Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 10:21 a.m. No.19052656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NATO states back fast-track membership for Ukraine – UK


While Britain supports Kiev’s rapid accession, some members have publicly disagreed


The UK is “very, very supportive” of fast-tracking Ukraine’s application to join NATO, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said on Wednesday. Cleverly claimed that the entire bloc shares his position, but French officials are more non-committal, and the US and Hungary appear outright opposed to the idea.


“We have seen Ukraine evolve and evolve quickly,” Cleverly told the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, a meeting of Kiev’s Western donors.


“The reform of their armed forces is happening while engaged in conflict and I think the UK’s position is that it would be very, very supportive” if the alliance dropped its requirement that Kiev fulfils a ‘membership action plan’ before admittance, Cleverly continued.


“The Ukrainians have demonstrated their commitment to military reform required for NATO membership through their actions on the battlefield, and I think all NATO allies recognize that,” he added.


Since the conflict with Russia began last February, Ukraine has received tens of billions of dollars worth of NATO weapons, while the US-led bloc trains its troops, provides intelligence support, and reportedly helps plan its attacks. Although Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has said that his country is a “de-facto” member of NATO, the bloc’s position remains unchanged from 2008, when it declared that Ukraine “will become a member” at an unspecified point in the future.


According to the 2008 declaration, Ukraine’s membership depends on it fulfilling a membership action plan. However, this requirement was waived for Sweden and Finland when they applied last year, and French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna told the conference that Ukraine could be granted the same shortcut.


“Perhaps we won’t require the membership action plan mechanism, perhaps not,” she said. “I say perhaps not…we are a long way from 2008. Time has passed, the situation is quite different.”


No decision will be made, however, without Washignton’s consent. Last week, US President Joe Biden stated that the country would have to meet the same standards as everyone else and that “we are not going to make it easy.”

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 10:31 a.m. No.19052696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2788 >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

Cop with 'Spotless' Record Caught Hiding Cameras to Record Children Undressing, Trafficking Videos


The badge and uniform does not signify virtue, just as each 'spotless' record doesn't denote innocence.


In a crude reminder of the deep-rooted corruption in law enforcement and the judicial system, former Veterans Affairs police officer, Robert Wayne Roady, has been sentenced to a mere 14 years for his heinous and despicable crimes involving child exploitation. This shocking case, in which the alleged protector of citizens turned predator, embodies a blight on the face of justice and accountability.


Roady, a 50-year-old Roseburg resident, made the perverse decision to invade the sanctity of a home by hiding cameras in the bedrooms and showers to exploit innocent children, creating a trail of sexually explicit photos and videos. Confronted by Douglas County sheriff's investigators after they received a tip-off in October 2020, Roady was finally cornered into admitting his guilt.


This is when his blue privilege began to emerge. The plea he entered was to a single count of attempted transportation of child pornography - a crime that begs the question, why was he allowed to plead to only one charge? The appalling reality is that our justice system appears to have handed Roady a sweetheart deal, considering the magnitude and the long-lasting impact of his atrocities.


Federal prosecutors rightly recommended a sentence of 17 years and six months. However, his defense attorney, Kurt David Hermansen, audaciously requested a sentence of just eight years and four months, citing Roady's so-called 'spotless record' and lack of prior criminal history.


But just because he wasn't caught until now, certainly does not mean he has no criminal history.


His defense underscores the wider problem that plagues law enforcement institutions: the illusion of integrity built on 'spotless records.' Roady's record was anything but spotless, concealing a sinister and disturbing history of child exploitation. This case represents a poignant failure of the system to identify and address criminal behavior within its own ranks.


Furthermore, Hermansen's attempts to appeal to sympathy by highlighting Roady's 26-year Army veteran status, his service in the Middle East, and his physical ailments seem nothing more than a diversion from the severity of Roady's actions. The ailments he endures, while unfortunate, should in no way be used as a shield to deflect the gravity of the monstrous crimes he committed.

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 10:34 a.m. No.19052708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2738 >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

Ron DeSantis Hosts D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion’s Lawyer’s Office.


