA and other agencies had no evidence of any kind of relationship between Mr Trump and Putin or Russia was irrelevant to the FBI. And the fact that there was no verifiable evidence such as testimony, documents, videos or recordings of Russian collusion was irrelevant to the FBI. Nothing and I repeat nothing that the FBI did was designed to show that Donald J Trump was a Russian asset. That wasn't the purpose of the entire charade. How do I know this is true because they told us so the very people who cooked this up are the ones who ran this entire opera operation. Strock Lisa Page Andrew mccabe Klein Smith Steele, the DNC Perkins coy. And in fact, from the very beginning, they knew that no such thing actually existed. They knew that the entire Russian collusion narrative was fabricated by the Clinton campaign to deflect attention from her mishandling of classified materials and destruction of official emails, but they didn't need to prove Russian collusion. They just had to keep the investigation alive. And so long as they had a complicit press and so long as they had people in this very body who has been here, one of the gentlemen who has been here much of the day who would go on TV, every night and lie about the smoking gun, they could further their personal and personal and political agendas. Well, no, the purpose of crossfire hurricane wasn't to prove Russia conclusion. It was to destroy Donald Donald J Trump. And they told us that with the text messages that are set forth on page 49 and 51 of your report, 49 and 50 of your report. And then if they failed at blocking Mr Trump from being elected as president, well, they had a backup plan. They had their insurance policy to use Stros terminology, which was to make it impossible for him to govern, to use whatever tools were available to taint his presidency, the legitimacy of his election, his ability to work with foreign leaders and to make everything about Russia, Russia, Russia. And how has this corruption and rap manifested itself in our everyday lives in our national culture and our ability to solve the problems we are facing. It has destroyed some of the key foundations of this country.

Anonymous ID: fd40b1 June 21, 2023, 6:14 p.m. No.19048860   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But Ms Spartz gave an excellent enumeration of all the things that you found in your report. And that's why people like me and I don't wanna speak for any bills on here. We're baffled, just utterly baffled that more people have not been held accountable for their crimes because these are crimes, what's gone on in this country, the division in this country today. I can trace back to one thing. It isn't Trump going down the, the escalator. It is this steel dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton through the cutouts and that's caused the division in this country today.