Here You Go…
They wanna talk about CHILDREN.!!!
Elimi files…
In these cases, they were importing and trafficking in Russian and East bloc women as sex slaves.
I want to talk about the children that are native to any war zone. The CIA did this across Africa, and anywhere they went as a standard part of their operations.
The names of the front companies will change over time. I am writing this down from memory after being inside the CIA for decades. Some of the details may be off, but the gist of the material will be correct.
The economics of a child being sold into sexual slavery are such that it is very lucrative.
A child in the sex slave business has a useful expected lifetime of two years. They fail to thrive in that setting. They die of disease, neglect, abuse and giving up.
The kids are killed if they are seriously hurt, refuse to work, or become too jaded to attract customers. They are almost never freed by their owners because they could talk. It is a dead end occupation usually.
No one takes a child like that to an ER because the sexual abuse might come to light. They are expendable goods that the owners don't expect to last anyway. If they are boys, they might grow up to be a pimp. Some children run away, but they are often re-captured by other pimps. If they come from another country, they have no papers and poor language skills. If they are picked up by the police, they are detained for months to years and deported, often back to the same war zone.
Some were child soldiers or child spies before being forced into sexual slavery. Even without that, they have disabling Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome intentionally inflicted in them in order to disable them and keep them from being able to run away successfully.
If they are transported to a place like New York City, the owner can make about US$50 per hour for about 10 hours a day, roughly US$500 a day or $3,000 a week, which is $150,000 a year.
The kid's food costs next to nothing. The owner has to house them. The rent and clothes, etc. are less than $10,000 depending on the location. It is still $140,000 profit per year, or about $300,000 for the expected life span of the child.
The going price for brothel owners to buy a kid on an auction block in New York City and D.C. is between $500 dollars for a sick kid to $50,000 for a choice virgin who is blond and blue eyed and speaks English.
The average price for a kid from a war zone is about US$2,000. Then there is about a $10,000 cost to get into the auction at all.
(Note: I have attended a number of these. I used to have a hobby of figuring out how to shut the auction houses down. It is a dangerous hobby. People practicing it are flirting with death. Hopefully, they are good spies or operatives before they try it. For training good spies, it is an intiation practice; like the American Indian practice of slapping a grizzly bear. )
The CIA runs the kids in and sells them in large lots like by the ship full or several hundred on a trainload to the auctioners. In that regard it is like the CIA drug running, the CIA only does the big stuff.
If you mess with them at that level they order a hit on you without thinking twice. If one interfers with the next level down, after they sold the kids already, they are not so uptight about it – it may not be their financial loss.
Gathering the "harvest" of orphans in war zones
The CIA and its corporate bosses like the Rockefellers and Bushs make about 1,000 USD per kid from a war zone if they sell them to auctioners. Of that 1,000, the CIA will get about 300, and about 700 will go to the corporate bosses. For drugs the split is more like 15 USD per 100 in profit going to the CIA. There is much more money to be made when the bosses keep the kids in their own hands. So the best kids are skimmed off the top and never make it to the auction houses. Kids are skimmed off either because of looks or smarts. A smart kid, like I was, can be a life long asset and make an owner a lot more money. About 1 -2 percent of kids are tried that way, as spies or corporate slaves. About 5 percent of the kids are skimmed off by the bosses for looks. The best of these end up as a house boy or girl of a politician that the boss wants to keep happy and controlled. They will also be spying on the politician for the boss. In that position some of these kids make it into adulthood.