Would-be GOP nominee Ron DeSantis is hosting a fundraiser at the offices of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, one of the top D.C. lobbying firms who served as lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems, and count amongst their top directors Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff. The event will take place on June 23rd, in Suite 1200 at 1155 F Street NW – otherwise known as the offices of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, which also famously dropped the Republican National Committee as a client in a lawsuit against the Democrat Party’s Jan 6 Committee.


One of the key names on the invite is Marc Lampkin, a lobbyist for the firm with links to the Chinese Communist Party, as well as Big Pharma and the puberty blocker industry. Critically, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck boasts of representing Dominion Voting Systems, stating on its website: “Dominion Voting Systems, a provider of voting technology in 28 states, faced baseless allegations of fraud in the 2020 election. They needed a defense team with not only a strong reputation but the ability to manage the lawsuit while maintaining a nonpartisan stance. Dominion turned to Brownstein. Our team secured a quick dismissal. The federal judge subsequently awarded attorneys fees and costs to the defendants and imposed sanctions on the plaintiffs’ attorneys who brought the frivolous and politically motivated lawsuit purportedly on behalf of all registered voters. This comprehensive resolution was not only crucial in maintaining Dominion’s ability to support elections and rebuking threats against its employees, but also in correcting misinformation propagated to the general public.”


Dominion first retained the firm in 2019, with Nadeem Elshami – Pelosi’s former chief of staff – listed as one of the specific lobbyists. Dominion’s six figure annual payments for representation continue to this day. In February, DeSantis hosted Dominion lawyer Libby Locke for a panel discussion about defamation in Hialeah Gardens, Florida.

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 10:43 a.m. No.19052745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2754 >>2764 >>2778 >>2891 >>2914 >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

RFK Jr. Says China And U.S. Developing Ethnic Bio-Weapons — Pentagon Says No


Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Newsmax host Greta Van Susteren that both China and the United States were developing “ethnic bio-weapons” that could target people based on racial types — the Pentagon has since denied that claim.


Kennedy, who has garnered a bit of a reputation as a “conspiracy theorist,” has previously lobbied against state laws requiring vaccinations and vocally opposed the push to force Americans to get vaccinated against COVID, saying that he was not against the vaccines themselves, but the fact that people were being forced into taking them.


During Kennedy’s recent appearance on “The Record With Greta Van Susteren,” he took things in a different direction when he argued that China and the U.S. were already developing bio-weapons that could target specific ethnicities.


Van Susteren prompted Kennedy with a comment about the danger of a virus — potentially one created using gain-of-function research — that could be used as a weapon of mass destruction.


“I see that as the next big fight … those viruses don’t see any borders,” she said, adding, “That’s what I worry about more than the big hardware.”


“Yes, you’re exactly right,” Kennedy agreed. “And we know that the Chinese are developing ethnic bio-weapons — bio-weapons that are designed to attack people of certain racial types, and we’re doing the same thing.”



Kennedy did not provide much context to support his claim, but RollingStone speculated it was loosely based on comments made by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin in recent weeks.


“We’re also concerned by reports of the spread of mass DNA collection to Tibet as an additional form of control and surveillance over the Tibetan population,” Blinken said in early May.


“These claims do not hold water and mean nothing except manufacturing sensational news items,” Wang Wenbin said in response during a news conference held the following day. “The US widely collects and uses genomic information. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon has formulated R&D plans for hitting opponents with genetically engineered weapons. Those involved disclosed that the genomic data of Asian Chinese, European Aryans and Middle Eastern Arabs are all being collected by the US military … It’s pretty clear who exactly is using genomic information for secret purposes.”

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 10:47 a.m. No.19052768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2777 >>2797 >>2817 >>2895 >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

U.S. Reading And Math Scores For 13-Year-Olds Declined To Lowest Level In Decades: Report


Average math and reading test scores for 13-year-olds in the United States hit the lowest levels in decades, according to a recent national long-term trend assessment released on Wednesday.


National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) officials reported the declining education levels occurred during the pandemic. However, the downward trajectory began at least a decade before government officials and school districts shuttered classroom doors and switched to online learning in response to COVID.


