KEK knew you autists were still around.
Right now, let's focus on one thing at a time.
MAXINE going down.
Fucking DEMS need to be connected to the human trafficking in the southern border and beyond.
'muh kids'
Show who's FAKE.
as expected, we have our new order given dulge of shareblue shills.
wonder who gave the orders?
We are tracking.
comes up as gookspeak. some faggot level slides we got going on.
87bd47 and others under watch.
He is indeed. That's all they got now. Pawns are cut off, surrounded, and no way out.
They are deluding themselves.
>People who have walked the shadows have peculiar ways, even if they are not evil.
Extremely accurate. More ways than one. Evil in this world is, to put it carefully, DEEP.
Blame not those who go into the abyss…
>A perspective tool to be used by the audience to understand and assess later events and characters.
VERY accurate, again.
I do understand to some degree what it was speaking about. Perspective is absolutely important.
For want of knowledge, my family is lost.
tribe, blood etc.
I have read the archives repeatedly, and still am trying to figure out as much as possible. Since the time has been detached from my experiences, I am at a free floating zone so to speak.
btw, that poster apparently dropped by in 2016 in another rofschild thread in GLP, sounding somewhat exasperated but still the same.
I am worried for POTUS for variety of reasons. 'brave commoner' was it?
Nothing is assumed, all are questioned.
Post, POTUS speech and rally, we got literally 5-7 shills in here talking to each other and creating confusion, Baker.
BO/BVs, there seem to have been major change in tactics in these (((shills))).
Be advised, syntaxes (((glow))).
Some interesting movements. They are still trying to direct narratives and distract.
Let's dig. Also, fuck the kikes and black hat shills.
It's not just that. (((they))) have been given permission to use words such as 'kike' 'jew' et including anon pics.
No anons are this similar, this consistent and on here 24/7. Same script, same exact actions…multiple.
DIG, and pray.
Can confirm, Erik Prince is not a fucking idiot.
'Flynn in danger'
'lost house'
/ourguys/ protect our patriots.