Anonymous ID: 5009ee June 21, 2023, 7:09 p.m. No.19049211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9280

This is why Russia will be the dominating force in humanities release from slavery; the reason [they] hate Russia.


Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin developed a model school in alignment with Anastasia’s Dream of Forest Schools of the Future, where ordinary pupils acquire official bachelor’s and master’s degrees from accredited universities by the time they are seventeen. The pupils cover the whole 11-year curriculum of the compulsory school system in just two years, having designed, built and decorated their campus all by themselves. A ten-year-old girl, for example, can build a house, draw beautifully, cook meals, dance ballroom dance steps and master the fundamentals of Russian martial arts.


…Years are behind us now. I have held on to the conviction that Man can do everything! It is precisely through making sense of this saying that our multifunctional school, the whole school complex, the whole school-Man, has been developed. Our purpose is not ‘knowledge-know-how-habits’. It is not endless drilling and rote-learning, or the spoon-feeding of information. Rather, it is the raising of Man to live harmoniously, to act in harmony with society – a Man who, when he sees and analyses the phenomena of life which surround him, can feel their interconnection, can perceive the world as a whole. And no matter what he becomes – an engineer, physicist, chemist, builder, teacher etc. – he will understand that he is going out into a whole, complete, unified world!


We are in the process of shaping Man’s ability to get along in this whole, unified world from a very young age. Right from childhood Man must be raised beginning with his roots, with his very essence. And the essence of Man is his humanity. And this consists in re-uniting, one way or another, his life-forces in the struggle against the forces of chaos and disintegration. But the development of Man’s essence is not only the goal – it is at the same time the means to achieving this goal.


After all, why is the idea of the harmony of the individual so attractive and so productive? Because it alone is capable of appreciating the harmony of the world as the most valuable treasure, capable of preserving this integrity, this very harmony that has been in the making over millions of years of evolution…

Anonymous ID: 5009ee June 21, 2023, 7:24 p.m. No.19049280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9294


Schetinin school


Shchetinin Mikhail Petrovich is the author of a new pedagogical methodology for the personal and patriotic development of children and teenagers. The program of Shchetinin’s school is based on the free choice of the kind of activity using work skills, athletic training, and creativity development. The main part of the innovative program is the pedagogy of cooperation with immersion in different subjects and the combination of several special schools into one. Thanks to the information dissemination on the Internet and television, Shchetinin’s school in the vicinity of Gelendzhik became widely known.


The Pedagogy of Cooperation is the Basis of the Innovative System


The school has its philosophy: education is necessary for the formation of a harmonious, integral personality with systemic thinking.


The Ideas of the Method:


all people have unlimited opportunities for self-development;

the task of the teacher is to give freedom of choice to the student;

personality formation should be based on its inherent natural talents;

each student has his/her own terms of development.


In the end, the student himself/herself creates his/her system of education. And school only helps in useful endeavors.


The pedagogy of cooperation is based on the following principles:


The morality and spirituality of the learner is the part of his/her lifestyle, not the jawbone.

It is important to strive for knowledge.

Beauty can be found in everything.

Diligence is the basis of everything.

Sports training is carried out through the classes of hand-to-hand fight as the self-defense.


The effectiveness of the method is visible in the students. They are capable of cooperation and productive thinking, sociable, and opened to others, can create something new, and take responsibility for their actions.

Anonymous ID: 5009ee June 21, 2023, 7:27 p.m. No.19049294   🗄️.is 🔗kun


President Donald J. Trump Is Protecting America’s Founding Ideals by Promoting Patriotic Education




Issued on: November 2, 2020


We will state the truth in full, without apology: We declare that the United States of America is the most just and exceptional Nation ever to exist on Earth.


President Donald J. Trump