NAEP, which has been monitoring student performance in both subjects since the 1970s, administered the federal standardized basic skills tests last fall that showed an average of 256 out of 500 in reading scores and 271 out of 500 in mathematics scores in the 2022‒23 school year. Three years ago, reading levels were at 260, while math scores averaged about 280. Although the scores represented primarily lower-performing students and minority groups, every percentile saw decreased levels.


“The ‘green shoots’ of academic recovery that we had hoped to see have not materialized, as we continue to see worrisome signs about student achievement and well-being more than two years after most students returned for in-person learning,” National Center for Education Statistics Commissioner Peggy G. Carr said in a news release. “There are signs of risk for a generation of learners in the data we are releasing today and have released over the past year.”


Carr said the center observed steep drops in achievement, troubling shifts in reading habits, and rising mental health challenges paired with “alarming” changes in school climate.


“The mathematics decline for 13-year-olds was the single largest decline we have observed in the past half a century,” Carr added. “The mathematics score for the lowest-performing students has returned to levels last seen in the 1970s, and the reading score for our lowest-performing students was actually lower than it was the very first year these data were collected, in 1971.”


According to the center, fewer students engage in “reading for fun” and forego taking algebra courses since 2012, particularly in the Western region of the U.S.



“Aside from its academic effects, reading opens the mind and the heart to new ways of seeing and thinking about the world,” Carr said. “Many of our young people will never discover latent passions or areas of interest without reading broadly on their own time.”


NCES acting Associate Commissioner Dan McGrath said before 2012, the center noticed improvements in math and some in reading since the 1970s. However, middle school students’ learning achievements continued declining, lasting more than a decade.


“Middle school is a critical time for students — a time when they are maturing academically as well as socially and emotionally,” McGrath said. “What happens for students in middle school can strongly influence their path through high school and beyond.”


U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona addressed the assessment in a news release on Wednesday, arguing the latest data shows further evidence the pandemic had a devastating impact on students’ learning abilities nationwide.


Cardona filled much of his response pushing the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan stimulus bill, in which he claims school districts committed nearly 60% of the funding received toward addressing lost learning time and hiring more school staff, including teachers, tutors, and counselors while extending learning time through high quality after school and summer learning programs.


Some lawmakers said the results of the latest assessment show the need for school choice.


“Students are entering high school who cannot read,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), the top Republican on the Senate HELP Committee, said in a news release, according to POLITICO. “This is intolerable. Parents should have the power to place their child in a school which is most likely to address the child’s educational need. These scores make the case for school choice better than any other argument.”


Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), chair of the House Education and Workforce committee, told the news outlet that “education freedom is the key to reversing this trend.”


Both the NCES and the National Assessment Governing Board will host an event Wednesday at 1 p.m. ET to review the test results.

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.19052782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Snctm sex club founder banned after naming Hunter Biden as former member


Damon Lawner, the founder of Snctm, has been banned from the high-end sex club after he publicly identified Hunter Biden as a former member. The claim about President Biden's son was included in a Times profile of Lawner published Tuesday.


"Snctm, as a private members club, prioritizes the safety and privacy of our esteemed members above all," a spokeswoman for Snctm wrote in an email to The Times on Wednesday. "Consequently, we neither confirm nor deny the identities of our attendees. Furthermore, we uphold a strict code of conduct, and any infringement leads to a lifetime ban. Please note that Mr. Lawner's membership has been revoked, effective immediately."


The spokeswoman said Lawner "has had no affiliation with Snctm since 2019," when he sold the club for $1 million.


Lawner, 52, created Snctm in 2013 after watching the Tom Cruise movie "Eyes Wide Shut," which features scenes in which wealthy elites gather at a secretive orgy. With a carefully curated guest list and membership fees of up to $75,000 a year, it became the free-love private playground of Hollywood actors, rock stars, chief executives, city officials and run-of-the-mill millionaires.


Lawner told The Times he chose to sell the business after the lifestyle he lived as its owner ruined his relationships with his family.


In the profile, he discussed the early days of the club, the elaborate Snctm masquerade parties he hosted at mansions and nightclubs around town, and his latest business ventures: an erotic restaurant on the Sunset Strip and a high-end cannabis line called Sex Weed.


The story also noted that after Hunter Biden reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors on Tuesday, Lawner said in an Instagram Story that the president’s son had once been a Snctm member.


