Anonymous ID: 45fa2c June 22, 2023, 12:07 p.m. No.19053124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3151


>a new era in meat production, which aims to eliminate harm to billions of animals slaughtered for food


everyone (except millennials) has probably heard the expression, "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

we accept the truth of this as axiomatic… the positive of having loved outweighs the negative of love lost.

by extension, this can be stated, "it is better to have lived and died, than never to have lived at all."

something i'm sure all stable, mentally healthy adults would likewise accept as axiomatic truth.

so this invalidates any of the PETAbrain anti-carnivore arguments about animal cruelty.

we would not support a population of a billion chickens as pets. if we didn't kill them and eat them, THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN BORN.

ergo, killing animals for food is NOT cruel, it is part of the natural order. by eating them, we GIVE them life to begin with.

EVERYTHING that lives survives on the death of other organisms.

it is purely human arrogance that PRESUMES the life of a chicken "means" more than the life of a carrot.

or that the death of a chicken is somehow more tragic than the death of a carrot.