Anonymous ID: be4201 June 22, 2023, 12:14 a.m. No.19050504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0511


There you go wanting to see with your eyes again. You've never had faith a day in your life. When you trust God, you don't need to know. You stay present and God either lets you know when to move out of harm's way or guides you through it.

The enemy is you, napoleon. You think you are the smartest one here because you want us all to die and you celebrate it, that is why your name is napoleon, you are smol with big words, and you think you are cunning but you are unwise. The enemy are the mind controlled luciferian psychopaths whose core has been pretty much dismantled, kmfao. What's coming is nothing God can't handle. What is coming is public awakening and the you fucking idiots have nowhere to run. What's coming is accountability. Saints don't run from the devil, faggot.


Economic collapse, people finding out their banks are an illusion and they have no money, panic, a failed attempt to lock us into digital currency, Noem already vetoed that shit in SD, so there's one hole, at least, sheriffs not complying with the NWO is another, Sheriffs who support Trump and hate commies, what's coming is us bypassing your digital prison using silver and whatever supplies we have while we help each other just like we do during every catastrophe and another failed plandemic because most of us aren't falling for the lies/illusion/magic tricks anymore, and a missile stand off/ww3 stand off .. then supposedly your massice cyber polygon shit where we are left without comms or gas or hospitals or water or whatever the fuck else and then the enemy wants to use martial law to round us up. We The People make up the military and they need Law enforcement to comply. You have too many wholes and you rely on magic. Your end times ritual is already fucked up and you know the devil doesn't forgive you pieces of shit, kmao. 6th gen warfare.. us vs AI. We already saw right through AI a long time ago when we saw that it lies and doesn't hold the truth, I wonder why.


Your lies are like a strong wind that makes us hold on tighter to our coats. The truth is like the hot sun that makes us want to take off our coats. The harder you faggots push, the more people will resist. Plus you pos didn't even get all your injection numbers.


We don't tell God how big our problems are, we tell the problem how big God is and God handles it for us. When one walks by faith, one is not a control freak scared ass faggot, such as your puny, pathetic, smol minded self, and one doesn't need to know HOW God will intervene, one just knows God WILL because God always DOES but you wouldn't know because 2ns sentence I wrote.