"Hunter was a member at Snctm and I canceled his membership after 1 party because he's a scumbag," Lawner wrote in a since-deleted post.

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.19052786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

House Panel Passes Bill Calling on Biden to Send Ukraine Long-Range Missiles


The ATACMS have a range of up to 190 miles


The House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday passed a resolution to pressure President Biden to escalate US involvement in the Ukraine war by supplying Kyiv with longer-range missiles.


The bill calls on Biden to immediately arm Ukraine with the Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), munitions with a range of up to 190 miles. The ATACMS can be fired by the HIMARS rocket systems that the US has been providing Ukraine.


Most of the ammunition Kyiv has for use with the HIMARS has a range of about 50 miles, although the US has also pledged Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDB), which can hit targets up to 94 miles away. Russia said in March that it had downed a GLSDB for the first time.


Providing ATACMS would give Ukraine the ability to hit more targets inside Russia. The Biden administration claims that it doesn’t want Kyiv using US weapons to hit Russian territory, but the restriction doesn’t apply to Crimea.


After passing the resolution, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said ATACMS are “critical to Ukraine’s success in the counteroffensive.” Throughout the war, McCaul has been critical of President Biden for not giving Ukraine everything that it demands.


“There’s no reason to give Ukraine just enough to bleed but not enough to win,” McCaul said, according to The Hill. “It’s been my criticism all along — if we’re going to be helping them, either go all in or get out.”


The resolution was also backed by the top Democrat on the panel, Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY). It faced some opposition, with Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) saying he doesn’t support sending more weapons to Ukraine without a clear goal.


“When you don’t define the mission, no one can be held accountable,” David. “We owe it to the [American] men and women, if we commit to a war — even a proxy war — that we define the mission before we commit to the mission.”


The resolution now heads to the House floor. According to The Hill, the legislation is expected to have wide support.

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.19052810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

JPM Lawsuit Shows Dem. Rep. Plaskett Solicited Epstein For Campaign Contributions


Chances are, if Democratic Representative Stacey Plaskett's name is in the headlines then it is not for good reason. When she's not explicitly making threats of prison time against the likes of investigative journalists like Matt Taibbi for their research into government corruption then she still has a hard time veiling her malevolent intent, as demonstrated when she "accidentally" called for Donald Trump to be shot in a freudian slip that spoke more volumes about the integrity of the congresswoman more than any scripted partisan rhetoric she prepares for her latest appearance on MSNBC ever could. That boisterousness has further etched her name into infamy as her latest slip of the tongue drew ire that put her back in the cross hairs of her critics. With a renewed sense of animosity aimed at her, it didn't take long for Plaskett to see herself enveloped in another controversy that further demonstrates the complete dearth of any moral compass.


Unsealed documents from the lawsuit brought against JPMorgan for their role in enabling the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein show that Plaskett was found to have directly solicited campaign contributions from the sexual predator ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. Of course, in 2018 Epstein's status as a serial sex offender suspected to be operating an on-going human trafficking network as a political blackmail tool was well-known, let alone to an elected democratic official who likely took aim against Donald Trump's first Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta for his role at the Department of Justice in tendering a non-prosecution agreement for Epstein under the direction of then FBI Director Robert Mueller.


Given the lack of self awareness Plaskett has conveyed throughout her congressional career, it should come as no surprise that she made a vapid attempt to play dumb when evidence of Epstein's donations to her campaign came to light. The democratic representative states she was unaware of those contributions until after press reports pointing to them following her campaign finance filings. Yet, the documents in the JPMorgan lawsuit which bring this issue back to light irrefutably prove that Plaskett herself emailed Epstein directly to beg for his financial support. "I would be grateful for his support and the support of those that he may direct to assist me," she wrote in an email on July 12th, 2018 in which she invited Epstein to her Bloomberg campaign fundraiser in New York City.


