great! (insert sarcasm) false civil rights info on Ingram . Ingram even asked about compensatory damage! (compensatory damages means you deserve compensation for your loss) No civil rights violations took place. Criminal statutes may have been violated if the owner of Red Hen violated stalking laws by following the people if the State laws cover it OR (notice my caps on OR) the Red Hen owner and others crossed fed funded roads to further the harassment. Fed stalking laws are more inclusive. Lawfag jr
don't search dental records because this guy is AWOL there
Papa Huckabee sucking defending his daughter on Fox just like he is sucking at supporting Boyd who has a campaign of making TN a child adoption State screaming that TN will be the new State to supply your child sex and blood donations. How can father and daughter be so far apart? Papa Huckabee better get on board ASAP or I will think he is Cabal!