Further examination of those unsealed documents shows that Plaskett's foray into the tangled web Esptein wove was aided by her connection to former First Lady of the Virgin Islands Cecile DeJongh – a woman who served as the office manager of several of the sex offenders companies. De Jongh's earliest correspondence with Epstein regarding Plaskett was referenced in the lawsuit in an email going all the way back to 2014 when she first vied for the at-large congressional seat reserved for the US Virgin Islands against then Virgin Island Senate President Shawn Malone. Plaskett seemingly being groomed directly by Epstein's network highlights an even greater involvement in his criminal syndicate than any one-time donation could prove.


Plaskett last addressed being revealed as another cog in the Epstein political machine on June 8th when she was a guest on WTJX FM talkshow Analyze This. The congresswoman chalked up Epstein's donation as nothing more than a "bad fundraising decision." Despite the admission of guilt, Plaskett's spokesman Mike McQueery told CNBC that she had no plans to return the donation back in 2019 in the wake of Epstein's final arrest. This controversy of Plaskett's has come to rear its ugly head again, though this time the revelation of her emails removes any doubt that she knowingly solicited the donation directly from Epstein. Given her track record, it is sure that her connection to Epstein is only one of many skeletons to emerge from her closet with many more likely to follow in its footsteps.

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11 a.m. No.19052826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'My daughter was murdered by a gender ideology': LA mom slams CPS after it took away her daughter and let her transition into a man - before she killed herself three years later aged just 19


Abigail Martinez's daughter, Yaeli, 19, died by suicide in September 2019 after transitioning to a boy

Martinez spoke to a California legislative committee last week and said the state took her daughter after she objected to the transition

'I beg you, stop pushing gender ideology,' Martinez said. 'I don't want any parent to feel what I feel every day'

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:02 a.m. No.19052837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

Raytheon CEO Explains Why China Has US Military By The Balls


Raytheon Chief Executive Greg Hayes admitted last week that Beijing effectively has the US military's supply chain by the balls thanks to its reliance on rare earths and other materials which come from, or are processed in, China.


According to Hayes, Raytheon has "several thousand suppliers in China," because of which "decoupling … is impossible."


"We can de-risk but not decouple," he told the Financial Times, adding that he thinks this is the case "for everybody."


"Think about the $500bn of trade that goes from China to the US every year. More than 95 per cent of rare earth materials or metals come from, or are processed in, China. There is no alternative," Hayes continued, adding "If we had to pull out of China, it would take us many many years to re-establish that capability either domestically or in other friendly countries."


Hayes’ comments underline the difficulties facing western manufacturers amid growing friction between China and the US and its allies.


Beijing in February imposed new sanctions on both Raytheon and US defence peer Lockheed Martin for supplying weapons to Taiwan. Hayes has also been placed under sanctions.


The sanctions have had little commercial impact as the groups are not allowed to sell military equipment to China. Raytheon, however, has a substantial commercial aerospace business in the country through its engine subsidiary, Pratt & Whitney, and aviation systems and cabin equipment specialist Collins Aerospace. It has about 2,000 direct employees in China. -FT


Hayes said that the company is looking "to take some of the most critical components and have second sources but we are not in a position to pull out of China the way we did out of Russia."


That said, entrepreneur Arnaud Bertrand makes a solid point - that this makes war with China "less likely."

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:06 a.m. No.19052859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Neocon Monster: The Ruinous Lies & Crimes of Bill Kristol, Now a Major Foreign Policy Thought-Leader in the Democratic Party

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.19052869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2911 >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

Mexico demands extradition of ‘torturer’ evading justice in Israel


Israel has reportedly 'dragged its feet' in processing the extradition of Tomas Zeron, who was involved in the 2014 disappearance of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers' College


Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on 20 June called on Israel to extradite the former head of Mexico’s criminal investigation agency, Tomas Zeron, who is wanted in connection to the disappearance of 43 students in southwestern Mexico in 2014.


Zeron is also accused of embezzling over $50 million and torturing suspects.


“It can’t be that Israel protects a torturer under any circumstance. Nobody in the world must protect torturers, much less those who suffered from repression, torture, extermination,” Lopez Obrador told reporters on Tuesday.


“I am sure that the Jewish community in Mexico will help us,” he stressed before questioning whether Tel Aviv is protecting Zeron because of his role in negotiating Mexico’s purchase of Israeli spyware.


“Imagine! For a business, for a sale, for money, to protect human rights violators,” Lopez Obrador added.


This is the second time the Mexican president has called on Israel to extradite Zeron. Tel Aviv has mostly remained silent over Mexico’s demands.


According to a New York Times (NYT) report released in February, Israeli authorities are “unlikely” to extradite Zeron, alleging that “delays and missteps” in Mexico’s requests have left the petition “all but dead.”


Nonetheless, one Israeli official that spoke with the NYT confirmed that Tel Aviv “dragged its feet” on the extradition request as payback for Lopez Obrador’s support of the Palestinian cause and Mexico’s approval of UN inquiries into Israeli war crimes against Palestinians.


Two weeks ago, Mexico fully recognized Palestinian statehood, upgrading Palestine’s special delegation to a full embassy.


Despite being wanted by Interpol, Zeron has been living in an upscale apartment building in Tel Aviv since late 2019 due to his ties to the Israeli tech sector, including embattled firm NSO Group — makers of the Pegasus spyware.


“Thanks to the solid ties that he forged with Israeli security technology vendors during the six-year term of [former president] Enrique Peña Nieto, Tomás Zerón was able to travel to Israel,” Mexican magazine Proceso revealed in 2020.


Zeron stepped down from his position in 2016 after a video was revealed showing him handling evidence that was never officially recorded. Three years later, he fled to Canada before making his way to Israel.


The disappearance of the 43 students in Iguala, Mexico, has rocked the North American country for the past nine years. Last August, a truth commission tasked with investigating the case concluded that all levels of the Mexican government were involved.


“Their actions, omissions or participation allowed the disappearance and execution of the students, as well as the murder of six other people,” Mexico’s top human rights official, Alejandro Encinas, said last year, referring to former government and military officials — including Zeron.


For the past several decades, Israel has become a haven for wanted criminals thanks to lax extradition laws and the so-called ‘law of return,’ which grants Israeli citizenship to Jews across the world based on ancestral claims that are two millennia old.


Those enjoying a haven in Israel include many Jewish-American pedophiles, as well as countless fraudsters, money launderers, and war criminals.–justice-in-israel

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.19052890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2912 >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

Scientist, 92, who created Russia's thermonuclear bombs is found hanged in his Moscow apartment


Officials said they found a suicide note next to his body at his Moscow home

Klinishov's death follows a slew of suspicious deaths of high-profile Russians


A 92-year-old scientist who created the first Soviet two-stage RDS-37 thermonuclear bomb has been found hanged in his apartment.


Grigory Klinishov was found dead at his central Moscow home, as Russian investigators said they were probing the death of the nonagenarian atomic expert.


Klinishov was reported to have died on June 17. Officials said a suicide note was found next to his body.


Klinishov - whose photograph was never released by the Soviet authorities - was found by his daughter, 67.


The scientist was a creator of the first Soviet two-stage thermonuclear bomb RDS-37, tested on 22 November 1955 at Semipalatinsk training ground by dropping it from a Tu-16 bomber.


Born in 1930, the bomb designer developed several types of thermonuclear bomb charges for subsequent generations.


The Russian Investigative Committee said: 'A note was found next to the scientist, on whose neck injuries characteristic of hanging were found.


'The reasons for the suicide could be the severe illness of the scientist and the death of his wife.'


However a probe was underway pending a decision on whether to initiate a criminal case into his death, said the committee.


But Klinishov's suicide follows a string of mysterious deaths in recent years linked to high-profile Russians.


It comes just months after Andrey Botikov - one of the 18 scientists who worked on the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine in 2020 - was found strangled to death with a belt in his Moscow home. Russia's investigative committee has launched a murder investigation following the death.

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19052923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2944 >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

Biden Misses Deadline for Declassifying Intelligence on Covid Pandemic Origins


The deadline passed on Sunday without the declassification happening.


Back in March this year, Biden signed a bipartisan bill that directed the federal government to declassify as much intelligence as possible about the origins of covid.


The legislation, which passed both the House and Senate without dissent, directs the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to declassify intelligence related to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. It cites “potential links” between the research that was done there and the outbreak of Covid-19, which the World Health Organization declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The law allows for redactions to protect sensitive sources and methods.


U.S. intelligence agencies are divided over whether a lab leak or a spillover from animals is the likely source of the deadly virus. Experts say the true origin of the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 1.1 million in the U.S. and millions more around the globe, may not be known for many years — if ever.


Recent revelations have identified Chinese scientists working at the Wuhan Institute of Virology as “patients zero” and have focused on poor biosafety practices that may have contributed to a lab leak zero. So, after years of being deemed a racist conspiracy theory, the lab leak origin is the theory that has sustained the test of time and evidence.


Thus, there is now a great deal of interest in the covid origin material that is slated to be declassified. However, the Biden team has missed the deadline. The deadline passed on Sunday without the declassification happening.


Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), the chairman of the select committee on China who sponsored the bill in the House, told the Washington Examiner that “Congress overwhelmingly passed legislation requiring the administration to declassify all relevant intelligence around the origins of COVID-19.” The congressman said, “Biden cannot continue to ignore this overwhelming bipartisan consensus” and that “Congress must use every tool at its disposal to enforce this law and ensure the president makes this information available to the public.”


The law instructed Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to “declassify any and all information relating to potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origin” of COVID-19, including intelligence on the “activities performed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology with or on behalf of the People’s Liberation Army” and “coronavirus research or other related activities performed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the outbreak” of SARS-CoV-2.


Look a submarine

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:28 a.m. No.19052961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3081 >>3112

NHS Director of End-of-Life “Care” confirms Doctors lied about COVID being Cause of Death to create illusion of a Pandemic


Before Covid, four types of pneumonia added together were the highest cause of death in the UK. In a newly implemented Medical Examiner System to certify deaths, the Medical Examiner was certifying all types of pneumonia deaths as covid-19 deaths, a former Director of End-of-Life Care has said.


On Saturday, Sai, a former NHS Director of End-of-Life Care, wrote a Twitter thread which, amongst other things, gave a personal account of the changes to the system of reporting deaths implemented in the NHS:


“When four different diseases [are] grouped and now being called covid-19, you will inevitably see covid-19 with a huge death rate. The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in covid-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.


“Patients being admitted and dying with very common conditions such as old age, myocardial infarctions, end-stage kidney failure, haemorrhages, strokes, COPD and cancer etc. were all now being certified as covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.


“Hospitals were switching to and from the Medical Examiner System and the pre-pandemic system as [and] when they pleased. When covid-19 deaths needed to be increased, the hospital would switch to the Medical Examiner System.”


In addition, “hospitals were incentivised to report covid-19 deaths over normal deaths, as the government was paying hospitals additional money for every covid-19 death that was being reported,” Sai said. “I have no doubt in my mind, that the Government has planned the entire pandemic since 2016 when they first proposed the change to medical death certification.”

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19053031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3039 >>3081 >>3090 >>3092 >>3112

IRS whistleblower reveals Biden's DOJ interfered in Hunter Biden tax probe


"Despite what whistleblowers described as a clear-cut case for tax liability on these payments, IRS investigators say they found themselves hamstrung, internally."


On Thursday, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith released five new documents revealing evidence from two IRS whistleblowers who alleged that the Justice Department had interfered with the probe into Hunter Biden’s taxes.


In a press conference, Smith said "whistleblowers claim the Biden Department of Justice is intervening and overstepping when it comes to the investigation of the president’s son."


"Despite what whistleblowers described as a clear-cut case for tax liability on these payments, IRS investigators say they found themselves hamstrung, internally.


"The testimony we have just released details a lack of US attorney independence, recurring unjustified delays, unusual actions outside the normal course of any investigation, a lack of transparency across the investigation and prosecution teams, and bullying and threats from the defense counsel."


Smith said this was a "campaign of delay, divulge, and deny."


The whistleblowers said that reoccurring delays pervaded the investigation, "including authenticating a WhatsApp message in which Hunter Biden demands payment from Chinese officials, during which he noted that his father was in the room.


In an interview with the Ways and Means Committee on May 26, 2023, Gary Shapley, a supervisory special agent with the IRS Criminal Investigation, said that "Since October 2022, IRS CI has taken every opportunity to retaliate against me and my team."


"Even after IRS CI senior leadership has been made aware on a recurring basis that the Delaware US Attorney’s Office and the Department of Justice was acting improperly, they acquiesced to a DOJ request to remove the entire team from the Hunter Biden investigation, a team that had been investigating it for over 5 years."


Shapley said he was "blowing the whistle" because the "Delaware US Attorney's Office, Department of Justice Tax, and Department of Justice provided preferential treatment and unchecked conflicts of interest in an important and high-profile investigation of the President's son, Hunter Biden."


Shapley said the mission of the IRS CI to investigate potential criminal violations "can only be met by treating every taxpayer we encounter the same."


He said that the investigation, which had been launched in November of 2018, had been running smoothly until Biden because the "presumptive Democratic nominee for President in early April 2020," leading to "career DOJ officials dragg[ing] their feet on the IRS taking these investigative steps" which included approving a search warrant and 15 interviews.


In a June 16, 2020 call between himself, another special agent, and the chain of command up to the Director of Field Operations, Shapley said he "pointed out that if normal procedures had been followed we already would have executed search warrants, conducted interviews, and served document requests. Nevertheless, my IRS chain of command decided we would defer to DOJ."


"From around October 2020 through October 2022, I was the IRS CI manager who interacted directly with the United States Attorney, David Weiss, and individuals at DOJ Tax Division the most," Shapley said.

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:48 a.m. No.19053049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

16.8 Million Illegals Under Biden, Costing $150.6 Billion Per Year.


As estimated 16.8 million illegal aliens are now resident in the United States, representing an increase of 2.3 million compared to end-of-2020 estimates, with the illegal population growing by 16 percent under President Joe Biden. The costs imposed on American taxpayers by illegal aliens and any U.S.-born children have also been estimated, coming in at around $150.6 billion per year. This is an increase of $35 billion on 2017 estimates, when the figure was put at $116 billion. In contrast, American security assistance to Ukraine since the February 2022 invasion by Russia comes in at around $40 billion – give or take a few billion, depending on the accounting tricks deployed by the Pentagon. Calculated by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) nonprofit, the estimates include anyone who lacks “legal status” in the United States, even if they are “lawfully present” – migrants subject to deferred enforced departure, for example. FAIR cautions that estimating the size of the illegal alien population is an “inexact science”, as “we do not know exactly how many people cross the border illegally and evade immigration authorities, nor can anyone accurately quantify overstays or gotaways.” The nonprofit bases its calculations on changes in census data and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) estimates of undetected crossings.

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:51 a.m. No.19053057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3081 >>3112

Influential drug trafficking organisation halted in Bosnia and Herzegovina


The outcome of the latest action day brings the number of suspects arrested in the past 3 years to 38


Europol supported Bosnia and Herzegovina in identifying and dismantling a large-scale criminal network involved in the trafficking of drugs and weapons, money laundering and corruption. The investigation, initiated by a Europol analysis, involved the following authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Federal Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Interior of Republic of Srpska, Border Police and the State Prosecutors Office. Law enforcement (Federal Criminal Police Office) and judicial authorities from Germany also took part in the investigation.


The investigation, initiated in 2021, focused on the activities of a criminal network involved mainly in the production and trafficking of drugs in the Western Balkans, the EU and South America. Important leads, which served the identification of criminal actors, were obtained from operational analysis of encrypted communications. Europol supported the national authorities in developing their investigative activities by supplying them with important insights obtained from the suspects’ communications through the encrypted ANOM and SkyECC applications, the latter taken down in 2021.


The information exchange between different national authorities uncovered a large-scale organisation, spread across two continents and with some members holding positions in the national administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On 19 June, which saw the eighth action day organised within this three year-long operation, the national authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina arrested six individuals. These arrests bring the number of individuals arrested for their links to this organised crime group up to a total of 38.


Total results of the operation:

38 suspects arrested, 8 of which holding positions in the national administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1 High Value Target arrested in Germany extradited to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Seizures include over 300kg cannabis and real estate and cash with a total value of over EUR 6 million

Anonymous ID: 4829cd June 22, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.19053076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3085

Seven Sentenced to Federal Prison for Child Sex Trafficking in Green Lake County